#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use XML::Simple; BEGIN { chdir("/home/devi/cvs/lilalo"); require l3config; }; my $value = param('PARAM'); my %Trainings; my $XMLTraining; my %Machines; sub load_training { my $classfile = $_[0]|| $l3config::Config{"classfile"} || $l3config::Config{"path_classes"}."/".$l3config::Config{"class"}.$l3config::Config{"class_suffix"}; my $XMLTraining = XMLin($classfile , ForceArray => [ 'student' ] ) or die "Can't open file of the class ",$classfile,"\n"; for my $student (@{$XMLTraining->{"student"}}) { $XMLTraining->{host}->{$student->{"host"}}=$student; } return $XMLTraining; } print header( -charset => "utf-8", ); if ($ENV{PATH_INFO} eq "/index") { # Показываем индекс курсов my @training_files = glob($l3config::Config{"path_classes"}."/*".$l3config::Config{"class_suffix"}); if (@training_files) { for my $training_file (@training_files) { my $training = load_training($training_file); $Trainings{$training->{"date"}}=$training; } print "\n"; for my $tdate (reverse sort keys %Trainings) { my $t = $Trainings{$tdate}; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "\n"; print ""; print "\n"; } print "
"; print "
			for my $host (sort keys %{$t->{host}}) {
				my $h = $t->{host}->{$host};
				print "$host";
				print " ".$h->{firstname}." ".$h->{surname}." ";
				print "root ";
				print "".$h->{user}." ";
				print "\n";
			print "
"; print "
\n"; } else { print "No training-files found
\n"; print "Template to load files: ".$l3config::Config{"path_classes"}."*".$l3config::Config{"class_suffix"}."\n" } } elsif ($ENV{PATH_INFO} eq "/current") { open (FRONTEND, "./l3-frontend --output - --show_comments no |"); while () { print; } close(FRONTEND); } else { # Вызов производится по URL my ($skip, $course, $host, $user) = split /\//,$ENV{PATH_INFO},4; $l3config::Config{"class"}=$course; $XMLTraining = load_training; my @args=( "--output" => "-", "--show_comments" => "no", "--course-center" => $XMLTraining->{center}, "--course-trainer" => $XMLTraining->{instructor}->{firstname}." ".$XMLTraining->{instructor}->{surname}, "--course-student" => $XMLTraining->{host}->{$host}->{firstname}." ".$XMLTraining->{host}->{$host}->{surname}, "--course-code" => $XMLTraining->{course}, "--course-date" => $XMLTraining->{date}, "--backend_datafile" => "/var/lilalo/lablogs-xml/$course/$host/$user.xml", "--encoding" => $XMLTraining->{host}->{$host}->{charset}, ); open (FRONTEND, "./l3-frontend ".join(" ",map("\"$_\"",@args))." |"); while () { print; } close(FRONTEND); }