
view l3-agent @ 150:822b36252d7f

Вывод больших фрагментов текста не теряется.

Большие фрагменты текста теперь не вырезаются бесследно.
Там, откуда они вырезаются, вставляются ссылки,
по которым можно посмотреть полную версию вывода.
Испытано на больших фрагментах текста,
содержащих до 5000 строк (фрагменты более 5000 строк по умолчанию
обрезаются административно; допустимые размеры задаются в
Исправлены ошибки, из-за которых большие фрагменты
обрабатывались некорректно.
date Tue Jun 23 01:15:02 2009 +0300 (2009-06-23)
parents 58c869722fd0
children 8ee5e59f1bd3
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
3 #
4 # (c) Igor Chubin,, 2004-2008
5 #
7 use strict;
8 use POSIX;
9 use Term::VT102;
10 use Text::Iconv;
11 use Time::Local 'timelocal_nocheck';
12 use IO::Socket;
14 use lib "/etc/lilalo";
15 use l3config;
17 our @Command_Lines;
18 our @Command_Lines_Index;
19 our %Diffs;
20 our %Sessions;
22 our %Script_Files; # Информация о позициях в скрипт-файлах,
23 # до которых уже выполнен разбор
24 # и информация о времени модификации файла
25 # $Script_Files{$file}->{size}
26 # $Script_Files{$file}->{tell}
28 our $Killed =0; # В режиме демона -- процесс получил сигнал о завершении
30 sub init_variables;
31 sub main;
33 sub load_diff_files;
34 sub bind_diff;
35 sub extract_commands_from_cline;
36 sub load_command_lines;
37 sub sort_command_lines;
38 sub print_command_lines;
39 sub printq;
41 sub save_cache_stat;
42 sub load_cache_stat;
43 sub print_session;
45 sub load_diff_files
46 {
47 my @pathes = @_;
49 for my $path (@pathes) {
50 my $template = "*.diff";
51 my @files = <$path/$template>;
52 my $i=0;
53 for my $file (@files) {
55 next if defined($Diffs{$file});
56 my %diff;
58 # Старый формат имени diff-файла
60 if ($file=~m@/(D?[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?)[^/]*?([0-9]*):([0-9]*):?([0-9]*)@) {
61 $diff{"day"}=$1 || "";
62 $diff{"hour"}=$2;
63 $diff{"min"}=$3;
64 $diff{"sec"}=$4 || 0;
66 $diff{"uid"} = 0 if $path =~ m@/root/@;
68 print "diff loaded: $diff{day} $diff{hour}:$diff{min}:$diff{sec}\n";
70 }
71 # Новый формат имени diff-файла
72 elsif ($file =~ m@.*/([^_]*)_([0-9]+)(.*)@) {
73 $diff{"local_session_id"} = $1;
74 $diff{"time"} = $2;
75 $diff{"filename"} = $3;
76 $diff{"filename"} =~ s@_@/@g;
77 $diff{"filename"} =~ s@//@_@g;
79 print "diff loaded: $diff{filename} (time=$diff{time},session=$diff{local_session_id})\n";
80 }
81 else {
82 next;
83 }
85 # Чтение и изменение кодировки содержимого diff-файла
86 local $/;
87 open (F, "$file")
88 or return "Can't open file $file ($_[0]) for reading";
89 my $text = <F>;
90 if ($Config{"encoding"} && $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i) {
91 my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($Config{"encoding"}, "utf-8");
92 $text = $converter->convert($text);
93 }
94 close(F);
95 $diff{"text"}=$text;
97 $diff{"path"}=$path;
98 $diff{"bind_to"}="";
99 $diff{"time_range"}=-1;
100 $diff{"index"}=$i;
102 $Diffs{$file} = \%diff;
103 $i++;
104 }
105 }
106 }
109 sub bind_diff
110 {
111 print "Trying to bind diff...\n";
113 my $cl = shift;
114 my $hour = $cl->{"hour"};
115 my $min = $cl->{"min"};
116 my $sec = $cl->{"sec"};
118 my $min_dt = 10000;
120 if (defined($cl->{"diff"})) {
121 print STDERR "Command ".$cl->{time}." is already bound";
122 return;
123 }
125 # Загружаем новые diff-файлы
126 # Это нужно делать непосредственно перед привязкой, поскольку diff'ы могли образоваться только что
127 for my $lab_log (split (/\s+/, $Config{"diffs"} || $Config{"input"})) {
