Понедельник (04/23/12)

#asterisk -rvvv
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf':   == Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf':   == Found
Connected to Asterisk currently running on linux1 (pid = 5406)
Verbosity was 0 and is now 3
linux1*CLI> module show
Module                         Description                              Use Count
res_speech.so                  Generic Speech Recognition API           0
res_config_ldap.so             LDAP realtime interface                  0
res_jabber.so                  AJI - Asterisk Jabber Interface          0
res_agi.so                     Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI)         1
res_monitor.so                 Call Monitoring Resource                 0
res_smdi.so                    Simplified Message Desk Interface (SMDI) 0
res_phoneprov.so               HTTP Phone Provisioning                  0
res_ael_share.so               share-able code for AEL                  0
res_snmp.so                    SNMP [Sub]Agent for Asterisk             0
res_config_sqlite.so           Realtime SQLite configuration            0
pbx_lua.so                     Lua PBX Switch                           0
res_odbc.so                    ODBC resource                            0
res_musiconhold.so             Music On Hold Resource                   0
format_g723.so                 G.723.1 Simple Timestamp File Format     0
func_md5.so                    MD5 digest dialplan functions            0
app_amd.so                     Answering Machine Detection Application  0
func_module.so                 Checks if Asterisk module is loaded in m 0
format_pcm.so                  Raw/Sun uLaw/ALaw 8KHz (PCM,PCMA,AU), G. 0
bridge_builtin_features.so     Built in bridging features               1
app_externalivr.so             External IVR Interface Application       0
func_env.so                    Environment/filesystem dialplan function 0
app_readexten.so               Read and evaluate extension validity     0
bridge_softmix.so              Multi-party software based channel mixin 0
format_ogg_vorbis.so           OGG/Vorbis audio                         0
pbx_dundi.so                   Distributed Universal Number Discovery ( 0
pbx_ael.so                     Asterisk Extension Language Compiler     0
func_timeout.so                Channel timeout dialplan functions       0
app_privacy.so                 Require phone number to be entered, if n 0
app_transfer.so                Transfers a caller to another extension  0
func_dialplan.so               Dialplan Context/Extension/Priority Chec 0
app_dahdiscan.so               Scan DAHDI channels application          0
func_curl.so                   Load external URL                        0
app_getcpeid.so                Get ADSI CPE ID                          0
func_version.so                Get Asterisk Version/Build Info          0
codec_dahdi.so                 Generic DAHDI Transcoder Codec Translato 0
app_userevent.so               Custom User Event Application            0
app_playtones.so               Playtones Application                    0
app_disa.so                    DISA (Direct Inward System Access) Appli 0
app_sendtext.so                Send Text Applications                   0
app_test.so                    Interface Test Application               0
chan_iax2.so                   Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          0
func_config.so                 Asterisk configuration file variable acc 0
app_waitforring.so             Waits until first ring after time        0
func_dialgroup.so              Dialgroup dialplan function              0
format_h263.so                 Raw H.263 data                           0
func_db.so                     Database (astdb) related dialplan functi 0
func_speex.so                  Noise reduction and Automatic Gain Contr 0
app_directory.so               Extension Directory                      0
cdr_tds.so                     FreeTDS CDR Backend                      0
app_morsecode.so               Morse code                               0
chan_gtalk.so                  Gtalk Channel Driver                     0
codec_g722.so                  ITU G.722-64kbps G722 Transcoder         0
app_mixmonitor.so              Mixed Audio Monitoring Application       0
app_festival.so                Simple Festival Interface                0
res_timing_pthread.so          pthread Timing Interface                 0
app_waitforsilence.so          Wait For Silence                         0
func_logic.so                  Logical dialplan functions               0
codec_g726.so                  ITU G.726-32kbps G726 Transcoder         0
func_global.so                 Variable dialplan functions              0
app_controlplayback.so         Control Playback Application             0
func_base64.so                 base64 encode/decode dialplan functions  0
res_crypto.so                  Cryptographic Digital Signatures         0
func_cut.so                    Cut out information from a string        0
