# usage: # loads /etc/xgurulla/config # # N the number of the instance # NETWORK_NAME # SERVER_NAME MAX_INSTANCES=10 FIRST_VLAN=100 LAST_VLAN=200 . /etc/xgurulla/config common_setup() { echo $HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname echo $HOSTNAME ${HOSTNAME%%.*} > /etc/hosts hostname $HOSTNAME touch /root/.hushlogin export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive perl -p -i -e 's/universe/universe multiverse/' /etc/apt/sources.list pkill apt-get ; pkill dpkg ; sleep 5; pkill apt-get; pkill dpkg ; sleep 5 dpkg --configure -a apt-get -q -y update apt-get -q -y install dynamips openvpn bridge-utils rsync vlan unzip screen & while ps waux | grep -q apt-get do sleep 5 if ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -q dpkg.*defunct then pkill apt-get ; pkill dpkg ; sleep 5; pkill apt-get; pkill dpkg ; sleep 5 dpkg --configure -a apt-get -q -y install dynamips openvpn bridge-utils rsync vlan unzip screen & fi done } server_bridges_setup() { brctl addbr br0 ip link set br0 up ifconfig br0 promisc for i in `seq 0 $MAX_INSTANCES` do brctl addif br0 tap$i ip link set tap$i up done } vlans_setup() { interface=$1 ip link set $interface up vconfig set_name_type VLAN_PLUS_VID_NO_PAD for i in `seq $FIRST_VLAN $LAST_VLAN` do vconfig add $interface $i ip link set vlan$i up brctl addbr br$i ip link set br$i up ifconfig br$i promisc brctl addif br$i vlan$i done } server_setup() { cd /etc/openvpn openvpn --genkey --secret static.key for i in `seq 0 $MAX_INSTANCES` do cat < server$i.conf port $((22000+i)) secret static.key dev tap$i EOF done /etc/init.d/openvpn restart } client_setup() { cd /etc/openvpn scp $SERVER:/etc/openvpn/static.key . cat < client.conf port $((22000+N)) secret static.key remote $SERVER dev tap0 EOF /etc/init.d/openvpn restart } copy_files_to_server() { mkdir /mnt2 mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt2 rsync -a /mnt2/ /mnt/ umount /mnt2 rmdir /mnt2 #mkdir /mnt/ios #cd /mnt/ios #wget http://igor.chub.in/tmp/ios #unzip ios } copy_files_from_server() { rsync -a $SERVER:/mnt/ /mnt/ } if [ "$1" = vlans_setup ] then [ "$N" = 0 ] && vlans_setup br0 || vlan_setup tap0 exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = server_bridges_setup ] then [ "$N" = 0 ] && server_bridges_setup exit 0 fi if [ "$N" = 0 ] then common_setup server_setup server_bridges_setup vlans_setup br0 copy_files_to_server else common_setup client_setup vlans_setup tap0 copy_files_from_server fi