Вторник (05/26/09)

#apt-cache search keyboard
libxkbfile1-dbg - X11 keyboard file manipulation library (debug package)
libxkbsel-dev - development files for xkbsel
libxkbui-dev - X11 keyboard UI presentation library (development headers)
libxkbui1 - X11 keyboard UI presentation library
libxkbui1-dbg - X11 keyboard UI presentation library (debug package)
libxklavier12 - X Keyboard Extension high-level API
libxxf86misc-dev - X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library (development headers)
libxxf86misc1 - X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library
libxxf86misc1-dbg - X11 XFree86 miscellaneous extension library (debug package)
lineak-defaultplugin - LinEAK default plugin
lineak-kdeplugins - LinEAK KDE plugins
lineak-xosdplugin - LinEAK On-Screen Display plugin
lineakd - Linux support for Easy Access and Internet Keyboards
littlewizard - development environment for children
littlewizard-data - littlewizard data files
lkl - userspace keylogger for x86 architecture
lletters - GTK letters-learning game for small children
lletters-media - GTK letters-learning game for small children - data files
lmms - Linux Multimedia Studio
lmms-common - Linux Multimedia Studio - common files
lock-keys-applet - keyboard lock keys applet for the GNOME2 panel
lostirc - simple gtk-based IRC client
lxpanel - a lightweight desktop panel for X
mailleds - Blink the keyboard-LEDs for incoming mail
matchbox-keyboard - on-screen keyboard
medit - A useful programming and around-programming text editor
mednafen - multi-platform emulator, including NES, GB/A, Lynx, PC Engine
midish - shell-like MIDI sequencer/filter
mscore - Full featured WYSIWYG score editor
mscore-common - Full featured WYSIWYG score editor (common files)
ncmpcpp - ncurses-based client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
nlkt - non-linear keyboard trainer
noteedit - KDE Music Editor
numlockx - enable NumLock in X11 sessions
oroborus - A lightweight themeable windowmanager for X
orpie - RPN calculator for the terminal
phaseshift - PSK31 terminal for X11
photon - a static HTML gallery generator
pixfrogger - help the frog cross the street
pommed - Apple laptops hotkeys event handler
pydance - dancing simulation game similar to the kind in arcades
pykaraoke-bin - free CDG/MIDI/MPEG karaoke player
python-freej - realtime video mixer and linear video editor
python-freej-dbg - realtime video mixer and linear video editor
python-mmkeys - Multimedia key support as a PyGTK object
python-pyepl - module for coding psychology experiments in Python
python-pyepl-common - module for coding psychology experiments in Python
qcake - programming environment and scene editor for 3D games
qcomicbook - qt viewer for comic book archives (cbr/cbz/cba/cbg/cbb)
qemulator - a solution for easy setup and management of qemu
qimhangul-qt3 - Hangul input method module for Qt
qiv - A quick image viewer for X
quicksynergy - GUI for easy configuration of Synergy
ratmenu - Creates X menus from the shell
ratpoison - keyboard-only window manager
rhinote - virtual sticky-notes for your desktop
rlwrap - readline feature command line wrapper
rsibreak - KDE4 utility to help prevent repetitive strain injury
rxvt-ml - multi-lingual VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System
scim-chewing - Chewing IM engine module for SCIM
scim-hangul - Hangul Input Method Engine for SCIM
scim-kmfl-imengine - KMFL (Keyboard Mapping for Linux) IM engine for the SCIM platform
scim-m17n - M17N Input Method Engine for SCIM
scim-thai - Thai Input Method Engine for SCIM
screenruler - measure objects on screen with a variety of metrics
slashem - A variant of Nethack
slashem-gtk - A variant of Nethack (Gtk window port)
slashem-sdl - A variant of Nethack (SDL window port)
slashem-x11 - A variant of Nethack (X11 window port)
snooper - Captures communication between two external serial devices
speedcrunch - High precision calculator
sshpass - Non-interactive ssh password authentication
stumpwm - a Common Lisp window manager
sylpheed - Light weight e-mail client with GTK+
synergy - Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network
tennix - 2D tennis game
texlive-latex-extra - TeX Live: LaTeX supplementary packages