128 load_diff_files($lab_log);
129 }
131 my $diff_to_bind;
132 for my $diff_key (keys %Diffs) {
133 my $diff = $Diffs{$diff_key};
134 next if ($diff->{"local_session_id"}
135 && $cl->{"local_session_id"}
136 && ($cl->{"local_session_id"} ne $diff->{"local_session_id"}));
138 next if ($diff->{"day"} && $cl->{"day"} && ($cl->{"day"} ne $diff->{"day"}));
140 my $dt;
141 if (not $diff->{"time"}) {
142 print STDERR "diff time is 0";
143 print STDERR join(" ", keys(%$diff));
144 print STDERR $diff->{text};
145 }
146 if (not $cl->{"time"}) {
147 print STDERR "cl time is 0";
148 }
149 if ($diff->{"time"} && $cl->{"time"}) {
150 $dt = $diff->{"time"} - $cl->{"time"}
151 }
152 else {
153 $dt=($diff->{"hour"}-$hour)*3600 +($diff->{"min"}-$min)*60 + ($diff->{"sec"}-$sec);
154 }
155 if ($dt >=0 && $dt < $min_dt && !$diff->{"bind_to"}) {
156 $min_dt = $dt;
157 $diff_to_bind = $diff_key;
158 }
159 }
160 if ($diff_to_bind) {
161 print "Approppriate diff found: dt=$min_dt\n";
162 $Diffs{$diff_to_bind}->{"bind_to"}=$cl;
163 $cl->{"diff"} = $diff_to_bind;
164 }
165 else {
166 print STDERR "Diff not found\n";
167 print STDERR "cl{time}",$cl->{time},"\n";
168 }
169 }
172 sub extract_commands_from_cline
173 # Разобрать командную строку $_[1] и возвратить хэш, содержащий
174 # номер первого появление команды в строке:
175 # команда => первая позиция
176 {
177 my $cline = $_[0];
178 my @lists = split /\;/, $cline;
181 my @commands = ();
182 for my $list (@lists) {
183 push @commands, split /\|/, $list;
184 }
186 my %commands;
187 my %files;
188 my $i=0;
189 for my $command (@commands) {
190 $command =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
191 if ($1 && $1 eq "sudo" ) {
192 $commands{"$1"}=$i++;
193 $command =~ s/\s*sudo\s+//;
194 }
195 $command =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
196 if ($1 && !defined $commands{"$1"}) {
197 $commands{"$1"}=$i++;
198 };
199 }
200 return %commands;
201 }
203 sub load_command_lines
204 {
205 my $lab_scripts_path = $_[0];
206 my $lab_scripts_mask = $_[1];
208 my $cline_re_base = qq'
209 (
210 (?:\\^?([0-9]*C?)) # exitcode
211 (?:_([0-9]+)_)? # uid
212 (?:_([0-9]+)_) # pid
213 (...?) # day
214 (.?.?) # lab
215 \\s # space separator
216 ([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9]) # time
217 .\\[50D.\\[K # killing symbols
218 (.*?([\$\#]\\s?)) # prompt
219 (.*) # command line
220 )
221 ';
222 my $cline_re = qr/$cline_re_base/sx;
223 my $cline_re2 = qr/$cline_re_base$/sx;
225 my $cline_re_v2_base = qq'
226 (
227 v2[\#] # version
228 ([0-9]+)[\#] # history line number
229 ([0-9]+)[\#] # exitcode
230 ([0-9]+)[\#] # uid
231 ([0-9]+)[\#] # pid
232 ([0-9]+)[\#] # time
233 (.*?)[\#] # pwd
234 .\\[1024D.\\[K # killing symbols
235 (.*?([\$\#]\\s?)) # prompt
236 (.*) # command line
237 )
238 ';
240 my $cline_re_v2 = qr/$cline_re_v2_base/sx;
241 my $cline_re2_v2 = qr/$cline_re_v2_base$/sx;
243 my $cline_re_v3_base = qq'
244 (
245 v3[\#] # version
246 .*
247 )
248 ';
249 my $cline_re_v3 = qr/$cline_re_v3_base/sx;
251 my $cline_re2_v3_base = qq'
252 (
253 v3[\#] # version
254 ([0-9]+)[\#] # history line number
255 ([0-9]+)[\#] # exitcode
256 ([0-9]+)[\#] # uid
257 ([0-9]+)[\#] # pid
258 ([0-9]+)[\#] # time
259 (.*?)[\#] # pwd
260 (.*?)[\#] # nonce
261 (.*?([\$\#]\\s?)) # prompt
262 (.*) # command line
263 )
264 ';
265 my $cline_re2_v3 = qr/$cline_re2_v3_base$/sx;
268 my %vt; # Хэш виртуальных терминалов. По одному на каждый сеанс
269 my $cline_vt = Term::VT102->new (
