Понедельник (12/12/11)

#bash install
Installing dependencies...
Downloading l3bashrc...
|   l3bashrc                                              7821  B 6317 kBps
Downloading l3prompt...
|   l3prompt                                               234  B 1409 kBps
Downloading l3-agent...
|   l3-agent                                                32 kB 6666 kBps
|   l3config.pm                                           5830  B 2378 kBps
|   l3-config                                              100  B  757 kBps
Downloading perl modules for l3-agent...
|   Term-VT102.tar.gz                                       29 kB 3384 kBps
|   Text-Iconv.tar.gz                                       10 kB 4326 kBps
Installing perl modules for l3-agent...
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/07-colour.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/testbase
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/02-setsize.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/13-xonxoff.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/12-cupsvrs.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/09-callback.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/04-cursor.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/10-decaln.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/05-scrolling.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/11-decscrc.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/06-insdel.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/14-tabstop.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/01-load.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/03-text.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/t/08-options.t
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/MANIFEST
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/VT102/
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/VT102/examples/
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/VT102/examples/ssh-usage.pl
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/VT102/examples/sanitize-dump.pl
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/VT102/examples/telnet-usage.pl
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/Changes
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/Makefile.PL
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/VT102.pm
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/README
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/TODO
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/META.yml
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/INSTALL
|   x Term-VT102-0.91/COPYING
|   Checking if your kit is complete...
|   Looks good
|   Writing Makefile for Term::VT102
|   cp VT102.pm blib/lib/Term/VT102.pm
|   cp VT102/examples/ssh-usage.pl blib/lib/Term/VT102/examples/ssh-usage.pl
|   cp VT102/examples/telnet-usage.pl blib/lib/Term/VT102/examples/telnet-usage.pl
|   cp VT102/examples/sanitize-dump.pl blib/lib/Term/VT102/examples/sanitize-dump.pl
|   Manifying blib/man3/Term::VT102.3
|   FreeBSD: Registering installation in the package database
|   Cannot create directory /var/db/pkg/bsdpan-Term-VT102-0.91: File exists
|   Appending installation info to /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/mach/perllocal.pod
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/t
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/t/01_charsets.t
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/t/00_load.t
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/Iconv.xs
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/Changes
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/Iconv.pm
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/MANIFEST
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/typemap
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/Makefile.PL
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/README
|   x Text-Iconv-1.7/META.yml
|   Checking for iconv ... ok (added -liconv)
|   NOTE: If you have multiple iconv implementations installed, you might
|         want to make sure that I've found the one you want to use.
|         If necessary, you can explicitly specify paths like this:
|         perl Makefile.PL LIBS='-L/path/to/lib' INC='-I/path/to/include'
|   Checking if your kit is complete...
|   Looks good
|   Writing Makefile for Text::Iconv
|   cp Iconv.pm blib/lib/Text/Iconv.pm
|   AutoSplitting blib/lib/Text/Iconv.pm (blib/lib/auto/Text/Iconv)
|   /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap  Iconv.xs > Iconv.xsc && mv Iconv.xsc Iconv.c
|   cc -c    -DAPPLLIB_EXP="/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/BSDPAN" -DHAS_FPSETMASK -DHAS_FLOATINGPOINT_H -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -fstack-protector -I/usr/local/include -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe    -DVERSION=\"1.7\"  -DXS_VERSION=\"1.7\" -DPIC -fPIC "-I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/mach/CORE"   Iconv.c
|   Running Mkbootstrap for Text::Iconv ()
|   chmod 644 Iconv.bs
|   rm -f blib/arch/auto/Text/Iconv/Iconv.so
|   LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/local/lib" cc  -shared  -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector Iconv.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Text/Iconv/Iconv.so           -liconv
|   chmod 755 blib/arch/auto/Text/Iconv/Iconv.so
|   cp Iconv.bs blib/arch/auto/Text/Iconv/Iconv.bs
|   chmod 644 blib/arch/auto/Text/Iconv/Iconv.bs
|   Manifying blib/man3/Text::Iconv.3
|   Files found in blib/arch: installing files in blib/lib into architecture dependent library tree
|   FreeBSD: Registering installation in the package database
|   Cannot create directory /var/db/pkg/bsdpan-Text-Iconv-1.7: File exists
|   Appending installation info to /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.1/mach/perllocal.pod
Installing l3bashrc to users home directories...
|   ++ for user in '$users'
|   +++ get_user_home root
|   +++ uname -a
|   +++ grep -qi freebsd
|   +++ pw user show root
|   +++ awk -F: '{print $9}'
|   ++ user_home=/root
|   ++ mkdir -p /root/.lilalo
|   ++ mkdir /etc/lilalo/
|   mkdir: /etc/lilalo/: File exists
|   ++ cp l3config.pm /etc/lilalo/
|   ++ cp l3-agent /usr/local/bin
|   ++ cp l3-config /usr/local/bin
|   +++ which bash
|   ++ ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/l3script
|   ln: /usr/local/bin/l3script: File exists
|   ++ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/l3-agent /usr/local/bin/l3-config
|   ++ cp l3bashrc /root/.lilalo
|   ++ cp l3prompt /root/.lilalo
|   ++ chmod 755 /root/.lilalo/l3prompt
|   ++ chown -R root /root/.lilalo
|   ++ echo l3cd=/users/12-12-2011/NT-FBSDnet/fbsd.net.nt/root
|   ++ chown -R root /root/.l3rc
|   ++ for user in '$users'
|   +++ get_user_home user
|   +++ uname -a
|   +++ grep -qi freebsd
|   +++ awk -F: '{print $9}'
|   +++ pw user show user
|   ++ user_home=/home/user
|   ++ mkdir -p /home/user/.lilalo
|   ++ mkdir /etc/lilalo/
|   mkdir: /etc/lilalo/: File exists
|   ++ cp l3config.pm /etc/lilalo/
|   ++ cp l3-agent /usr/local/bin
|   ++ cp l3-config /usr/local/bin
|   +++ which bash
|   ++ ln -s /usr/local/bin/bash /usr/local/bin/l3script
|   ln: /usr/local/bin/l3script: File exists
|   ++ chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/l3-agent /usr/local/bin/l3-config
|   ++ cp l3bashrc /home/user/.lilalo
|   ++ cp l3prompt /home/user/.lilalo
|   ++ chmod 755 /home/user/.lilalo/l3prompt
|   ++ chown -R user /home/user/.lilalo
|   ++ echo l3cd=/users/12-12-2011/NT-FBSDnet/fbsd.net.nt/user
|   ++ chown -R user /home/user/.l3rc
|   ++ set +x
Adding l3bashrc invocation to ~/.bashrc ...
Adding l3-agent invocation to ~/.bash_profile ...
Installation is successfully completed.
Now restart your shell or relogin
to start script writing.
Your current lilalo context is /users/12-12-2011/NT-FBSDnet/fbsd.net.nt/USER
If you use xgu.ru backend, your labs will be available at
Use commands
 $ l3cd /users/12-12-2011/MY-NEW-CONTEXT/fbsd.net.nt/USER
 $ l3pwd
to change and to know your current context.
For further information see http://xgu.ru/lilalo/ (in Russian).
Thank you gor using LiLaLo.
Happy Labbing!
(don't forget to restart bash or relogin)