tipptrainer - A program to learn touch typing
tipptrainer-data-de - German data for tipptrainer
tipptrainer-data-en - English data for tipptrainer
tklib - the standard Tk Library
tleds - blinks keyboard LEDs for TX and RX network packets
totem-gstreamer - A simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer
totem-plugins - Plugins for the Totem media player
totem-xine - A simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on xine
tuxpaint - A paint program for young children
tuxpaint-data - Data files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children
tuxpaint-plugins-default - Magic tool plugins for Tux Paint
tuxpaint-stamps-default - Stamp files for Tux Paint, a paint program for children
twlog - Logging program for hamradio operators
twm - Tab window manager
twpsk - Soundcard-based X program for operating PSK31
vdr - Video Disk Recorder for DVB cards
viewpdf.app - Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer for GNUstep
vifm - a ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings
vkeybd - Virtual MIDI Keyboard
vttest - tool for testing VT100 compatibility of terminals
w9wm - Enhanced window manager based on 9wm
wcd - saves time typing when you want to change directories
weechat - Fast, light and extensible IRC client
weechat-curses - Fast, light and extensible IRC client - console client
wmii - lightweight tabbed and tiled X11 window manager, version 3
wmii-doc - lightweight tabbed and tiled X11 window manager, version 3 (documentation)
wmii2 - lightweight tabbed and tiled X11 window manager, version 2
wmii2-doc - lightweight tabbed and tiled X11 window manager, version 2 (documentation)
wmpomme - WindowMaker dockapp client for pommed
worker - highly configurable two-paned file manager for X
wterm - lightweight terminal emulator for X
wterm-ml - lightweight multilingual terminal emulator for X
x11-apps - X applications
x11-utils - X11 utilities
x11-xkb-utils - X11 XKB utilities
x11-xserver-utils - X server utilities
x11proto-kb-dev - X11 XKB extension wire protocol
x11vnc - VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session
x2x - Link two X displays together, simulating a multiheaded display
xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients - metapackage
xbindkeys - Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell command
xcircuit - Draw circuit schematics or almost anything
xcwcp - Qt frontend to unixcw
xdotool - simulate X11 keyboard/mouse input
xfce4-mcs-plugins - Special modules for the xfce4-mcs-manager
xfce4-settings - graphical application for managing Xfce settings
xfce4-xkb-plugin - xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 panel
xfkc - keyboard layout configuration tool
xine-plugin - xine-based media player plugin for Mozilla browsers
xiterm+thai - X terminal program with Thai languague support
xjove - X11-Frontend for jove - a compact, powerful editor
xkb-data - X Keyboard Extension (XKB) configuration data
xkbsel - Tool for defining, selecting, and indicating XKB keyboards
xkbset - Small utility to change the AccessX settings of XKEYBOARD
xkeycaps - manipulate X11 keymaps (for xmodmap) graphically
xlockmore - Lock X11 display until password is entered.
xlockmore-gl - Lock X11 display until password is entered -- GL version
xmacro - Record / Play keystrokes and mouse movements in X displays
xmonad - A lightweight X11 window manager
xneur - in-place conversion of text typed in with a wrong keyboard layout
xserver-xorg-input-evdev - X.Org X server -- evdev input driver
xserver-xorg-input-kbd - X.Org X server -- keyboard input driver
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics - Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server
xvkbd - software virtual keyboard for X11
xvt - X terminal-emulator similar to xterm, but smaller
xwrits - reminds you to take a break from typing
xxkb - Keyboard state indicator and switcher for xkb
xzgv - Picture viewer for X with a thumbnail-based selector
yakuake - a Quake-style terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole technology
yeahconsole - drop-down X terminal emulator wrapper
yorick - interpreted language and scientific graphics
zatacka - Arcade multiplayer game like nibbles