app_dahdiras.so                DAHDI ISDN Remote Access Server          0
codec_adpcm.so                 Adaptive Differential PCM Coder/Decoder  0
chan_dahdi.so                  DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI & SS7 & MFC 0
app_adsiprog.so                Asterisk ADSI Programming Application    0
app_originate.so               Originate call                           0
cdr_adaptive_odbc.so           Adaptive ODBC CDR backend                0
format_jpeg.so                 jpeg (joint picture experts group) image 0
app_macro.so                   Extension Macros                         0
app_exec.so                    Executes dialplan applications           0
app_parkandannounce.so         Call Parking and Announce Application    0
app_alarmreceiver.so           Alarm Receiver for Asterisk              0
app_mp3.so                     Silly MP3 Application                    0
format_sln.so                  Raw Signed Linear Audio support (SLN)    0
app_record.so                  Trivial Record Application               0
codec_alaw.so                  A-law Coder/Decoder                      0
app_waituntil.so               Wait until specified time                0
app_milliwatt.so               Digital Milliwatt (mu-law) Test Applicat 0
app_playback.so                Sound File Playback Application          0
cdr_manager.so                 Asterisk Manager Interface CDR Backend   0
chan_skinny.so                 Skinny Client Control Protocol (Skinny)  0
app_channelredirect.so         Redirects a given channel to a dialplan  0
func_shell.so                  Returns the output of a shell command    0
app_image.so                   Image Transmission Application           0
format_gsm.so                  Raw GSM data                             0
func_volume.so                 Technology independent volume control    0
codec_resample.so              SLIN Resampling Codec                    0
func_audiohookinherit.so       Audiohook inheritance function           0
func_blacklist.so              Look up Caller*ID name/number from black 0
chan_mgcp.so                   Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP)    0
format_g726.so                 Raw G.726 (16/24/32/40kbps) data         0
chan_bridge.so                 Bridge Interaction Channel               0
func_strings.so                String handling dialplan functions       0
app_system.so                  Generic System() application             0
app_confbridge.so              Conference Bridge Application            0
app_dahdibarge.so              Barge in on DAHDI channel application    0
func_devstate.so               Gets or sets a device state in the dialp 0
cdr_csv.so                     Comma Separated Values CDR Backend       0
cdr_custom.so                  Customizable Comma Separated Values CDR  0
chan_local.so                  Local Proxy Channel (Note: used internal 0
chan_sip.so                    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0
app_softhangup.so              Hangs up the requested channel           0
chan_oss.so                    OSS Console Channel Driver               0
app_meetme.so                  MeetMe conference bridge                 0
app_page.so                    Page Multiple Phones                     0
app_flash.so                   Flash channel application                0
codec_gsm.so                   GSM Coder/Decoder                        0
app_speech_utils.so            Dialplan Speech Applications             0
res_timing_dahdi.so            DAHDI Timing Interface                   0
app_zapateller.so              Block Telemarketers with Special Informa 0
codec_ulaw.so                  mu-Law Coder/Decoder                     0
format_wav.so                  Microsoft WAV format (8000Hz Signed Line 0
app_sms.so                     SMS/PSTN handler                         0
app_authenticate.so            Authentication Application               0
cdr_pgsql.so                   PostgreSQL CDR Backend                   0
func_callerid.so               Caller ID related dialplan functions     0
format_wav_gsm.so              Microsoft WAV format (Proprietary GSM)   0
pbx_config.so                  Text Extension Configuration             0
app_chanspy.so                 Listen to the audio of an active channel 0
app_while.so                   While Loops and Conditional Execution    0
app_ices.so                    Encode and Stream via icecast and ices   0
func_cdr.so                    Call Detail Record (CDR) dialplan functi 0
res_ais.so                     SAForum AIS                              0
chan_agent.so                  Agent Proxy Channel                      0
func_enum.so                   ENUM related dialplan functions          0
func_sha1.so                   SHA-1 computation dialplan function      0
func_iconv.so                  Charset conversions                      0
func_uri.so                    URI encode/decode dialplan functions     0
format_g729.so                 Raw G729 data                            0