270 'cols' => $Config{"terminal_width"},
271 'rows' => $Config{"terminal_height"});
273 my $converter = Text::Iconv->new($Config{"encoding"}, "utf-8")
274 if ($Config{"encoding"} && $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i);
276 print "Parsing lab scripts...\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
278 my $file;
279 my $skip_info;
281 my $commandlines_loaded =0;
282 my $commandlines_processed =0;
284 my @lab_scripts = <$lab_scripts_path/$lab_scripts_mask>;
285 for $file (@lab_scripts){
287 # Пропускаем файл, если он не изменялся со времени нашего предудущего прохода
288 my $size = (stat($file))[7];
289 next if ($Script_Files{$file} && $Script_Files{$file}->{size} && $Script_Files{$file}->{size} >= $size);
292 my $local_session_id;
293 # Начальное значение идентификатора текущего сеанса определяем из имени скрипта
294 # Впоследствии оно может быть уточнено
295 $file =~ m@.*/([^/]*)\.script$@;
296 $local_session_id = $1;
298 if (not defined($vt{$local_session_id})) {
299 $vt{$local_session_id} = Term::VT102->new (
300 'cols' => $Config{"terminal_width"},
301 'rows' => $Config{"terminal_height"});
302 }
304 #Если файл только что появился,
305 #пытаемся найти и загрузить информацию о соответствующей ему сессии
306 if (!$Script_Files{$file}) {
307 my $session_file = $file;
308 $session_file =~ s/\.script/.info/;
309 if (open(SESSION, $session_file)) {
310 local $/;
311 my $data = <SESSION>;
312 close(SESSION);
314 for my $session_data ($data =~ m@<session>(.*?)</session>@sg) {
315 my %session;
316 while ($session_data =~ m@<([^>]*?)>(.*?)</\1>@sg) {
317 $session{$1} = $2;
318 }
319 $local_session_id = $session{"local_session_id"} if $session{"local_session_id"};
320 $Sessions{$local_session_id}=\%session;
321 }
323 #Загруженную информацию сразу же отправляем в поток
324 print_session($Config{cache}, $local_session_id);
325 }
326 else {
327 die "can't open session file";
328 }
329 }
331 open (FILE, "$file");
332 binmode FILE;
334 # Переходим к тому месту, где мы окончили разбор
335 seek (FILE, $Script_Files{$file}->{tell}, 0) if $Script_Files{$file}->{tell};
336 $Script_Files{$file}->{size} = $size;
337 $Script_Files{$file}->{tell} = 0 unless $Script_Files{$file}->{tell};
339 $file =~ m@.*/(.*?)-.*@;
341 print "\n+- processing file $file\n| "
342 if $Config{"verbose"} =~/y/;
344 my $tty = $1;
345 my %cl;
346 my $last_output_length=0;
347 my $saved_output;
348 while (<FILE>) {
349 $commandlines_processed++;
351 next if s/^Script started on.*?\n//s;
353 if (/[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].\[[0-9][0-9]D.\[K/ && m/$cline_re/) {
354 s/.*\x0d(?!\x0a)//;
355 m/$cline_re2/gs;
357 $commandlines_loaded++;
358 $last_output_length=0;
360 # Previous command
361 my %last_cl = %cl;
362 my $this_line = $1;
363 my $err = $2 || "";
365 $cl{"local_session_id"} = $local_session_id;
366 # Parse new command
367 $cl{"uid"} = $3;
368 #$cl{"euid"} = $cl{"uid"}; # Если в команде обнаружится sudo, euid поменяем на 0
369 $cl{"pid"} = $4;
370 $cl{"day"} = $5;
371 $cl{"lab"} = $6;
372 $cl{"hour"} = $7;
373 $cl{"min"} = $8;
374 $cl{"sec"} = $9;
375 #$cl{"fullprompt"} = $10;
376 $cl{"prompt"} = $11;
377 $cl{"raw_cline"} = $12;
379 {
380 use bytes;
381 $cl{"raw_start"} = tell (FILE) - length($this_line);
382 $cl{"raw_output_start"} = tell FILE;
383 }
384 $cl{"raw_file"} = $file;
386 $cl{"err"} = 0;
387 $cl{"output"} = "";
388 $cl{"tty"} = $tty;
390 $cline_vt->process($cl{"raw_cline"}."\n");
391 $cl{"cline"} = $cline_vt->row_plaintext (1);
