
diff l3-agent @ 77:e56f21c44faf

Под root'ом приглашение красного цвета
author devi
date Mon Feb 13 19:28:51 2006 +0200 (2006-02-13)
parents 35e0d61c820d
children d28dda8ea18f
line diff
     1.1 --- a/l3-agent	Tue Feb 07 12:51:03 2006 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/l3-agent	Mon Feb 13 19:28:51 2006 +0200
     1.3 @@ -196,12 +196,27 @@
     1.4              (.*)                    # command line
     1.5              )
     1.6              ';
     1.7 -    #my $cline_re = qr/$cline_re_base(?:$cline_re_base|$)/x;
     1.8 -    #my $cline_re = qr/(?:$cline_re_base)*$cline_re_base$/x;
     1.9      my $cline_re = qr/$cline_re_base/sx;
    1.10 -    my $cline_re1 = qr/$cline_re_base\x0D/sx;
    1.11      my $cline_re2 = qr/$cline_re_base$/sx;
    1.13 +    my $cline_re_v2_base = qq'
    1.14 +            (
    1.15 +            v2[\#]                      # version
    1.16 +            ([0-9]+)[\#]                # history line number
    1.17 +            ([0-9]+)[\#]                # exitcode
    1.18 +            ([0-9]+)[\#]                # uid
    1.19 +            ([0-9]+)[\#]                # pid
    1.20 +            ([0-9]+)[\#]                # time
    1.21 +            (.*?)[\#]                     # pwd
    1.22 +            .\\[1024D.\\[K              # killing symbols
    1.23 +            (.*?([\$\#]\\s?))           # prompt
    1.24 +            (.*)                        # command line
    1.25 +            )
    1.26 +            ';
    1.27 +
    1.28 +    my $cline_re_v2 = qr/$cline_re_v2_base/sx;
    1.29 +    my $cline_re2_v2 = qr/$cline_re_v2_base$/sx;
    1.30 +
    1.31      my $vt = Term::VT102->new ( 'cols' => $Config{"terminal_width"}, 
    1.32                      'rows' => $Config{"terminal_height"});
    1.33      my $cline_vt = Term::VT102->new ('cols' => $Config{"terminal_width"}, 
    1.34 @@ -210,7 +225,7 @@
    1.35      my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($Config{"encoding"}, "utf-8")
    1.36          if ($Config{"encoding"} && $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i);
    1.38 -    print "Loading lm-scripts...\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
    1.39 +    print "Parsing lab scripts...\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
    1.41      my $file;
    1.42      my $skip_info;
    1.43 @@ -266,6 +281,8 @@
    1.45          $file =~ m@.*/(.*?)-.*@;
    1.47 +        print "+- processing file $file\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~/y/;
    1.48 +
    1.49          my $tty = $1;
    1.50          my $first_pass = 1;
    1.51          my %cl;
    1.52 @@ -289,7 +306,7 @@
    1.53                  $cl{"local_session_id"} = $local_session_id;
    1.54                  # Parse new command 
    1.55                  $cl{"uid"} = $3;
    1.56 -                $cl{"euid"} = $cl{"uid"};   # Если в команде обнаружится sudo, euid поменяем на 0
    1.57 +                #$cl{"euid"} = $cl{"uid"};   # Если в команде обнаружится sudo, euid поменяем на 0
    1.58                  $cl{"pid"} = $4;
    1.59                  $cl{"day"} = $5;
    1.60                  $cl{"lab"} = $6;
    1.61 @@ -317,7 +334,7 @@
    1.62                  $cline_vt->reset();
    1.64                  my %commands = extract_commands_from_cline($cl{"cline"});
    1.65 -                $cl{"euid"}=0 if defined $commands{"sudo"};
    1.66 +                #$cl{"euid"}=0 if defined $commands{"sudo"};
    1.67                  my @comms = sort { $commands{$a} cmp $commands{$b} } keys %commands; 
    1.68                  $cl{"last_command"} = $comms[$#comms] || ""; 
    1.70 @@ -371,9 +388,6 @@
    1.71                  $vt->reset();
    1.74 -                # Classifying the command line
    1.75 -
    1.76 -
    1.77                  # Save 
    1.78                  if (!$Config{"lab"} || $cl{"lab"} eq $Config{"lab"}) {
    1.79                      # Changing encoding 
    1.80 @@ -391,6 +405,130 @@
    1.81                  }   
    1.82                  next;
    1.83              }
    1.84 +
    1.85 +
    1.86 +            elsif (m/$cline_re_v2/) {
    1.87 +
    1.88 +
    1.89 +# Разбираем командную строку версии 2
    1.90 +
    1.91 +
    1.92 +                s/.*\x0d(?!\x0a)//;
    1.93 +                m/$cline_re2_v2/gs;
    1.94 +
    1.95 +                $commandlines_loaded++;
    1.96 +                $last_output_length=0;
    1.97 +
    1.98 +                # Previous command
    1.99 +                my %last_cl = %cl;
   1.100 +
   1.101 +                $cl{"local_session_id"} = $local_session_id;