func_math.so                   Mathematical dialplan function           0
format_h264.so                 Raw H.264 data                           0
cdr_odbc.so                    ODBC CDR Backend                         0
func_rand.so                   Random number dialplan function          0
res_timing_timerfd.so          Timerfd Timing Interface                 1
chan_vpb.so                    Voicetronix API driver                   0
bridge_multiplexed.so          Multiplexed two channel bridging module  0
app_verbose.so                 Send verbose output                      0
res_http_post.so               HTTP POST support                        0
res_limit.so                   Resource limits                          0
app_stack.so                   Dialplan subroutines (Gosub, Return, etc 0
app_sayunixtime.so             Say time                                 0
codec_speex.so                 Speex Coder/Decoder                      0
pbx_spool.so                   Outgoing Spool Support                   0
app_minivm.so                  Mini VoiceMail (A minimal Voicemail e-ma 0
codec_lpc10.so                 LPC10 2.4kbps Coder/Decoder              0
format_ilbc.so                 Raw iLBC data                            0
app_readfile.so                Stores output of file into a variable    0
format_sln16.so                Raw Signed Linear 16KHz Audio support (S 0
func_realtime.so               Read/Write/Store/Destroy values from a R 0
format_siren14.so              ITU G.722.1 Annex C (Siren14, licensed f 0
pbx_loopback.so                Loopback Switch                          0
func_odbc.so                   ODBC lookups                             0
func_aes.so                    AES dialplan functions                   0
app_fax.so                     Simple FAX Application                   0
app_directed_pickup.so         Directed Call Pickup Application         0
func_extstate.so               Gets an extension's state in the dialpla 0
res_realtime.so                Realtime Data Lookup/Rewrite             0
chan_jingle.so                 Jingle Channel Driver                    0
res_clialiases.so              CLI Aliases                              0
app_jack.so                    JACK Interface                           0
app_dial.so                    Dialing Application                      0
chan_unistim.so                UNISTIM Protocol (USTM)                  0
codec_a_mu.so                  A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder     0
cdr_radius.so                  RADIUS CDR Backend                       0
app_setcallerid.so             Set CallerID Presentation Application    0
res_convert.so                 File format conversion CLI command       0
app_url.so                     Send URL Applications                    0
func_vmcount.so                Indicator for whether a voice mailbox ha 0
chan_phone.so                  Linux Telephony API Support              0
app_forkcdr.so                 Fork The CDR into 2 separate entities    0
func_sprintf.so                SPRINTF dialplan function                0
res_clioriginate.so            Call origination and redirection from th 0
app_senddtmf.so                Send DTMF digits Application             0
func_sysinfo.so                System information related functions     0
app_echo.so                    Simple Echo Application                  0
app_dumpchan.so                Dump Info About The Calling Channel      0
bridge_simple.so               Simple two channel bridging module       0
res_config_curl.so             Realtime Curl configuration              0
app_chanisavail.so             Check channel availability               0
func_lock.so                   Dialplan mutexes                         0
app_db.so                      Database Access Functions                0
app_read.so                    Read Variable Application                0
app_followme.so                Find-Me/Follow-Me Application            0
res_curl.so                    cURL Resource Module                     0
res_adsi.so                    ADSI Resource                            0
pbx_realtime.so                Realtime Switch                          0
app_talkdetect.so              Playback with Talk Detection             0
app_queue.so                   True Call Queueing                       0
app_dictate.so                 Virtual Dictation Machine                0
app_cdr.so                     Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for  0
format_siren7.so               ITU G.722.1 (Siren7, licensed from Polyc 0
app_voicemail.so               Comedian Mail (Voicemail System)         0
format_vox.so                  Dialogic VOX (ADPCM) File Format         0
func_channel.so                Channel information dialplan functions   0
func_groupcount.so             Channel group dialplan functions         0
app_nbscat.so                  Silly NBS Stream Application             0
198 modules loaded
Disconnected from Asterisk server
Executing last minute cleanups