
view xen-drbd.py @ 37:e80bdf496aa2

1. --network (-n) option; topology name is not hardcoded since present
2. fix for incorrect processing of the paramater spicified in form like drbd8=sda1 in xen-drbd-install
author igor@manas.xt.vpn
date Mon Sep 15 10:03:24 2008 +0300 (2008-09-15)
parents 5e499179b5ed
children 30671fe7fd79
line source
1 #!/usr/bin/python
4 def the_peer_of(node):
5 if node == node1:
6 another_node=node2
7 else:
8 another_node=node1
9 return another_node
12 def log_error(error):
13 print error
15 def run_now(command,node):
16 if node == i_am:
17 line=command+" > /dev/stderr 2>&1"
18 else:
19 line="ssh %s %s < /dev/null > /dev/stderr 2>&1" % (node,mkarg(command))
20 if debug > 2:
21 print "debug:", line
22 (p, child_stdout, child_stderr) = os.popen3(line)
23 output = child_stderr.read()
24 #p = os.popen(line)
25 #output = p.read()
26 p.close()
27 return output
29 def run(command,node):
30 return run_now(command,node)
31 #if node == i_am:
32 # print command
33 #else:
34 # print "ssh %s %s < /dev/null > /dev/stderr" % (node,mkarg(command))
37 def get_drbd_resources(domain):
38 disk=[]
39 for disk_description in disk_table[domain]:
40 if disk_description.find(":") == -1:
41 disk.append(domain)
42 else:
43 disk.append((disk_description.split(':'))[1])
44 return disk
46 def set_drbd_primary(domain, node):
47 res=""
48 drbd_resources=get_drbd_resources(domain)
49 for drbd in drbd_resources:
50 res += run("drbdadm primary %s"%(drbd),node)
51 print "DRBD resource <%s> on the node <%s> is <%s> now" % (drbd,node,get_drbd_state(drbd,node))
52 return res
54 def set_drbd_secondary(domain, node):
55 res=""
56 drbd_resources=get_drbd_resources(domain)
57 for drbd in drbd_resources:
58 res += run("until drbdadm secondary %s; do echo Trying to siwtch resource <%s> on the node <%s> to secondary state; sleep 5; done"%(drbd,drbd,node),node)
59 print "DRBD resource <%s> on the node <%s> is <%s> now" % (drbd,node,get_drbd_state(drbd,node))
60 return res
62 def get_domain_id(domain,node):
63 """
64 Returns domain id of the <domain> or -1 if the <domain> is not running on the <node>
65 """
66 res=run_now("xm list | awk '{if ($1 == \"'%s'\") print $2}'" % domain, node).rstrip("\n")
67 if not res:
68 res = -1
69 else:
70 res = int(res)
71 return res
73 def get_drbd_id(resource,node):
74 res=run_now("ls -l /dev/drbd/%s 2> /dev/null | awk '{print $10}' | sed s@/dev/drbd@@" %resource, node).rstrip("\n")
75 if not res:
76 res = -1
77 else:
78 res = int(res)
79 return res
81 def get_drbd_state(resource,node):
82 res=run_now("drbdadm state %s | sed s@/.*@@" %resource, node).rstrip("\n")
83 if not res:
84 res = -1
85 return res
87 def get_drbd_cstate(resource,node):
88 res=run_now("drbdadm cstate %s " %resource, node).rstrip("\n")
89 if not res:
90 res = -1
91 return res
93 def start_domain(domain,node):
94 if (get_domain_id(domain,i_am) != -1):
95 log_error("Domain %s is running already on the node %s" % (domain,i_am))
96 return -1
97 if (get_domain_id(domain,he_is) != -1):
98 log_error("Domain %s is running already on the node %s" % (domain,he_is))
99 return -1
100 another_node=the_peer_of(node)
101 print set_drbd_secondary(domain,another_node)
102 print set_drbd_primary(domain,node)
103 print run(domain_create_line % domain, node)
105 def migrate_domain_out(domain,node):
106 if (get_domain_id(domain,node) == -1):
107 log_error("Domain %s is not running on the node %s" % (domain,node))
108 return -1
109 another_node=the_peer_of(node)
110 print "Migrating the domain <%s> from the node <%s> to the node <%s>" % (domain, node, another_node)
111 set_drbd_primary(domain,another_node)
112 run("xm migrate %s %s --live" % (domain,another_node),node)
113 run("sleep 2")
114 set_drbd_secondary(domain,node)
115 print "+ Done"
117 def migrate_domain_in(domain,node):
118 migrate_domain_out(domain,the_peer_of(node))
120 def migrate_domain(domain,node):
121 migrate_domain_in(domain,node)
123 def running_domains(node):
124 xm_domains=run_now("xm list | awk '{print $1}'", node).split("\n")
125 return filter(lambda x: x in xm_domains, domains)
127 def migrate_out_all(node):
128 for domain in running_domains(node):
129 migrate_domain_out(domain,node)
131 def migrate_in_all(node):
132 for domain in running_domains(the_peer_of(node)):
133 migrate_domain_in(domain,node)
135 def start_all(node):
136 for domain in domains:
137 if not domain in running_domains(node) and not domain in running_domains(the_peer_of(node)):
138 start_domain(domain,node)
140 def start_my_domains(node):