   1.102 +                # Parse new command 
   1.103 +                $cl{"history"}  = $2;
   1.104 +                my $err         = $3;
   1.105 +                $cl{"uid"}      = $4;
   1.106 +                #$cl{"euid"}     = $cl{"uid"};   # Если в команде обнаружится sudo, euid поменяем на 0
   1.107 +                $cl{"pid"}      = $5;
   1.108 +                $cl{"time"}     = $6;
   1.109 +                $cl{"pwd"}      = $7;
   1.110 +                #$cl{"fullprompt"} = $8;
   1.111 +                $cl{"prompt"}   = $9;
   1.112 +                $cl{"raw_cline"}= $10; 
   1.113 +
   1.114 +                {
   1.115 +                use bytes;
   1.116 +                $cl{"raw_start"} = tell (FILE) - length($1);
   1.117 +                $cl{"raw_output_start"} = tell FILE;
   1.118 +                }
   1.119 +                $cl{"raw_file"} = $file;
   1.120 +
   1.121 +                $cl{"err"}      = 0;
   1.122 +                $cl{"output"}   = "";
   1.123 +                #$cl{"tty"}     = $tty;
   1.124 +
   1.125 +                $cline_vt->process($cl{"raw_cline"}."\n");
   1.126 +                $cl{"cline"}    = $cline_vt->row_plaintext (1);
   1.127 +                $cl{"cline"}    =~ s/\s*$//;
   1.128 +                $cline_vt->reset();
   1.129 +
   1.130 +                my %commands    = extract_commands_from_cline($cl{"cline"});
   1.131 +                #$cl{"euid"}     = 0 if defined $commands{"sudo"};
   1.132 +                my @comms       = sort { $commands{$a} cmp $commands{$b} } keys %commands; 
   1.133 +                $cl{"last_command"} 
   1.134 +                                = $comms[$#comms] || ""; 
   1.135 +
   1.136 +                if (
   1.137 +                    $Config{"suppress_editors"} =~ /^y/i 
   1.138 +                        && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}}) 
   1.139 +                    || $Config{"suppress_pagers"}  =~ /^y/i 
   1.140 +                        && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"pagers"}}) 
   1.141 +                    || $Config{"suppress_terminal"}=~ /^y/i 
   1.142 +                        && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"terminal"}})
   1.143 +                ) {
   1.144 +                    $cl{"suppress_output"} = "1";
   1.145 +                }
   1.146 +                else {
   1.147 +                    $cl{"suppress_output"} = "0";
   1.148 +                }
   1.149 +                $skip_info = 0;
   1.150 +
   1.151 +
   1.152 +                if ($Config{verbose} =~ /y/i) {
   1.153 +                    print "|   " if $commandlines_loaded % 15 == 1;
   1.154 +                    print " ",$cl{"last_command"};
   1.155 +                }
   1.156 +
   1.157 +                # Processing previous command line
   1.158 +                if ($first_pass) {
   1.159 +                    $first_pass = 0;
   1.160 +                    next;
   1.161 +                }
   1.162 +
   1.163 +                # Error code
   1.164 +                $last_cl{"err"}=$err;
   1.165 +                $last_cl{"raw_end"} = $cl{"raw_start"};
   1.166 +
   1.167 +                if (grep ($_ eq $last_cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}})) {
   1.168 +                    bind_diff(\%last_cl);
   1.169 +                }
   1.170 +
   1.171 +                # Output
   1.172 +                if (!$last_cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_cl{"err"}) {
   1.173 +                    for (my $i=0; $i<$Config{"terminal_height"}; $i++) {
   1.174 +                        my $line= $vt->row_plaintext($i);
   1.175 +                        next if !defined ($line) ; #|| $line =~ /^\s*$/;
   1.176 +                        $line =~ s/\s*$//;
   1.177 +                        $line .= "\n" unless $line =~ /^\s*$/;
   1.178 +                        $last_cl{"output"} .= $line;
   1.179 +                    }
   1.180 +                }
   1.181 +                else {
   1.182 +                    $last_cl{"output"}= "";
   1.183 +                }
   1.184 +
   1.185 +                $vt->reset();
   1.186 +
   1.187 +
   1.188 +                # Changing encoding 
   1.189 +                for (keys %last_cl) {
   1.190 +                    next if /raw/;
   1.191 +                    if ($Config{"encoding"} && 
   1.192 +                        $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i) {
   1.193 +                        $last_cl{$_} = $converter->convert($last_cl{$_})
   1.194 +                    }
   1.195 +                }