392 $cl{"cline"} =~ s/\s*$//;
393 $cl{"cline"} =~ s/.*?[\#\$]\s*//;
394 $cline_vt->reset();
396 my %commands = extract_commands_from_cline($cl{"cline"});
397 #$cl{"euid"}=0 if defined $commands{"sudo"};
398 my @comms = sort { $commands{$a} cmp $commands{$b} } keys %commands;
399 $cl{"last_command"} = $comms[$#comms] || "";
401 if (
402 $Config{"suppress_editors"} =~ /^y/i
403 && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}})
404 || $Config{"suppress_pagers"} =~ /^y/i
405 && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"pagers"}})
406 || $Config{"suppress_terminal"}=~ /^y/i
407 && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"terminal"}})
408 ) {
409 $cl{"suppress_output"} = "1";
410 }
411 else {
412 $cl{"suppress_output"} = "0";
413 }
414 $skip_info = 0;
417 print " ",$cl{"last_command"};
419 if (grep ($_ eq $last_cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}})) {
420 bind_diff(\%last_cl);
421 }
423 # Error code
424 $last_cl{"raw_end"} = $cl{"raw_start"};
425 $last_cl{"err"}=$err;
426 $last_cl{"err"}=130 if $err eq "^C";
429 # Output
430 if (!$last_cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_cl{"err"}) {
431 for (my $i=0; $i<$Config{"terminal_height"}; $i++) {
432 my $line= $vt{$local_session_id}->row_plaintext($i);
433 next if !defined ($line) ; #|| $line =~ /^\s*$/;
434 $line =~ s/\s*$//;
435 $line .= "\n" unless $line =~ /^\s*$/;
436 $last_cl{"output"} .= $line;
437 }
438 }
439 else {
440 $last_cl{"output"}= "";
441 }
443 $vt{$local_session_id}->reset();
446 # Save
447 if (!$Config{"lab"} || $cl{"lab"} eq $Config{"lab"}) {
448 # Changing encoding
449 for (keys %last_cl) {
450 next if /raw/;
451 $last_cl{$_} = $converter->convert($last_cl{$_})
452 if ($Config{"encoding"} &&
453 $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i);
454 }
455 push @Command_Lines, \%last_cl;
457 # Сохранение позиции в файле, до которой выполнен
458 # успешный разбор
459 $Script_Files{$file}->{tell} = $last_cl{raw_end};
460 }
461 next;
462 }
464 elsif (m/$cline_re_v2/ || m/$cline_re_v3/) {
465 # Разбираем командную строку версии 2
466 my $before=$_;
467 s/.*\x0d(?!\x0a)//;
469 my $re;
470 if (m/$cline_re_v2/) {
471 $re=$cline_re2_v2;
472 }
473 else {
474 s/.\[1K.\[10D//gs;
475 $re=$cline_re2_v3;
476 print STDERR "... $_ ...\n";
477 }
478 m/$re/gs;
480 $commandlines_loaded++;
481 $last_output_length=0;
483 # Previous command
484 my %last_cl = %cl;
486 $cl{"local_session_id"} = $local_session_id;
487 # Parse new command
488 my $this_line = $1;
489 $cl{"history"} = $2;
490 my $err = $3;
491 $cl{"uid"} = $4;
492 #$cl{"euid"} = $cl{"uid"}; # Если в команде обнаружится sudo, euid поменяем на 0
493 $cl{"pid"} = $5;
494 $cl{"time"} = $6;
495 $cl{"pwd"} = $7;
496 $cl{"nonce"} = $8;
497 #$cl{"fullprompt"} = $8;
498 $cl{"prompt"} = $10;
499 #$cl{"raw_cline"}= $10;
500 $cl{"raw_cline"}= $before;
502 {
503 use bytes;
504 $cl{"raw_start"} = tell (FILE) - length($before);
505 $cl{"raw_output_start"} = tell FILE;
506 }
507 $cl{"raw_file"} = $file;
509 $cl{"err"} = 0;
510 $cl{"output"} = "";
511 #$cl{"tty"} = $tty;
513 $cline_vt->process($cl{"raw_cline"}."\n");
514 $cl{"cline"} = $cline_vt->row_plaintext (1);
515 $cl{"cline"} =~ s/\s*$//;
516 $cl{"cline"} =~ s/.*?[\#\$]\s*//;
517 $cline_vt->reset();
518 print STDERR "cline=".$cl{"cline"}."<<\n";
520 my %commands = extract_commands_from_cline($cl{"cline"});
521 #$cl{"euid"} = 0 if defined $commands{"sudo"};
522 my @comms = sort { $commands{$a} cmp $commands{$b} } keys %commands;
