
view l3bashrc @ 100:2c00c61f2d7b

Коммичу изменения, но сам не знаю зачем.
Нужно l3-cgi переписать вообще с нуля.
Он мерзкий.

И продумать нужно, как он вообще должен работать.
Понятно, приблизительно, как он должен показывать журнал,
когда до него уже дошли,
но вот если не дошли, то что делать не понятно.
Короче, продумать систему навигации.
author devi
date Wed Jun 14 21:37:22 2006 +0300 (2006-06-14)
parents d28dda8ea18f
children 77f033a04361
line source
1 #!/bin/sh
4 # Environment variables set by the script:
5 #
6 # L3_SESSION_ID - uniq id of the LiLaLo-session
7 # L3_PARENT_TTY - name of tty on which script is running
8 # PS1 - intercative shell prompt in which LiLaLo hides
9 # various information about the command
10 # L3_TAMPERED_EDITORS - list of editors which are tampered with functions
13 # Functions with the names starting _l3_ are internal.
14 # Such functions are unset before this rc script exits
16 _l3_editors_to_tamper='/bin/vi /usr/bin/vi /usr/bin/vim /bin/ee /usr/bin/ee /usr/bin/pico /usr/bin/nano /usr/local/bin/vim'
18 _l3_start()
19 {
20 echo $- | grep -q i || return 0
21 if _l3_is_running_here
22 then
23 _l3_env
24 _l3_init_prompt
25 l3_fix_prompt
26 _l3_tamper_editors
27 _l3_tamper_commands
28 _l3_unset_internal
29 else
30 _l3_start_session
31 _l3_run_script
32 fi
33 }
35 # ===================== STAGE 1 ============================
37 _l3_is_running_here()
38 {
39 ps waux | awk '{print $2" "$11 }' | grep -q ^$PPID" "script
40 return $?
42 # Check if ^^^^ run on Linux
43 # and del vvvv this if it does
45 export L3_TTY=`/usr/bin/tty`
46 uname -a | grep -qi bsd && bsd=yes
47 proc_on_the_term=`w | grep "${L3_TTY##/dev/}" | awk '{print $8;}'`
48 # freeBSD:
49 [ -n "$bsd" ] && \
50 proc_on_the_term=`w | grep "${L3_TTY##/dev/tty}" | awk '{print $6;}'`
52 [ -n "$proc_on_the_term" ] && echo $proc_on_the_term | grep -q script
53 }
55 _l3_start_session()
56 {
57 export L3_SESSION_ID=${RANDOM}${RANDOM}${RANDOM}${RANDOM}-`date +%s`
58 export L3_HOME=~/.lilalo/
59 mkdir -p $L3_HOME
61 tty=`/usr/bin/tty`
62 uname -a | grep -qi bsd && bsd=yes
63 parent=`cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline 2> /dev/null`
64 [ -z "$parent" ] && parent="`ps waux | awk '{if ($2 == '$PPID') print $11; }'`"
65 system=`uname -rs`
66 login_from=`who | grep "${tty##/dev/}" | awk '{print $6;}' | tr -d '()'`
67 #[ -n "$bsd" ] && login_from="" #FIXME!
