

age author description
2008-06-29 convert-repo update tags
2008-02-29 igor * path to shapes
2008-02-21 igor Делаются какие-то попытки интегрировать в Xentaur
2007-12-03 igor *** empty log message ***
2007-11-11 igor info() + logo()
2007-11-11 igor minifixes
2007-11-11 igor domains_brief support
2007-11-10 igor + example
2007-11-10 igor Многочисленные изменения
2007-10-25 igor configure_no_cdp_log_mismatch_duplex
2007-10-25 igor +netcat+socat to xenomips
2007-10-25 igor +nmap to xenomips
2007-10-25 igor exec timeout 0
2007-10-25 igor exec timeout 0
2007-10-25 igor fix
2007-10-25 igor many fixes
2007-10-24 igor fix
2007-10-24 igor xenomips default parameters
2007-10-24 igor naming pics as configs
2007-10-24 igor many platforms support
2007-10-24 igor default network module
2007-10-24 igor build fixes
2007-10-24 igor dynamips platform
2007-10-24 igor removed full pathes from execs inside xentaur.py
2007-10-12 igor *** empty log message ***
2007-09-28 igor brodge-bridge link visualisation
2007-09-28 igor real topologies
2007-09-25 igor +example1
2007-09-25 nata domain start mini fixes
2007-09-25 igor config splitted to several modules