
diff lm-report @ 0:18b21f6918f0

Initial revision
author devi
date Sun May 22 16:29:55 2005 +0300 (2005-05-22)
children a0f30dd46d1a
line diff
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lm-report	Sun May 22 16:29:55 2005 +0300
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
     1.4 +#!/usr/bin/perl -w
     1.5 +
     1.6 +#
     1.7 +# (c) Igor Chubin,, 2004
     1.8 +#
     1.9 +
    1.10 +use strict;
    1.11 +use Getopt::Long;
    1.12 +use Term::VT102;
    1.13 +use Text::Iconv;
    1.14 +use Data::Dumper;
    1.15 +
    1.16 +our $Config_File = "labmaker.conf";
    1.17 +our %Config = (
    1.18 +		"skip_empty" 			=> 	"yes",
    1.19 +		"skip_interrupted" 		=>	"no",
    1.20 +		"skip_wrong" 			=>	"no",
    1.21 +		"editors"			=>	["vi", "pico", "ee", "vim"],
    1.22 +		"pagers"			=>	["more", "less", "zmore", "zless", "info", 
    1.23 +							"man", "mc", "trafshow", "screen", "cfdisk",
    1.24 +							"trafshow-bsd", "yes", "lynx", "links", "centericq"
    1.25 +							],
    1.26 +		"terminal"			=>	["mc"],
    1.27 +		"suppress_editors"		=>	"yes",
    1.28 +		"suppress_pagers"		=>	"yes",
    1.29 +		"suppress_terminal"		=>	"yes",
    1.30 +
    1.31 +		"terminal_width"		=> 	100,
    1.32 +		"terminal_height"		=> 	100,
    1.33 +		"verbose"			=>	"yes",
    1.34 +
    1.35 +		"head_lines"			=> 	5,
    1.36 +		"tail_lines"			=>	5,
    1.37 +		"skip_text"			=>	"...",
    1.38 +		"show_time"			=>	"yes",
    1.39 +		"show_diffs"			=>	"yes",
    1.40 +		"show_comments"			=>	"yes",
    1.41 +
    1.42 +		"input"				=>	"/root/.labmaker",
    1.43 +		"diffs"				=>	"",
    1.44 +		"input_mask"			=>	"*.script",
    1.45 +		"encoding"			=> 	"utf-8",
    1.46 +
    1.47 +		"output"			=>	"/var/www/lm/reportINDEX.html",
    1.48 +		#"output"			=>	"report.xml",
    1.49 +		"output_mask"			=>	"INDEX",
    1.50 +		"output_format"			=>	"html",
    1.51 +
    1.52 +		"signature"			=>	"#lm:",
    1.53 +		"from"				=>	"",
    1.54 +		"to"				=>	"",
    1.55 +		"lab"				=>	"",
    1.56 +		"keywords"			=>	"linux command",
    1.57 +		"files_keywords"		=>	"linux file",
    1.58 +		
    1.59 +		comment_width			=>	"300",
    1.60 +		time_width			=>	"60",
    1.61 +
    1.62 +		);
    1.63 +
    1.64 +our @Command_Lines;
    1.65 +our @Command_Lines_Index;
    1.66 +our @Diffs;
    1.67 +
    1.68 +our %Commands_Stat;		# Statistics about commands usage
    1.69 +our %Files_Stat;		# Statistics about commands usage
    1.70 +
    1.71 +our %Search_Machines = (
    1.72 +		"google" => 	{ 	"query" => 	"" ,
    1.73 +					"icon" 	=> 	"google.ico" },
    1.74 +		"freebsd" => 	{ 	"query" => 	"",
    1.75 +					"icon"	=>	"freebsd.ico" },
    1.76 +		"linux"  => 	{ 	"query" => 	"",
    1.77 +					"icon"	=>	"linux.ico"},
    1.78 +		"opennet"  => 	{ 	"query" => 	"",
    1.79 +					"icon"	=>	"opennet.ico"},
    1.80 +		"local" => 	{ 	"query" => 	"",
    1.81 +					"icon"	=>	"freebsd.ico" },
    1.82 +
    1.83 +	);
    1.84 +
    1.85 +our %Elements_Visibility = (
    1.86 +		"note"		=>	"замечания",
    1.87 +		"diff"		=>	"редактор",
    1.88 +		"time"		=>	"время",
    1.89 +		"ttychange" 	=>	"терминал",
    1.90 +		"wrong_output wrong_cline wrong_root_output wrong_root_cline" 
    1.91 +				=>	"команды с ошибками",
    1.92 +		"interrupted_output interrupted_cline interrupted_root_output interrupted_root_cline" 
    1.93 +				=>	"прерванные команды",
    1.94 +		"tab_completion_output tab_completion_cline"	
    1.95 +				=> 	"продолжение с помощью tab"
    1.96 +);
    1.97 +
    1.98 +
    1.99 +sub load_diff_files
   1.100 +{
   1.101 +	my @pathes = @_;
   1.102 +	
   1.103 +	for my $path (@pathes) {
   1.104 +		my $template = "*.diff";
   1.105 +		my @files = <$path/$template>;
   1.106 +		my $i=0;
   1.107 +		for my $file (@files) {
   1.108 +			my %diff;
   1.109 +			
   1.110 +			$diff{"path"}=$path;
   1.111 +			$diff{"uid"}="SET THIS";
   1.112 +
   1.113 +# Сейчас UID определяется из названия каталога
   1.114 +# откуда берутся diff-файлы
   1.115 +# Это неправильно
   1.116 +#