523 $cl{"last_command"}
524 = $comms[$#comms] || "";
526 print STDERR "last_command=".$cl{"last_command"}."<<\n";
528 if (
529 $Config{"suppress_editors"} =~ /^y/i
530 && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}})
531 || $Config{"suppress_pagers"} =~ /^y/i
532 && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"pagers"}})
533 || $Config{"suppress_terminal"}=~ /^y/i
534 && grep ($_ eq $cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"terminal"}})
535 ) {
536 $cl{"suppress_output"} = "1";
537 }
538 else {
539 $cl{"suppress_output"} = "0";
540 }
541 $skip_info = 0;
543 if ($Config{verbose} =~ /y/i) {
544 print "\n| " if $commandlines_loaded % 5 == 1;
545 print " ",$cl{"last_command"};
546 }
548 if (defined($last_cl{time})
549 && grep ($_ eq $last_cl{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"editors"}})) {
550 bind_diff(\%last_cl);
551 }
553 # Error code
554 $last_cl{"err"}=$err;
555 $last_cl{"raw_end"} = $cl{"raw_start"};
557 # Output
558 if (!$last_cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_cl{"err"}) {
559 $last_cl{"output"}=$saved_output;
560 for (my $i=0; $i<$Config{"terminal_height"}; $i++) {
561 my $line= $vt{$local_session_id}->row_plaintext($i);
562 next if !defined ($line) ; #|| $line =~ /^\s*$/;
563 $line =~ s/\s*$//;
564 $line .= "\n" unless $line =~ /^\s*$/;
565 $last_cl{"output"} .= $line;
566 }
567 }
568 else {
569 $last_cl{"output"}= "";
570 }
572 $vt{$local_session_id}->reset();
573 $saved_output="";
576 # Changing encoding
577 for (keys %last_cl) {
578 next if /raw/;
579 if ($Config{"encoding"} &&
580 $Config{"encoding"} !~ /^utf-8$/i) {
581 $last_cl{$_} = $converter->convert($last_cl{$_})
582 }
583 }
584 if (defined($last_cl{time})) {
585 print STDERR "push id=".$last_cl{time}."\n";
586 push @Command_Lines, \%last_cl;
587 # Сохранение позиции в файле, до которой выполнен
588 # успешный разбор
589 $Script_Files{$file}->{tell} = $last_cl{raw_end};
590 }
591 next;
592 }
594 if (($commandlines_processed%100) == 0) {
595 # Каждые сто строк обнуляем терминал и переносим вывод из него в кэш
596 # Output
597 for (my $i=0; $i<$Config{"terminal_height"}; $i++) {
598 my $line= $vt{$local_session_id}->row_plaintext($i);
599 next if !defined ($line) ; #|| $line =~ /^\s*$/;
600 $line =~ s/\s*$//;
601 $line .= "\n" unless $line =~ /^\s*$/;
602 $saved_output .= $line;
603 }
604 $vt{$local_session_id}->reset();
605 $last_output_length=0;
606 }
608 # Иначе, это строка вывода
610 $last_output_length+=length($_);
611 #if (!$cl{"suppress_output"} || $last_output_length < 5000) {
612 if ($last_output_length < 50000) {
613 $vt{$local_session_id}->process("$_"."\n")
614 }
615 else
616 {
617 if (!$skip_info && defined($cl{last_command})) {
618 print "($cl{last_command})";
619 $skip_info = 1;
620 }
621 }
622 }
623 close(FILE);
625 }
626 if ($Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/) {
627 print "\n`- finished.\n" ;
628 print "Lines loaded: $commandlines_processed\n";
629 print "Command lines: $commandlines_loaded\n";
630 }
631 }
636 sub sort_command_lines
637 {
638 print "Sorting command lines..." if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
640 # Sort Command_Lines
641 # Write Command_Lines to Command_Lines_Index
643 my @index;
644 for (my $i=0;$i<=$#Command_Lines;$i++) {
645 $index[$i]=$i;
646 }
648 @Command_Lines_Index = sort {
649 defined($Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"time"})
650 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"time"})