68 start_time=`date +%s`
69 hostname=`hostname -f 2> /dev/null`
70 [ -n "$bsd" ] && hostname=`hostname`
72 cat <<INFO > $L3_HOME/$
73 <session>
74 <local_session_id>$L3_SESSION_ID</local_session_id>
75 <hostname>$hostname</hostname>
76 <user>$USER</user>
77 <uid>$UID</uid>
78 <login_from>$login_from</login_from>
79 <tty>$tty</tty>
80 <system>$system</system>
81 <parent>$parent</parent>
82 <ppid>$PPID</ppid>
83 <pid>$$</pid>
84 <start_time>$start_time</start_time>
85 <lang>$LANG</lang>
86 </session>
89 unset parent system login_from start_time hostname tty
90 }
92 _l3_run_script()
93 {
94 uname -a | grep -qi bsd && bsd=yes
95 flush="-f" #linux
96 [ -n "$bsd" ] && flush="-t 0" #freebsd
97 export L3_PARENT_TTY=`/usr/bin/tty`
98 exec script $flush -q $L3_HOME/${L3_SESSION_ID}.script
99 }
101 # ===================== STAGE 2 ============================
103 _l3_env()
104 {
105 trap l3_close_session 2
106 trap l3_close_session EXIT
107 true
108 }
110 l3_close_session()
111 {
112 (
113 echo '<history>'
114 history | sed 's/&/\&amp;/; s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g'
115 echo '</history>'
116 ) >> $L3_HOME/$
117 }
119 _l3_init_prompt()
120 {
121 PS1='[\u@\h:\W]\$ '
122 [ $UID = 0 ] \
123 && PS1='\[\033[0;31m\]'$PS1'\[\033[0m\]' \
124 || PS1='\[\033[0;32m\]'$PS1'\[\033[0m\]' \
125 export PS1
126 }
128 l3_fix_prompt()
129 {
130 export PS1='\[$(l3_save_last_line)v2#\!#$?#$UID#$$#$(/bin/date +%s)#$PWD#\033[1024D\033[K\]'$PS1
131 }
133 _l3_tamper_editors()
134 {
135 for editor_file in $_l3_editors_to_tamper
136 do
137 [ -x $editor_file ] || continue
138 editor_name=${editor_file##*/}
139 eval "
140 $editor_name() {
141 if [ -d \"\$1\" ]
142 then
143 $editor_file \"\$1\"
144 return \$?
145 else
146 TIME=\"\`date +%s\`\"
147 DIR=\"\"
148 [ \"\${1#/}\" = \"\$1\" ] && DIR=\"\$PWD/\"
149 DIFFNAME=\"\${L3_SESSION_ID}_\${TIME}\`echo \$DIR\$1| sed s@_@__@ | sed 's@/@_@g'\`.diff\"
150 old_file=\"/tmp/l3-saved-\$\$.\$RANDOM.\$RANDOM\"
151 /bin/cp -- \"\$1\" \"\$old_file\" 2> /dev/null
152 $editor_file \"\$@\" || ERR=\$?
153 [ -e \"\$old_file\" ] && diff \"\$old_file\" \"\$1\" > \"\$L3_HOME/\$DIFFNAME\" 2> /dev/null
154 if [ "$?" == 2 ]
155 then
156 diff /dev/null \"\$1\" > \"\$L3_HOME/\$DIFFNAME\" 2> /dev/null
157 fi
158 /bin/rm \"\$old_file\" 2> /dev/null
159 return \$ERR
160 fi
161 }
162 "
164 done
166 }
168 _l3_tamper_commands()
169 {
170 tty()
171 {
172 [ -n "$L3_PARENT_TTY" ] && echo $L3_PARENT_TTY || /usr/bin/tty
173 }
174 }
176 _l3_unset_internal()
177 {
178 unset `set | grep '^_l3_.*()' | sed 's/()//'`
179 unset `set | grep '^_l3_.*=' | sed 's/=.*//'`
180 }
183 l3shot()
184 {
185 if [ -x "`which xwd`" ]
186 then
187 _l3_home=${L3_HOME:-~/.lilalo}
188 shot_name="${L3_SESSION_ID}_`date +%s`".xwd
189 echo -n Choose window to be shoot ... >&2
190 [ -d ${_l3_home} ] || mkdir -p ${_l3_home}
191 xwd -out "$_l3_home/$shot_name" \
192 && echo Ok\
193 && echo Shot was successful. \
194 && echo Screenshot is written to ${_l3_home}/${shot_name} \
195 && echo Screenshot will appears in the lablog.
196 else
197 {
198 echo
199 echo "Can't make screenshot :("
200 echo
201 echo I must use program xwd to make screenshot,
202 echo but it seems not to be installed
203 echo Try to find the program in the \"xbase-clients\" package
204 echo
205 } >&2
206 fi
207 }
209 # Append lines from "$@" files to the end of the shell history
210 hist_append ()
211 {
212 eval $(cat "$@" | sed 's/"/\\\\"/g' | while read line; do echo history -s \"$line\"\;; done);
213 }
215 l3_save_last_line ()
216 {
217 (
218 echo '<cline>'
219 history 1 | sed 's/&/&amp;/; s/</\&lt;/g; s/>/\&gt;/g'
220 echo '</cline>'
221 ) >> $L3_HOME/$
222 }