   1.117 +# ВАРИАНТ:
   1.118 +# К файлам жураналам должны прилагаться ситемны файлы, 
   1.119 +# мз которых и будет определяться соответствие 
   1.120 +# имён пользователей их uid'ам
   1.121 +#
   1.122 +			$diff{"uid"} = 0 if $path =~ m@/root/@;	
   1.123 +			
   1.124 +			$diff{"bind_to"}="";
   1.125 +			$diff{"time_range"}=-1;
   1.126 +		
   1.127 +			next if not $file=~m@/(D?[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?)[^/]*?([0-9]*):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)@;
   1.128 +			$diff{"day"}=$1 || "";
   1.129 +			$diff{"hour"}=$2;
   1.130 +			$diff{"min"}=$3;
   1.131 +			$diff{"sec"}=$4 || 0;
   1.132 +			
   1.133 +			$diff{"index"}=$i;
   1.134 +
   1.135 +			print "diff loaded: $diff{day} $diff{hour}:$diff{min}:$diff{sec}\n";
   1.136 +			
   1.137 +			local $/;
   1.138 +			open (F, "$file")
   1.139 +				or return "Can't open file $file ($_[0]) for reading";
   1.140 +			my $text = <F>;
   1.141 +			if ($Config{"encoding"} && $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i) {
   1.142 +				my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($Config{"encoding"}, "utf-8");
   1.143 +				$text = $converter->convert($text);
   1.144 +			}
   1.145 +			close(F);	
   1.146 +			$diff{"text"}=$text;
   1.147 +			#print "$file loaded ($diff{day})\n";
   1.148 +
   1.149 +			push @Diffs, \%diff;
   1.150 +			$i++;
   1.151 +		}
   1.152 +	}	
   1.153 +}
   1.154 +
   1.155 +
   1.156 +sub bind_diff
   1.157 +{
   1.158 +#	my $path = shift;
   1.159 +#	my $pid = shift;
   1.160 +#	my $day = shift;
   1.161 +#	my $lab = shift;
   1.162 +
   1.163 +	print "Trying to bind diff...\n";
   1.164 +
   1.165 +	my $cl = shift;
   1.166 +	my $hour = $cl->{"hour"};
   1.167 +	my $min = $cl->{"min"};
   1.168 +	my $sec = $cl->{"sec"};
   1.169 +
   1.170 +	my $min_dt = 10000;
   1.171 +
   1.172 +	for my $diff (@Diffs) {
   1.173 +			# Check here date, time and user
   1.174 +			next if ($diff->{"day"} && $cl->{"day"} && ($cl->{"day"} ne $diff->{"day"}));
   1.175 +			#next if (!$diff->{"uid"} && $cl->{"euid"} != $diff->{"uid"});
   1.176 +			
   1.177 +			my $dt=($diff->{"hour"}-$hour)*3600 +($diff->{"min"}-$min)*60 + ($diff->{"sec"}-$sec);
   1.178 +			if ($dt >0  && $dt < $min_dt && ($diff->{"time_range"} <0 || $dt < $diff->{"time_range"})) {
   1.179 +				print "Approppriate diff found: dt=$dt\n";
   1.180 +				if ($diff->{"bind_to"}) {
   1.181 +					undef $diff->{"bind_to"}->{"diff"};
   1.182 +				};
   1.183 +				$diff->{"time_range"}=$dt;
   1.184 +				$diff->{"bind_to"}=$cl;
   1.185 +
   1.186 +				$cl->{"diff"} = $diff->{"index"};
   1.187 +				$min_dt = $dt;	
   1.188 +			}
   1.189 +		
   1.190 +	}
   1.191 +}
   1.192 +
   1.193 +
   1.194 +sub extract_from_cline
   1.195 +# Разобрать командную строку $_[1] и возвратить хэш, содержащий 
   1.196 +# номер первого появление команды в строке:
   1.197 +# 	команда => первая позиция
   1.198 +{
   1.199 +	my $what = $_[0];
   1.200 +	my $cline = $_[1];
   1.201 +	my @lists = split /\;/, $cline;
   1.202 +	
   1.203 +	
   1.204 +	my @commands = ();
   1.205 +	for my $list (@lists) {
   1.206 +		push @commands, split /\|/, $list;
   1.207 +	}
   1.208 +
   1.209 +	my %commands;
   1.210 +	my %files;
   1.211 +	my $i=0;
   1.212 +	for my $command (@commands) {
   1.213 +		$command =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
   1.214 +		if ($1 && $1 eq "sudo" ) {
   1.215 +			$commands{"$1"}=$i++;
   1.216 +			$command =~ s/\s*sudo\s+//;
   1.217 +		}
   1.218 +		$command =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
   1.219 +		if ($1 && !defined $commands{"$1"}) {
   1.220 +				$commands{"$1"}=$i++;
   1.221 +		};	
   1.222 +		if ($2) {
   1.223 +			my $args = $2;
   1.224 +			my @args = split (/\s+/, $args);
   1.225 +			for my $a (@args) {
   1.226 +				$files{"$a"}=$i++
   1.227 +					if !defined $files{"$a"};
   1.228 +			};	
   1.229 +
   1.230 +				
   1.231 +		}
   1.232 +	}
   1.233 +
   1.234 +	if ($what eq "commands") {
   1.235 +		return %commands;