651 ? $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"time"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"time"}
652 : defined($Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"day"})
653 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"day"})
654 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"hour"})
655 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"hour"})
656 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"min"})
657 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"min"})
658 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"sec"})
659 && defined($Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"sec"})
660 ? $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"day"} cmp $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"day"}
661 || $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"hour"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"hour"}
662 || $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"min"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"min"}
663 || $Command_Lines[$index[$a]]->{"sec"} <=> $Command_Lines[$index[$b]]->{"sec"}
664 : 0
665 } @index;
667 print "finished\n" if $Config{"verbose"} =~ /y/;
669 }
671 sub printq
672 {
673 my $TO = shift;
674 my $text = join "", @_;
675 $text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
676 $text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
677 $text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
678 print $TO $text;
679 }
682 =cut
683 Вывести результат обработки журнала.
684 =cut
686 sub print_command_lines
687 {
688 my $output_filename=$_[0];
689 open(OUT, ">>", $output_filename)
690 or die "Can't open $output_filename for writing\n";
693 my $cl;
694 my $in_range=0;
695 for my $i (@Command_Lines_Index) {
696 $cl = $Command_Lines[$i];
698 if ($Config{"from"} && $cl->{"cline"} =~ /$Config{"signature"}\s*$Config{"from"}/) {
699 $in_range=1;
700 next;
701 }
702 if ($Config{"to"} && $cl->{"cline"} =~ /$Config{"signature"}\s*$Config{"to"}/) {
703 $in_range=0;
704 next;
705 }
706 next if ($Config{"from"} && $Config{"to"} && !$in_range)
707 ||
708 ($Config{"skip_empty"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"cline"} =~ /^\s*$/ )
709 ||
710 ($Config{"skip_wrong"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"err"} != 0)
711 ||
712 ($Config{"skip_interrupted"} =~ /^y/i && $cl->{"err"} == 130);
714 # Вырезаем из вывода только нужное количество строк
716 my $output="";
718 if (!grep ($_ eq $cl->{"last_command"}, @{$Config{"full_output_commands"}})
719 && ($Config{"head_lines"}
720 || $Config{"tail_lines"})) {
721 # Partialy output
722 my @lines = split '\n', $cl->{"output"};
723 # head
724 my $mark=1;
725 for (my $i=0; $i<= $#lines && $i < $Config{"cache_head_lines"}; $i++) {
726 $output .= $lines[$i]."\n";
727 }
728 # tail
729 my $start=$#lines-$Config{"cache_tail_lines"}+1;
730 if ($start < 0) {
731 $start=0;
732 $mark=0;
733 }
734 if ($start < $Config{"cache_head_lines"}) {
735 $start=$Config{"cache_head_lines"};
736 $mark=0;
737 }
738 $output .= $Config{"skip_text"}."\n" if $mark;
739 for ($i=$start; $i<= $#lines; $i++) {
740 $output .= $lines[$i]."\n";
741 }
742 }
743 else {
744 # Full output
745 $output .= $cl->{"output"};
746 }
748 # Совместимость с labmaker
750 # Переводим в секунды Эпохи
751 # В labmaker'е данные хранились в неудобной форме: hour, min, sec, day of year
752 # Информация о годе отсутствовала
753 # Её можно внести:
754 # Декабрь 2004 год; остальные -- 2005 год.