   1.196 +                push @Command_Lines, \%last_cl; 
   1.197 +
   1.198 +                # Сохранение позиции в файле, до которой выполнен
   1.199 +                # успешный разбор
   1.200 +                $Script_Files{$file}->{tell} = $last_cl{raw_end};
   1.201 +
   1.202 +                next;
   1.203 +
   1.204 +            }
   1.205 +
   1.206 +# Иначе, это строка вывода
   1.207 +
   1.208              $last_output_length+=length($_);
   1.209              #if (!$cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_output_length < 5000) {
   1.210              if ($last_output_length < 50000) {
   1.211 @@ -408,7 +546,7 @@
   1.213      }
   1.214      if ($Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/) {
   1.215 -        print "...finished." ;
   1.216 +        print "\n`- finished.\n" ;
   1.217          print "Lines loaded: $commandlines_processed\n";
   1.218          print "Command lines: $commandlines_loaded\n";
   1.219      }
   1.220 @@ -419,7 +557,7 @@
   1.222  sub sort_command_lines
   1.223  {
   1.224 -    print "Sorting command lines...\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.225 +    print "Sorting command lines..." if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.227      # Sort Command_Lines
   1.228      # Write Command_Lines to Command_Lines_Index
   1.229 @@ -430,13 +568,14 @@
   1.230      }
   1.232      @Command_Lines_Index = sort {
   1.233 +        $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"time"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"time"} ||
   1.234          $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"day"} cmp $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"day"} ||
   1.235          $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"hour"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"hour"} ||
   1.236          $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"min"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"min"} ||
   1.237          $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"sec"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"sec"}
   1.238      } @index;
   1.240 -    print "...finished\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.241 +    print "finished\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
   1.243  }
   1.245 @@ -531,22 +670,26 @@
   1.246          #$year = 2004 if ( $cl->{day} > 330 );
   1.247          $year = $Config{year} if $Config{year};
   1.248          # timelocal(            $sec,      $min,      $hour,      $mday,$mon,$year);
   1.249 -        $cl->{time} = timelocal_nocheck($cl->{sec},$cl->{min},$cl->{hour},$cl->{day},0,$year);
   1.250 +        $cl->{time} ||= timelocal_nocheck($cl->{sec},$cl->{min},$cl->{hour},$cl->{day},0,$year);
   1.253          # Начинаем вывод команды
   1.254          print OUT "<command>\n";
   1.255          for my $element (qw(
   1.256              local_session_id
   1.257 +            history
   1.258 +            uid
   1.259 +            pid
   1.260              time
   1.261 +            pwd
   1.262              raw_start
   1.263              raw_output_start
   1.264              raw_end
   1.265              raw_file
   1.266              tty
   1.267 -            uid
   1.268              err
   1.269              last_command
   1.270 +            history
   1.271              )) {
   1.272              next unless defined($cl->{"$element"});
   1.273              print OUT "<$element>".$cl->{$element}."</$element>\n";
   1.274 @@ -663,12 +806,11 @@
   1.276      if ($Config{"mode"} ne "daemon") {
   1.278 -=cut
   1.279 -    В нормальном режиме работы нужно
   1.280 -    считать скрипты, обработать их и записать
   1.281 -    результат выполнения в результирующий файл.
   1.282 -    После этого завершить работу.
   1.283 -=cut
   1.284 +#    В нормальном режиме работы нужно
   1.285 +#    считать скрипты, обработать их и записать
   1.286 +#    результат выполнения в результирующий файл.
   1.287 +#    После этого завершить работу.
   1.288 +
   1.289          for my $lab_log (split (/\s+/, $Config{"diffs"} || $Config{"input"})) {
   1.290              load_diff_files($lab_log);
   1.291          }
   1.292 @@ -732,7 +874,7 @@
   1.293              load_cache_stat();
   1.294              load_command_lines($Config{"input"}, $Config{"input_mask"});
   1.295              if (@Command_Lines) {
   1.296 -                #sort_command_lines;
   1.297 +                sort_command_lines;
   1.298                  #process_command_lines;
   1.299                  print_command_lines($Config{"cache"});
   1.300              }