   1.236 +	} else {
   1.237 +		return %files;
   1.238 +	}
   1.239 +	
   1.240 +}
   1.241 +
   1.242 +sub load_command_lines
   1.243 +{
   1.244 +	my $lab_scripts_path = $_[0];
   1.245 +	my $lab_scripts_mask = $_[1];
   1.246 +
   1.247 +	my $cline_re_base = qq'
   1.248 +			(?:\\^?([0-9]*C?))					# exitcode
   1.249 +			(?:_([0-9]+)_)?				# uid
   1.250 +			(?:_([0-9]+)_)				# pid
   1.251 +			(...?)					# day
   1.252 +			(..)					# lab
   1.253 +			\\s					# space separator
   1.254 +			([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])	# time
   1.255 +			.\\[50D.\\[K				# killing symbols
   1.256 +			(.*?([\$\#]\\s?))			# prompt
   1.257 +			(.*)					# command line
   1.258 +			';
   1.259 +	#my $cline_re = qr/$cline_re_base(?:$cline_re_base|$)/x;
   1.260 +	#my $cline_re = qr/(?:$cline_re_base)*$cline_re_base$/x;
   1.261 +	my $cline_re = qr/$cline_re_base/sx;
   1.262 +	my $cline_re1 = qr/$cline_re_base\x0D/sx;
   1.263 +	my $cline_re2 = qr/$cline_re_base$/sx;
   1.264 +
   1.265 +	my $vt = Term::VT102->new (	'cols' => $Config{"terminal_width"}, 
   1.266 +					'rows' => $Config{"terminal_height"});
   1.267 +	my $cline_vt = Term::VT102->new ('cols' => $Config{"terminal_width"}, 
   1.268 +					'rows' => $Config{"terminal_height"});
   1.269 +
   1.270 +	my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($Config{"encoding"}, "utf-8")
   1.271 +		if ($Config{"encoding"} && $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i);
   1.272 +		
   1.273 +	print "Loading lm-scripts...\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.274 +
   1.275 +	my @lab_scripts = <$lab_scripts_path/$lab_scripts_mask>;
   1.276 +	my $file;
   1.277 +	my $files_number = $#lab_scripts;
   1.278 +	my $ii = 0;
   1.279 +	my $skip_info;
   1.280 +
   1.281 +	my $commandlines_loaded =0;
   1.282 +	my $commandlines_processed =0;
   1.283 +
   1.284 +	for $file (@lab_scripts){
   1.285 +		#printf "\t%i %3.2f\n", $ii, (100*$ii++/$files_number) if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.286 +
   1.287 +		open (FILE, "$file");
   1.288 +		binmode FILE;
   1.289 +		$file =~ m@.*/(.*?)-.*@;
   1.290 +		
   1.291 +		my $tty = $1;
   1.292 +		my $first_pass = 1;
   1.293 +		my %cl;
   1.294 +		my $last_output_length=0;
   1.295 +		while (<FILE>) {
   1.296 +			$commandlines_processed++;
   1.297 +				# time
   1.298 +
   1.299 +			if (/[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].\[[0-9][0-9]D.\[K/ && m/$cline_re/) {
   1.300 +				s/.*\x0d(?!\x0a)//;
   1.301 +		#		print "!!!",$_,"!!!\n";
   1.302 +			#	next;
   1.303 +			#	while (m/$cline_re1/gs) {
   1.304 +			#	}
   1.305 +				m/$cline_re2/gs;
   1.306 +
   1.307 +				$commandlines_loaded++;
   1.308 +				$last_output_length=0;
   1.309 +
   1.310 +				# Previous command
   1.311 +				my %last_cl = %cl;
   1.312 +				my $err = $1 || "";
   1.313 +
   1.314 +				# Parse new command 
   1.315 +				$cl{"uid"} = $2;
   1.316 +				$cl{"euid"} = $cl{"uid"};	# Если в команде обнаружится sudo, euid поменяем на 0
   1.317 +				$cl{"pid"} = $3;
   1.318 +				$cl{"day"} = $4;
   1.319 +				$cl{"lab"} = $5;
   1.320 +				$cl{"hour"} = $6;
   1.321 +				$cl{"min"} = $7;
   1.322 +				$cl{"sec"} = $8;
   1.323 +				$cl{"fullprompt"} = $9;
   1.324 +				$cl{"prompt"} = $10;
   1.325 +				$cl{"raw_cline"} = $11;	
   1.326 +
   1.327 +				$cl{"err"} = 0;
   1.328 +				$cl{"output"} = "";
   1.329 +				$cl{"tty"} = $tty;
   1.330 +
   1.331 +				$cline_vt->process($cl{"raw_cline"}."\n");
   1.332 +				$cl{"cline"} = $cline_vt->row_plaintext (1);
   1.333 +				$cl{"cline"} =~ s/\s*$//;
   1.334 +				$cline_vt->reset();
   1.335 +
   1.336 +				my %commands = extract_from_cline("commands", $cl{"cline"});
   1.337 +				$cl{"euid"}=0 if defined $commands{"sudo"};
   1.338 +				my @comms = sort { $commands{$a} cmp $commands{$b} } keys %commands; 
   1.339 +				$cl{"last_command"} = $comms[$#comms] || ""; 
   1.340 +		
   1.341 +				if (
   1.342 +				$Config{"suppress_editors"} =~ /^y/i 
   1.343 +					&& grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}}) ||