141 for domain in domain_home[node]:
142 if not domain in running_domains(node) and not domain in running_domains(the_peer_of(node)):
143 start_domain(domain,node)
145 def migrate_my_domains_home(node):
146 for domain in domain_home[node]:
147 if not domain in running_domains(node) and domain in running_domains(the_peer_of(node)):
148 migrate_domain_in(domain,node)
150 def migrate_and_start_my_domains(node):
151 migrate_my_domains_home(node)
152 start_my_domains(node)
154 def migrate_and_start_all(node):
155 migrate_my_domains_home(node)
156 start_my_domains(node)
157 migrate_my_domains_home(the_peer_of(node))
158 start_my_domains(the_peer_of(node))
160 def do_import(name, source):
161 module = imp.new_module(name)
162 sys.modules[name] = module
163 exec source in vars(module)
164 return module
166 def load_file(file):
167 f=open(file)
168 result=f.read()
169 return result
171 def dump_config(domain):
172 xen_domain=load_file(xen_drbd_start)
173 xen_domain="domain=\"%s\"\n" % (domain) + xen_domain
174 xen_domain="network=\"%s\"\n" % (network) + xen_domain
175 do_import('xen_domain_module',xen_domain)
176 import xen_domain_module
177 xen_domain_module.print_config()
179 def show_usage():
180 print """
181 Usage:
182 xen-drbd [options] command [domain]
184 Commands:
185 start domain
186 start-all
187 start-my-domains
189 migrate-out domain
190 migrate-in domain
191 migrate-all-out
192 migrate-all-in
193 migrate-my-domains-home
194 migrate-and-start-my-domains
195 migrate-and-start-all
197 dump-config domain
199 Options:
200 --help (-h) -- show usage information
201 --network=name (-n) -- the network descriptions is in the file name.py (default: network.py)
204 """
206 def test():
207 print "get_drbd_resources(samba)=",get_drbd_resources("samba")
208 print "get_domain_id(Domain-0)=",get_domain_id("Domain-0")
209 print "get_domain_id(samba)=",get_domain_id("samba")
210 print "get_drbd_id(samba)=",get_drbd_id("samba")
211 print "get_drbd_id(samba, he_is)=",get_drbd_id("samba",he_is)
212 print "get_drbd_id(unknown_resource, he_is)=",get_drbd_id("unknown_resource",he_is)
213 print "get_drbd_state(samba, he_is)=",get_drbd_state("samba")
214 print "get_drbd_state(samba, he_is)=",get_drbd_state("samba",he_is)
215 print "get_drbd_cstate(samba)=",get_drbd_cstate("samba")
216 print "get_drbd_cstate(samba, he_is)=",get_drbd_cstate("samba",he_is)
217 print "start_domain(samba)"
218 start_domain("samba")
219 print "migrate_domain_out(samba)"
220 migrate_domain_in("samba")
223 #print "get_domain_id(samba,node2)=",get_domain_id("samba",node2)
224 #sys.exit(0)
226 network='network'
227 import sys,os,imp,getopt
228 from commands import mkarg
230 try:
231 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hn:", ["help", "network="])
232 except getopt.GetoptError, err:
233 # print help information and exit:
234 print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
235 usage()
236 sys.exit(2)
238 for o, a in opts:
239 if o in ("-h", "--help"):
240 show_usage()
241 sys.exit()
242 elif o in ("-n", "--network"):
243 network = a
244 else:
245 assert False, "unhandled option"
248 debug=2
252 sys.path.append('/etc/xen')
253 try:
254 exec 'from %s import *' % (network)
255 except ImportError:
256 print "Can't find or interpret module <%s> with topology description" %(network)
257 sys.exit(1)
259 xen_drbd_start="/etc/xen/xen-drbd-start"
260 domain_create_line="xm create "+xen_drbd_start+" network="+network+" domain=%s"
262 if len(args) == 0:
263 show_usage()
264 sys.exit(0)
266 he_is=the_peer_of(i_am)
268 command=args[0]
269 if len(args) == 2:
270 domain=args[1]
271 if command == 'start':
272 start_domain(domain, i_am)
273 elif command == 'migrate-out':
274 migrate_domain_out(domain, i_am)
275 elif command == 'migrate-in':
276 migrate_domain_in(domain, i_am)
277 elif command == 'dump-config':
278 dump_config(domain)
279 else:
280 show_usage()
281 sys.exit(0)
282 elif len(args) == 1:
283 if command == 'start-all':
284 start_all(i_am)
285 elif command == 'start-my-domains':
286 start_my_domains(i_am)
287 elif command == 'migrate-out-all':
288 migrate_out_all(i_am)
289 elif command == 'migrate-in-all':
290 migrate_in_all(i_am)
291 elif command == 'migrate-my-domains-home':
292 migrate_my_domains_home(i_am)
293 elif command == 'migrate-and-start-my-domains':
294 migrate_and_start_my_domains(i_am)
295 elif command == 'migrate-and-start-all':
296 migrate_and_start_all(i_am)
297 elif command == 'list':
298 print running_domains(i_am)
299 else:
300 show_usage()
301 sys.exit(0)