Понедельник (11/27/17)

 30 apt_get_install_this="perl make libmodule-build-perl libc6-dev gcc"
 31 tall" 185L, 5268C
 32 wget=wget
 33 uname -a | egrep -qi '(bsd|darwin)' && wget=fetch
 35 normC='\033[0;39m'
 36 whiteC='\033[1;37m'
 37 redC='\033[0;31m'
 38 greenC='\033[0;32m'
 40 apt_get_install_deps()
 41 {
 42     return 0
 43     if which apt-get >& /dev/null
 44     then
 45         apt-get install -y $apt_get_install_this
 46     else
 47         echo "Please install this dependencies manually:"
 48         echo $apt_get_install_this
 49         echo "Have you installed this already (y/n)?"
 50         echo y | read answer
 51         if echo $answer | grep -q ^[yY]
 52         then
 53             true
 54         else
 55             echo Please install the dependencies and rerun the script
 56             exit 1
 57         fi
 58     fi
 59 }