   1.344 +				$Config{"suppress_pagers"}  =~ /^y/i 
   1.345 +					&& grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"pagers"}}) ||
   1.346 +				$Config{"suppress_terminal"}=~ /^y/i 
   1.347 +					&& grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"terminal"}})
   1.348 +				) {
   1.349 +					$cl{"suppress_output"} = "1";
   1.350 +				}
   1.351 +				else {
   1.352 +					$cl{"suppress_output"} = "0";
   1.353 +					
   1.354 +				}
   1.355 +				$skip_info = 0;
   1.356 +
   1.357 +
   1.358 +				print " ",$cl{"last_command"};
   1.359 +
   1.360 +				# Processing previous command line
   1.361 +				if ($first_pass) {
   1.362 +					$first_pass = 0;
   1.363 +					next;
   1.364 +				}
   1.365 +
   1.366 +				# Error code
   1.367 +				$last_cl{"err"}=$err;
   1.368 +				$last_cl{"err"}=130 if $err eq "^C";
   1.369 +
   1.370 +				if (grep ($_ eq $last_cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}})) {
   1.371 +					bind_diff(\%last_cl);
   1.372 +				}
   1.373 +
   1.374 +				# Output
   1.375 +				if (!$last_cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_cl{"err"}) {
   1.376 +					for (my $i=0; $i<$Config{"terminal_height"}; $i++) {
   1.377 +						my $line= $vt->row_plaintext($i);
   1.378 +						next if !defined ($line) || $line =~ /^\s*$/;
   1.379 +						$line =~ s/\s*$//;
   1.380 +						$last_cl{"output"} .= $line."\n";
   1.381 +					}
   1.382 +				}
   1.383 +				else {
   1.384 +					$last_cl{"output"}= "";
   1.385 +				}
   1.386 +
   1.387 +				$vt->reset();
   1.388 +
   1.389 +
   1.390 +				# Classifying the command line
   1.391 +
   1.392 +
   1.393 +				# Save 
   1.394 +				if (!$Config{"lab"} || $cl{"lab"} eq $Config{"lab"}) {
   1.395 +					# Changing encoding 
   1.396 +					for (keys %last_cl) {
   1.397 +						$last_cl{$_} = $converter->convert($last_cl{$_})
   1.398 +							if ($Config{"encoding"} && 
   1.399 +							$Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i);
   1.400 +					}
   1.401 +					push @Command_Lines, \%last_cl;	
   1.402 +				}	
   1.403 +				next;
   1.404 +			}
   1.405 +			$last_output_length+=length($_);
   1.406 +			#if (!$cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_output_length < 5000) {
   1.407 +			if ($last_output_length < 5000) {
   1.408 +				#print "(",length($_),")" if (length($_) > 2000) ;
   1.409 +				$vt->process("$_"."\n") 
   1.410 +			}
   1.411 +			else
   1.412 +			{
   1.413 +				if (!$skip_info) {
   1.414 +					print "($cl{last_command})";
   1.415 +					$skip_info = 1;
   1.416 +				}
   1.417 +			}
   1.418 +		}	
   1.419 +		close(FILE);
   1.420 +
   1.421 +	}
   1.422 +	if ($Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/) {
   1.423 +		print "...finished." ;
   1.424 +		print "Lines loaded: $commandlines_processed\n";
   1.425 +		print "Command lines: $commandlines_loaded\n";
   1.426 +	}
   1.427 +}
   1.428 +
   1.429 +sub search_by
   1.430 +{
   1.431 +	my $sm = shift;
   1.432 +	my $topic = shift;
   1.433 +	$topic =~ s/ /+/;
   1.434 +	
   1.435 +	return "<a href='".	$Search_Machines{$sm}->{"query"}."$topic'><img width='16' height='16' src='".
   1.436 +				$Search_Machines{$sm}->{"icon"}."' border='0'/></a>";
   1.437 +}
   1.438 +
   1.439 +sub make_comment
   1.440 +{
   1.441 +	my $commands = $_[0];
   1.442 +	my $files = $_[1];
   1.443 +	chomp $commands;
   1.444 +	chomp $files;
   1.445 +	return if (!$commands && !$files);
   1.446 +
   1.447 +	my $comment=""; 
   1.448 +
   1.449 +	# Commands
   1.450 +	for my $command (split /\s+/,$commands) {
   1.451 +		$command =~ s/'//g;
   1.452 +		my $description="";
   1.453 +		eval { $description=`mywi-client '$command'`; } ;
   1.454 +		$description = join ("<br>\n", grep(/\([18]\)/, split(/\n/, $description)));
   1.455 +		$description =~ s/.*?-//;
   1.456 +		next if $description =~ /^\s*$/; 
   1.457 +		
   1.458 +		my $query=$command." ".$Config{"keywords"};
   1.459 +		$query =~ s/\ /+/g;
   1.460 +		my $search= 	search_by("opennet",$query).
