Понедельник (06/14/10)

#httpd.conf [----] 0 L:[ 1+ 0 1/995] *(0 /33738b) 0035 0x023
# This is the main Apache server configuration file.  It contains the
# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.
# See <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/> for detailed information.
# In particular, see
# <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/d141+ 0 141d/direct4975.html>     35 0x023
  KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than
# directives contained in it are actually available _before_ they are used.
# LoadModule foo_module modules/mod_foo.so
# MaxSpareThreads: maximum number of worker threads which are kept spare
LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so
# MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process servesure
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/mod_auth_digest.so
<IfModule worker.c>
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/mod_authn_file.so
StartServersimeout: N2mber of seconds to wait for the next request from the
LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/mod_authn_alias.so
MaxClients         150
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/mod_authn_anon.somod/mpm_common.html#lockfile>);
MinSpareThreads     25
LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/mod_authn_dbm.so
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/mod_authn_default.so and/or
ThreadsPerChilds tha25define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server,
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/mod_authz_host.so
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/mod_authz_user.soown below to.
</prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses (
LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/mod_authz_owner.so
LoadxClien authz_groupfile_module modules/mod_authz_groupfile.sot
Listen 80
LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/mod_authz_dbm.soserver process serves
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/mod_authz_default.so
StartServers       8
# Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Supportpersistent connections (more than
MinSpareServers    5
MaxSpareServers   20
# To be able to use the functionality of a module which was built as a DSO you
ServerLimit      256
# have to place corresponding `LoadModule' lines at this location so the
MaxClients       256
# directives contained in it are actually available _before_ they are used.
MaxRequestsPerChild  4000
# with ServerRoot set to "/etc/httpd" will be interpreted by the
# server as "/etc/httpd/logs/foo.log".
### Section 1: Global Environment
# The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache,
# such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it
LoadModule ldap_module modules/m316+ 0 316        11712/33738b) 0035 0x023
# to which services and features are allowed and/or disabled in that
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
# directory (and its subdirectories)..r is called. The default is Off.
  AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be "All", "None", or any combination of the keywords:
    Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
#Eit explicitly to prevent problems during startup.
    Options FollowSymLinksrk.  See also the UseCanonicalName directive.
# Note that from this point forward you must specifically allow
# you might expect, make sure that you have specifically enabled it
# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
    Order allow,deny
# by the client.  When set "On", Apache will use the value of the
<Directory "/var/www/html">
UseCanonicalName Off
#   Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that "MultiViews" must be named *explicitly* --- "Options All"
#Ldoesn't give it to you.
# or any combination of:n these systems!
#LoadModule asis_module modules/mod_asis.so
  ServerAdmin: Your address, where problems with the server should be
# for more information. is both complicated and important.  Please see
# http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#options
Group apache
# Load config files from the config directory "/etc/httpd/conf.d".
### Section 2: 'Main' server configuration
Include conf.d/*.conf
# ExtendedStatus controls whether Apache will generate "full" status
# information (ExtendedStatus On) or just basic information (ExtendedStatus
    Allow from all              491+ 0 491         7253           35 0x023
# The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
  If you do not define any access logfiles within a <VirtualHost>
# container, they will be logged here.  Contrariwise, if you *do*
  define per-<VirtualHost> access logfiles, transactions will be
# directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located.
# logged therein and *not* in this file.
#CustomLog logs/access_log common
<IIf you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost>
# If you would like to have separate agent and referer logfiles, uncomment
# the following directives.
# logged here.  If you *do* define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost>
# HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
# container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here.
# LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
  Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
Eralert, emerg.rror_log
  TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
LogLevel warn
  The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
# a CustomLog directive (see below).
Hofilesystems.  On some systems, turning it off (regardless of
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
 EnableMMAP off
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
  requires the mod_logio module to be loaded.
LLogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" combinedio
  used to deliver files (assuming that the OS supports it)..
# The default is on; turn this off if you serve from NFS-mounted.
# "combinedio" includes actual counts of actual bytes received (%I) and sent (%O); this
# The index.html.var file (a type-map) is used to deliver content-
# negotiated documents.  The MultiViews Option can be used for the.
# same purpose, but it is much slower.
#                               631+ 0 631         1690           3     23
AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdfontain server scripts.
# AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in
AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
# server-generated indexes.  These are only displayed for FancyIndexed
AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
# directories.
AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
# Format: AddDescription "description" filename
AddIcon /icons/f.gif .forar/www/cgi-bin/"
AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
#AddDescription "GZIP compressed document" .gz
AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
#AddDescription "tar archive" .tar
AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
#AddDescription "GZIP compressed tar archive" .tgz
AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex
AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core
# ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by
AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..
# default, and append to directory listings.
AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
AdDefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon
# HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to
DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif
# directory indexes..           771+ 0 771         6410           65 0x041
  * It is generally better to not mark a page as.
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl
  AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers":
  actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
# or added with the Action directive (see below)
# To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories:se the.
  lDefaultCharset UTF-8may wish to use "AddLanguage pl .po" to
# (You will also need to add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive.)
 AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
# in HTML content to override this choice, comment out this cases.
# For files that include their own HTTP headers:
#AddHandler send-as-is asisfic file types.
  For type maps (negotiated resources):
Ad(This is enabled by default to allow the Apache "It Worked" page
#A to be distributed in multiple languages.)
 AddEncoding x-compress .Z
AAddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddHandler type-map var
  Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client.
AdTo parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
# (You will also need to add "Includes" to the "Options" directive.)
AddType application/x-compress .Ze following Add* directives have nothing
Ad  MIME-types for downloading Certificates and CRLs
AddType text/html .shtml
AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt a tie] or NOT ACCEPTABLE (Fallback)
AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crld the available variants]
AddLanguage eo .eo
ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback
AddLanguage es .es
                                 60+21 981         3270           10 0x00A
#<use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
  IP addresses. This is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
  Please see the documentation at.
# <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/>
  for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
# Ena
  You may use the command line option '-S' to verify your virtual host
# configuration.
  Use name-based virtual hosting.
 NameVirtualHost *:80
  NOTE: NameVirtualHost cannot be used without a port specifier.
  (e.g. :80) if mod_ssl is being used, due to the nature of the
# SSL protocol.
# To enable a cache of proxied content, uncomment the following lines.
# VirtualHost example:
#    Allow from .example.com
Alias /error/ "/var/www/error/"
    ScriptAlias /l3 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/l3-cgi-lite
        ScriptAlias /l3-upload /usr/lib/cgi-bin/l3-upload
            <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin/>
                    AllowOverride None
                            Options ExecCGI -MultiViews FollowSymlinks
                                    Order allow,deny
                                            Allow from all