756 my $year = 2005;
757 #$year = 2004 if ( $cl->{day} > 330 );
758 $year = $Config{year} if $Config{year};
759 # timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday,$mon,$year);
760 $cl->{time} ||= timelocal_nocheck($cl->{sec},$cl->{min},$cl->{hour},$cl->{day},0,$year);
763 # Начинаем вывод команды
764 print OUT "<command>\n";
765 print OUT "<l3cd>$Config{l3cd}</l3cd>\n" if $Config{"l3cd"};
766 for my $element (qw(
767 local_session_id
768 history
769 uid
770 pid
771 time
772 pwd
773 raw_start
774 raw_output_start
775 raw_end
776 raw_file
777 tty
778 err
779 last_command
780 history
781 nonce
782 )) {
783 next unless defined($cl->{"$element"});
784 print OUT "<$element>".$cl->{$element}."</$element>\n";
785 }
786 for my $element (qw(
787 prompt
788 cline
789 )) {
790 next unless defined($cl->{"$element"});
791 print OUT "<$element>";
792 printq(\*OUT,$cl->{"$element"});
793 print OUT "</$element>\n";
794 }
795 #note
796 #note_title
797 print OUT "<output>";
798 printq(\*OUT,$output);
799 print OUT "</output>\n";
800 if ($cl->{"diff"}) {
801 print OUT "<diff>";
802 printq(\*OUT,${$Diffs{$cl->{"diff"}}}{"text"});
803 print OUT "</diff>\n";
804 }
805 print OUT "</command>\n";
807 }
809 close(OUT);
810 }
812 sub print_session
813 {
814 my $output_filename = $_[0];
815 my $local_session_id = $_[1];
816 return if not defined($Sessions{$local_session_id});
818 print "printing session info. session id = ".$local_session_id."\n"
819 if $Config{verbose} =~ /y/;
821 open(OUT, ">>", $output_filename)
822 or die "Can't open $output_filename for writing\n";
823 print OUT "<session>\n";
824 print OUT "<l3cd>$Config{l3cd}</l3cd>\n" if $Config{"l3cd"};
825 my %session = %{$Sessions{$local_session_id}};
826 for my $key (keys %session) {
827 print OUT "<$key>".$session{$key}."</$key>\n";
828 print " ".$key,"\n";
829 }
830 print OUT "</session>\n";
831 close(OUT);
832 }
834 sub send_cache
835 {
836 # Если в кэше что-то накопилось,
837 # попытаемся отправить это на сервер
838 #
839 my $cache_was_sent=0;
841 if (open(CACHE, $Config{cache})) {
842 local $/;
843 my $cache = <CACHE>;
844 close(CACHE);
846 my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
847 PeerAddr => $Config{backend_address},
848 PeerPort => $Config{backend_port},
849 proto => "tcp",
850 Type => SOCK_STREAM
851 );
853 if ($socket) {
854 print $socket $cache;
855 close($socket);
856 $cache_was_sent = 1;
857 }
858 }
859 return $cache_was_sent;
860 }
862 sub save_cache_stat
863 {
864 open (CACHE, ">$Config{cache_stat}");
865 for my $f (keys %Script_Files) {
866 print CACHE "$f\t",$Script_Files{$f}->{size},"\t",$Script_Files{$f}->{tell},"\n";
867 }
868 close(CACHE);
869 }
871 sub load_cache_stat
872 {
873 if (open (CACHE, "$Config{cache_stat}")) {
874 while(<CACHE>) {
875 chomp;
876 my ($f, $size, $tell) = split /\t/;
877 $Script_Files{$f}->{size} = $size;
878 $Script_Files{$f}->{tell} = $tell;
879 }
880 close(CACHE);
881 };
882 }
885 main();
887 sub process_was_killed
888 {
889 $Killed = 1;
890 }
892 sub reload
893 {
894 init_config;
895 }
897 sub main
898 {
900 $| = 1;
902 init_variables();
903 init_config();
906 if ($Config{"mode"} ne "daemon") {
908 # В нормальном режиме работы нужно
909 # считать скрипты, обработать их и записать
910 # результат выполнения в результирующий файл.