   1.461 +				search_by("local",$command).
   1.462 +				search_by("google",$query);
   1.463 +
   1.464 +		$comment .=     "<tr><td class='note_title'>$command</td>".
   1.465 +				"<td class='note_search'>$search</td>".
   1.466 +				"</tr><tr><td width='100%' colspan='2' class='note_text'>".
   1.467 +				"$description</td></tr><tr/>";
   1.468 +	}
   1.469 +	
   1.470 +	# Files
   1.471 +	for my $file (split /\s+/,$files) {
   1.472 +		$file =~ s@.*/@@;
   1.473 +		$file =~ s/'//g;
   1.474 +		next if $file =~ /^\s*$/;
   1.475 +		next if $file =~ /^-/;
   1.476 +		
   1.477 +		my $description=`mywi '$file'`;
   1.478 +		$description = join ("<br>\n", grep(/\(5\)/, split(/\n/, $description)));
   1.479 +		next if $description =~ /^\s*$/; 
   1.480 +
   1.481 +		my $query=$file." ".$Config{"files_keywords"};
   1.482 +		$query =~ s/\ /+/g;
   1.483 +		my $search= 	search_by("opennet",$query).
   1.484 +				search_by("local",$file).
   1.485 +				search_by("google",$query);
   1.486 +
   1.487 +		$comment .=     "<tr><td class='note_title'>$file</td>".
   1.488 +				"<td class='note_search'>$search</td>".
   1.489 +				"</tr><tr><td width='100%' colspan='2' class='note_text'>".
   1.490 +				"$description</td></tr><tr/>";
   1.491 +	}
   1.492 +
   1.493 +
   1.494 +	return $comment;
   1.495 +}
   1.496 +
   1.497 +sub printq
   1.498 +{
   1.499 +	my $TO = shift;
   1.500 +	my $text = join "", @_;
   1.501 +	$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
   1.502 +	$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
   1.503 +	$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
   1.504 +	print $TO $text;
   1.505 +}
   1.506 +
   1.507 +
   1.508 +sub sort_command_lines
   1.509 +{
   1.510 +	print "Sorting command lines...\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.511 +
   1.512 +	# Sort Command_Lines
   1.513 +	# Write Command_Lines to Command_Lines_Index
   1.514 +
   1.515 +	my @index;
   1.516 +	for (my $i=0;$i<=$#Command_Lines;$i++) {
   1.517 +		$index[$i]=$i;
   1.518 +	}
   1.519 +
   1.520 +	@Command_Lines_Index = sort {
   1.521 +		$Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"day"} cmp $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"day"} ||
   1.522 +		$Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"hour"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"hour"} ||
   1.523 +		$Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"min"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"min"} ||
   1.524 +		$Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"sec"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"sec"}
   1.525 +	} @index;
   1.526 +
   1.527 +	print "...finished\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.528 +
   1.529 +}
   1.530 +
   1.531 +sub process_command_lines
   1.532 +{
   1.533 +	my $lab_scripts_path = $_[0];
   1.534 +	
   1.535 +	for my $i (@Command_Lines_Index) {
   1.536 +
   1.537 +		my $cl = \$Command_Lines[$i];
   1.538 +		@{${$cl}->{"new_commands"}} =();
   1.539 +		@{${$cl}->{"new_files"}} =();
   1.540 +		$$cl->{"class"} = ""; 
   1.541 +
   1.542 +		if ($$cl->{"err"}) {
   1.543 +			$$cl->{"class"}="wrong";
   1.544 +			$$cl->{"class"}="interrupted"
   1.545 +				if ($$cl->{"err"} eq 130);
   1.546 +		}	
   1.547 +		if (!$$cl->{"euid"}) {
   1.548 +			$$cl->{"class"}.="_root";
   1.549 +		}
   1.550 +		
   1.551 +#tab#		my @tab_words=split /\s+/, $$cl->{"output"};
   1.552 +#tab#		my $last_word= $$cl->{"cline"} =~ /(\S*)$/;
   1.553 +#tab#		$last_word =~ s@.*/@@;
   1.554 +#tab#		my $this_is_tab=1;
   1.555 +#tab#
   1.556 +#tab#		if ($last_word && @tab_words >2) {
   1.557 +#tab#			for my $tab_words (@tab_words) {
   1.558 +#tab#				if ($tab_words !~ /^$last_word/) {
   1.559 +#tab#					$this_is_tab=0;
   1.560 +#tab#					last;
   1.561 +#tab#				}
   1.562 +#tab#			}
   1.563 +#tab#		}	
   1.564 +#tab#		$$cl->{"class"}="tab" if $this_is_tab;
   1.565 +		
   1.566 +
   1.567 +		if ( !$$cl->{"err"}) {
   1.568 +			# Command does not contain mistakes
   1.569 +			
   1.570 +			my %commands = extract_from_cline("commands", ${$cl}->{"cline"});
   1.571 +			my %files = extract_from_cline("files", ${$cl}->{"cline"});
   1.572 +
   1.573 +			# Searching for new commands only
   1.574 +			for my $command (keys  %commands) {
   1.575 +				if (!defined $Commands_Stat{$command}) {
   1.576 +					push @{$$cl->{new_commands}}, $command;
   1.577 +				}	
   1.578 +				$Commands_Stat{$command}++;
   1.579 +			}
   1.580 +			
   1.581 +			for my $file (keys  %files) {
   1.582 +				if (!defined $Files_Stat{$file}) {
   1.583 +					push @{$$cl->{new_files}}, $file;
   1.584 +				}	
   1.585 +				$Files_Stat{$file}++;
   1.586 +			}
   1.587 +		}	
   1.588 +	}	
   1.589 +
   1.590 +}
   1.591 +
   1.592 +sub print_command_lines
   1.593 +{
   1.594 +	my $output_filename=$_[0];
   1.595 +	my $format = $Config{"output_format"};
   1.596 +	
   1.597 +	open(OUT, ">", $output_filename)
   1.598 +		or die "Can't open $output_filename for writing\n";
   1.599 +
   1.600 +
   1.601 +
   1.602 +	if ($format eq "html") {
   1.603 +	# vvvv HTML Header 
   1.604 +		print OUT <<HEADER;
   1.605 +		<html>
   1.606 +		<head>
   1.607 +		<meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type' />
   1.608 +		<link rel='stylesheet' href='labmaker.css' type='text/css'/>
   1.609 +		</head>
   1.610 +		<body>
   1.611 +		<script>
   1.612 +		function getElementsByClassName(Class_Name)
   1.613 +		{
   1.614 +			var Result=new Array();
   1.615 +			var All_Elements=document.all || document.getElementsByTagName('*');
   1.616 +			for (i=0; i<All_Elements.length; i++)
   1.617 +				if (All_Elements[i].className==Class_Name)
   1.618 +			Result.push(All_Elements[i]);
   1.619 +			return Result;
   1.620 +		}
   1.621 +		function ShowHide (name)
   1.622 +		{
   1.623 +			elements=getElementsByClassName(name);
   1.624 +			for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++)
   1.625 +				if (elements[i].style.display == "none")
   1.626 +					elements[i].style.display = "";
   1.627 +				else
   1.628 +					elements[i].style.display = "none";
   1.629 +				//if (elements[i].style.visibility == "hidden")
   1.630 +				//	elements[i].style.visibility = "visible";
   1.631 +				//else
   1.632 +				//	elements[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
   1.633 +		}
   1.634 +		function filter_by_output(text)
   1.635 +		{
   1.636 +			
   1.637 +			var jjj=0;
   1.638 +			
   1.639 +			elements=getElementsByClassName('command');
   1.640 +			for(i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
   1.641 +				subelems = elements[i].getElementsByTagName('pre');
   1.642 +				for(j=0; j<subelems.length; j++) {
   1.643 +					if (subelems[j].className = 'output') {
   1.644 +						var str = new String(subelems[j].nodeValue);
   1.645 +						if (jjj != 1) { 
   1.646 +							alert(str);
   1.647 +							jjj=1;
   1.648 +						}
   1.649 +						if (str.indexOf(text) >0) 
   1.650 +							subelems[j].style.display = "none";
   1.651 +						else
   1.652 +							subelems[j].style.display = "";
   1.653 +
   1.654 +					}
   1.655 +						
   1.656 +				}
   1.657 +			}		
   1.658 +
   1.659 +		}
   1.660 +		</script>
   1.661 +HEADER
   1.662 +		print OUT "<table class='visibility_form'><tr><td><form>\n";
   1.663 +		for my $element (keys %Elements_Visibility)
   1.664 +		{
   1.665 +			my @e = split /\s+/, $element;
   1.666 +			my $showhide = join "", map { "ShowHide('$_');" } @e ;
   1.667 +			print OUT "<input type='checkbox' name='$e[0]' onclick=\"$showhide\" checked>",
   1.668 +					$Elements_Visibility{$element},
   1.669 +					"</input><br>\n";
   1.670 +		}
   1.671 +		#print OUT "<input type='text' size='10' name=\"by_command\"/>".
   1.672 +		#"<input type='button' value='фильтр по командам' onclick=\"filter_by_command()\"/> <br>\n";
   1.673 +		#print OUT "<input type='text' size='10' name=\"by_output\"/>".
   1.674 +		#"<input type='button' value='фильтр по результату' ".