911 # После этого завершить работу.
913 # Очистим кэш-файл, если он существовал
914 if (open (CACHE, ">", $Config{"cache"})) {
915 close(CACHE);
916 };
917 load_command_lines($Config{"input"}, $Config{"input_mask"});
918 sort_command_lines;
919 #process_command_lines;
920 print_command_lines($Config{"cache"});
921 }
922 else {
923 if (open(PIDFILE, $Config{agent_pidfile})) {
924 my $pid = <PIDFILE>;
925 close(PIDFILE);
926 if ($^O eq 'linux' && $pid &&(! -e "/proc/$pid" || !`grep $Config{"l3-agent"} /proc/$pid/cmdline && grep "uid:.*\b$<\b" /proc/$pid/status`)) {
927 print "Removing stale pidfile\n";
928 unlink $Config{agent_pidfile}
929 or die "Can't remove stale pidfile ". $Config{agent_pidfile}. " : $!";
930 }
931 elsif ($^O eq 'freebsd' && defined($pid) && $pid ne "" && not `ps axo uid,pid,command | grep '$< $pid $Config{"l3-agent"}' | grep -v grep 2> /dev/null`) {
932 print "Removing stale pidfile\n";
933 unlink $Config{agent_pidfile}
934 or die "Can't remove stale pidfile ". $Config{agent_pidfile}. " : $!";
935 }
936 elsif ($^O eq 'linux' || $^O eq 'freebsd' ) {
937 print "l3-agent is already running: pid=$pid; pidfile=$Config{agent_pidfile}\n";
938 exit(0);
939 }
940 else {
941 print "Unknown operating system";
942 exit(0);
943 }
944 }
945 if ($Config{detach} =~ /^y/i) {
946 #$Config{verbose} = "no";
947 my $pid = fork;
948 exit if $pid;
949 die "Couldn't fork: $!" unless defined ($pid);
951 open(PIDFILE, ">", $Config{agent_pidfile})
952 or die "Can't open pidfile ". $Config{agent_pidfile}. " for wrting: $!";
953 print PIDFILE $$;
954 close(PIDFILE);
956 for my $handle (*STDIN, *STDOUT, *STDERR) {
957 open ($handle, "+<", "/dev/null")
958 or die "can't reopen $handle to /dev/null: $!"
959 }
961 POSIX::setsid()
962 or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
964 $0 = $Config{"l3-agent"};
966 $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = \&process_was_killed;
967 $SIG{HUP} = \&reload;
969 }
970 while (not $Killed) {
971 @Command_Lines = ();
972 @Command_Lines_Index = ();
973 load_cache_stat();
974 load_command_lines($Config{"input"}, $Config{"input_mask"});
975 if (@Command_Lines) {
976 sort_command_lines;
977 #process_command_lines;
978 print_command_lines($Config{"cache"});
979 }
980 save_cache_stat();
981 if (-e $Config{cache} && (stat($Config{cache}))[7]) {
982 send_cache() && unlink($Config{cache});
983 }
984 sleep($Config{"daemon_sleep_interval"} || 1);
985 }
987 unlink $Config{agent_pidfile};
988 }
990 }
992 sub init_variables
993 {
994 }