   1.675 +		#"onclick=\"filter_by_output(this.form.by_output.value)\"/> <br>\n";
   1.676 +
   1.677 +		print OUT "</form></td></tr></table>\n";
   1.678 +		print OUT "<table width='100%'>\n";
   1.679 +	# ^^^^ HTML Header 
   1.680 +	}
   1.681 +	else {
   1.682 +		# XML Header
   1.683 +		print OUT "<script>\n"
   1.684 +	}
   1.685 +	
   1.686 +	my $cl;
   1.687 +	my $last_tty="";
   1.688 +	my $in_range=0;
   1.689 +	for my $i (@Command_Lines_Index) {
   1.690 +
   1.691 +		$cl = $Command_Lines[$i];
   1.692 +
   1.693 +		if ($Config{"from"} && $cl->{"cline"} =~ /$Config{"signature"}\s*$Config{"from"}/) {
   1.694 +			$in_range=1;
   1.695 +			next;
   1.696 +		}
   1.697 +		if ($Config{"to"} && $cl->{"cline"} =~ /$Config{"signature"}\s*$Config{"to"}/) {
   1.698 +			$in_range=0;
   1.699 +			next;
   1.700 +		}
   1.701 +		next if ($Config{"from"} && $Config{"to"} && !$in_range) 
   1.702 +			||
   1.703 +		    	($Config{"skip_empty"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"cline"} =~ /^\s*$/ )
   1.704 +			||
   1.705 +			($Config{"skip_wrong"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"err"} != 0)
   1.706 +			||
   1.707 +			($Config{"skip_interrupted"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"err"} == 130);
   1.708 +		
   1.709 +		my @new_commands=@{$cl->{"new_commands"}};
   1.710 +		my @new_files=@{$cl->{"new_files"}};
   1.711 +
   1.712 +		my $cl_class="cline";
   1.713 +		my $out_class="output";
   1.714 +		if ($cl->{"class"}) {
   1.715 +			$cl_class = $cl->{"class"}."_".$cl_class;
   1.716 +			$out_class = $cl->{"class"}."_".$out_class;
   1.717 +		}
   1.718 +
   1.719 +		my $output="";
   1.720 +		if ($Config{"head_lines"} || $Config{"tail_lines"}) {
   1.721 +			# Partialy output
   1.722 +			my @lines = split '\n', $cl->{"output"};
   1.723 +			# head
   1.724 +			my $mark=1;
   1.725 +			for (my $i=0; $i<= $#lines && $i < $Config{"head_lines"}; $i++) {
   1.726 +				$output .= $lines[$i]."\n";
   1.727 +			}
   1.728 +			# tail
   1.729 +			my $start=$#lines-$Config{"tail_lines"}+1;
   1.730 +			if ($start < 0) {
   1.731 +				$start=0;
   1.732 +				$mark=0;
   1.733 +			}	
   1.734 +			if ($start < $Config{"head_lines"}) {
   1.735 +				$start=$Config{"head_lines"};
   1.736 +				$mark=0;
   1.737 +			}	
   1.738 +			$output .= $Config{"skip_text"}."\n" if $mark;
   1.739 +			for (my $i=$start; $i<= $#lines; $i++) {
   1.740 +				$output .= $lines[$i]."\n";
   1.741 +			}
   1.742 +		} 
   1.743 +		else {
   1.744 +			# Full output
   1.745 +			$output .= $cl->{"output"};
   1.746 +		}	
   1.747 +		$output .= "^C\n" if ($cl->{"err"} eq "130");
   1.748 +
   1.749 +
   1.750 +# Printing out
   1.751 +
   1.752 +		# <command>
   1.753 +		print OUT $format eq "html" 
   1.754 +				? "<tr class='command'>\n"
   1.755 +				: "\n<action time='$cl->{hour}:$cl->{min}:$cl->{sec}' tty='$cl->{tty}'>\n";
   1.756 +						
   1.757 +		
   1.758 +		if ($format eq "html") {
   1.759 +			# CONSOLE CHANGE
   1.760 +			if ( $last_tty ne $cl->{"tty"}) {
   1.761 +				print OUT "<td colspan='6'><table><tr><td class='ttychange' width='140' align='center'>",$cl->{"tty"},"</td><td/></tr></table></td></tr><tr>";
   1.762 +				$last_tty=$cl->{"tty"};
   1.763 +			}
   1.764 +
   1.765 +			# TIME
   1.766 +			if ($Config{"show_time"} =~ /^y/i) {
   1.767 +				print OUT "<td valign='top' class='time' width='$Config{time_width}'><pre>",
   1.768 +					$cl->{"hour"}, ":", $cl->{"min"}, ":", $cl->{"sec"},
   1.769 +					"</td>";
   1.770 +			} else {
   1.771 +				print OUT "<td width='0'/>"
   1.772 +			}
   1.773 +		}	
   1.774 +
   1.775 +		# COMMAND
   1.776 +
   1.777 +
   1.778 +		if ($format eq "html") {
   1.779 +			print OUT "<td class='script'>\n";
   1.780 +			print OUT "<pre class='$cl_class'>\n";
   1.781 +			my $cline = $cl->{"cline"};
   1.782 +			$cline =~ s/\n//;
   1.783 +			printq(\*OUT,$cl->{"prompt"},$cl->{"cline"});
   1.784 +#			printq(\*OUT,"(sudo ".$cl->{"last_command"}.")\n") if !$cl->{"euid"};
   1.785 +			print OUT "</pre>\n";
   1.786 +		} 
   1.787 +		else {
   1.788 +			print OUT "<line class='$cl_class'>\n";
   1.789 +			print OUT "<prompt>";
   1.790 +			printq(\*OUT,$cl->{"prompt"});
   1.791 +			print OUT "</prompt>";
   1.792 +			print OUT "<command>";
   1.793 +			printq(\*OUT,$cl->{"cline"});
   1.794 +			print OUT "</command>";
   1.795 +			print OUT "\n</line>\n";
   1.796 +		}
   1.797 +
   1.798 +		my $last_command = $cl->{"last_command"};
   1.799 +		if (!( 
   1.800 +		$Config{"suppress_editors"} =~ /^y/i && grep ($_ eq $last_command, @{$Config{"editors"}}) ||
   1.801 +		$Config{"suppress_pagers"}  =~ /^y/i && grep ($_ eq $last_command, @{$Config{"pagers"}}) ||
   1.802 +		$Config{"suppress_terminal"}=~ /^y/i && grep ($_ eq $last_command, @{$Config{"terminal"}})
   1.803 +			)) {
   1.804 +
   1.805 +			if ($format eq "html") {
   1.806 +				print OUT "<pre class='$out_class'>";
   1.807 +				printq(\*OUT,$output);
   1.808 +				print OUT "</pre>\n";
   1.809 +			} 
   1.810 +			else {
   1.811 +				print OUT "<output class='$out_class'>\n";
   1.812 +				printq(\*OUT,$output);
   1.813 +				print OUT "</output>\n";
   1.814 +			}
   1.815 +		}	
   1.816 +
   1.817 +		# DIFF
   1.818 +		if ( $Config{"show_diffs"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"diff"}) {
   1.819 +			if ($format eq "html") {
   1.820 +				#print Dumper(%{$cl->{"diff"}});
   1.821 +				print OUT "<table><tr><td width='5'/><td class='diff'><pre>";
   1.822 +				printq(\*OUT,${$Diffs[$cl->{"diff"}]}{"text"});
   1.823 +				print OUT "</pre></td></tr></table>";
   1.824 +			}
   1.825 +			else {
   1.826 +				print OUT "<diff>\n";
   1.827 +				printq(\*OUT,${$Diffs[$cl->{"diff"}]}{"text"});
   1.828 +				print OUT "</diff>\n";
   1.829 +			}
   1.830 +		}
   1.831 +
   1.832 +		# COMMENT
   1.833 +		if ( $Config{"show_comments"} =~ /^y/i) {
   1.834 +			my $comment = make_comment(join(" ",@new_commands), join (" ",@new_files));
   1.835 +			if ($comment) {
   1.836 +				if ($format eq "html") {
   1.837 +					print OUT "<table width='$Config{comment_width}'>".
   1.838 +							"<tr><td width='5'/><td>";
   1.839 +					print OUT "<table class='note' width='100%'>";
   1.840 +					print OUT $comment;
   1.841 +					print OUT "</table>\n";
   1.842 +					print OUT "</td></tr></table>";
   1.843 +				}
   1.844 +			#	else {
   1.845 +			#		print OUT "<comment>";
   1.846 +			#		printq(\*OUT,$comment);
   1.847 +			#		print OUT "</comment>";
   1.848 +			#	}
   1.849 +			}
   1.850 +		}
   1.851 +
   1.852 +		if ($format eq "html") {
   1.853 +			print OUT "</td>\n";
   1.854 +			print OUT "</tr>\n";
   1.855 +		}
   1.856 +		else {
   1.857 +			print OUT "</action>\n";
   1.858 +		}
   1.859 +		
   1.860 +	}
   1.861 +	if ($format eq "html") {
   1.862 +		print OUT "</table>\n";
   1.863 +		print OUT "</body>\n";
   1.864 +		print OUT "</html>\n";
   1.865 +	} 
   1.866 +	else {
   1.867 +		print OUT "</script>\n";
   1.868 +	}
   1.869 +	close(OUT);
   1.870 +}
   1.871 +
   1.872 +sub read_config_file
   1.873 +{
   1.874 +	my $config = $_[0];
   1.875 +	my $filename = $_[1];
   1.876 +	open(CONFIG, "$filename")
   1.877 +		or return;
   1.878 +	while (<CONFIG>) {
   1.879 +		s/#.*//;
   1.880 +		next if /^\s*$/;
   1.881 +		my ($var, $val) =  split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
   1.882 +		$var =~ s/\s*//;
   1.883 +		$config->{$var} = $val;
   1.884 +	}
   1.885 +	close(CONFIG);
   1.886 +}
   1.887 +
   1.888 +$| = 1;
   1.889 +
   1.890 +my %file_config;
   1.891 +my %argv_config;
   1.892 +read_config_file(\%file_config, $Config_File);
   1.893 +GetOptions(\%argv_config, map "$_=s", keys %Config);
   1.894 +%Config = (%Config, %file_config, %argv_config);
   1.895 +
   1.896 +
   1.897 +my $i=0;
   1.898 +
   1.899 +for my $lab_log (split (/\s+/, $Config{"diffs"} || $Config{"input"})) 
   1.900 +{
   1.901 +	load_diff_files($lab_log);
   1.902 +}
   1.903 +
   1.904 +for my $lab_log (split /\s+/, $Config{"input"}) 
   1.905 +{
   1.906 +	my $tofile=$Config{"output"};
   1.907 +	$tofile =~ s/$Config{"output_mask"}/$i/;
   1.908 +	#load_diff_files($lab_log);
   1.909 +	load_command_lines($lab_log, $Config{"input_mask"});
   1.910 +	sort_command_lines;
   1.911 + 	process_command_lines($lab_log);
   1.912 +	print_command_lines($tofile);
   1.913 +	$i++;
   1.914 +}
   1.915 +