exten => _X.,1,Macro(page,SIP/${EXTEN})
; Example "main menu" context with submenu
;exten => s,1,Answer
;exten => s,n,Background(thanks) ; "Thanks for calling press 1 for sales, 2 for support, ..."
;exten => s,n,WaitExten
;exten => 1,1,Goto(submenu,s,1)
;exten => 2,1,Hangup
;include => default
;exten => s,1,Ringing ; Make them comfortable with 2 seconds of ringback
;exten => s,n,Wait,2
;exten => s,n,Background(submenuopts) ; "Thanks for calling the sales department. Press 1 for steve, 2 for..."
;exten => s,n,WaitExten
;exten => 1,1,Goto(default,steve,1)
;exten => 2,1,Goto(default,mark,2)
; By default we include the demo. In a production system, you
; probably don't want to have the demo there.
include => demo
; An extension like the one below can be used for FWD, Nikotel, sipgate etc.
; Note that you must have a [sipprovider] section in sip.conf
;exten => _41X.,1,Dial(SIP/${FILTER(0-9,${EXTEN:2})}@sipprovider,,r)
; Real extensions would go here. Generally you want real extensions to be
; 4 or 5 digits long (although there is no such requirement) and start with a
; one function. Remember that function names are UPPER CASE. 597,1 78%
; Standard extension subroutine:
; ${ARG1} - Extension
; ${ARG2} - Device(s) to ring
; ${ARG3} - Optional DONTCALL context name to jump to (assumes the s,1 extension-priority)
; ${ARG4} - Optional TORTURE context name to jump to (assumes the s,1 extension-priority)`
; ${ARG5} - Context in voicemail (if empty, then "default")
; See above note in stdexten about priority handling on exit.
exten => _X.,60000(stdPrivacyexten),NoOp(Start stdPrivacyexten)
; option (or use P for databased call _X.creening)
exten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(ext)=${ARG1})
exten => _X.,n,Goto(stdexten-${DIALSTATUS},1) ; Jump based on status (NOANSWER,BUSY,CHANUNAVAIL,CONGESTION,ANSWER)
exten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(dev)=${ARG2})
exten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(dontcntx)=${ARG3})
exten => stdexten-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(${mbx},u) ; If unavailable, send to voicemail w/ unavail announce
exten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(tortcntx)=${ARG4})
exten => stdexten-NOANSWER,n,NoOp(Finish stdPrivacyexten NOANSWER)
exten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(cntx)=${ARG5})
exten => stdexten-NOANSWER,n,Return() ; If they press #, return to start
exten => _X.,n,Set(LOCAL(mbx)="${ext}"$["${cntx}" ? "@${cntx}" :: ""])
exten => _X.,n,Dial(${dev},20,p) ; Ring the interface, 20 seconds maximum, call screening
; variable substitution is not performed at load time
; but is passed to the switch directly (presumably to
; be substituted in the switch routine itself)
; lswitch => Loopback/12${EXTEN}@othercontext
; An "eswitch" is like a switch but the evaluation of
; variable substitution is performed at runtime before
; being passed to the switch routine.
; eswitch => IAX2/context@${CURSERVER}
; The following two contexts are a template to enable the ability to dial
; ISN numbers. For more information about what an ISN number is, please see
; http://www.freenum.org.
; This is the dialing hook. use:
; include => outbound-freenum
; We'll add more digits as needed. The purpose is to dial things
; like extension numbers at domains (ITAD number) so we're matching
; on lengths of 1 through 6 prior to the separator (the asterisk [*])
exten => _X*X!,1,Goto(outbound-freenum2,${EXTEN},1)
; Locally to lookup, try looking for a local E.164 solution
; then try DUNDi if we don't have one.
include => dundi-e164-local
include => dundi-e164-switch
; DUNDi can also be implemented as a Macro instead of using
; the Local channel driver.
; ARG1 is the extension to Dial
; Extension "s" is not a wildcard extension that matches "anything".
; character, it is interpreted as a pattern rather than a
; literal. In patterns, some characters have special meanings:
; default value is 'default'
; You can include other config files, use the #include command
; (without the ';'). Note that this is different from the "include" command
; that includes contexts within other contexts. The #include command works
; in all asterisk configuration files.
;#include "filename.conf"
;#include <filename.conf>
;#include filename.conf
; You can execute a program or script that produces config files, and they
; will be inserted where you insert the #exec command. The #exec command
; works on all asterisk configuration files. However, you will need to
; activate them within asterisk.conf with the "execincludes" option. They
; are otherwise considered a security risk.
;#exec /opt/bin/build-extra-contexts.sh
;#exec /opt/bin/build-extra-contexts.sh --foo="bar"
;#exec </opt/bin/build-extra-contexts.sh --foo="bar">
;#exec "/opt/bin/build-extra-contexts.sh --foo=\"bar\""
; The "Globals" category contains global variables that can be referenced
; in the dialplan with the GLOBAL dialplan function:
; $it(1)
exten => 8000,n,Playback(demo-congrats){${GLOBAL(VARIABLE)}} or ${text${GLOBAL(VARIABLE)}} or any hybrid
; Unix/Linux environmental variables can be reached with the ENV dialplan
; function: ${ENV(VARIABLE)}
exten => 8000,1,Wait(1)
exten => 8000,n,Playback(demo-congrats)
exten => _8xxx,1,Wait(1)
exten => _8xxx,n,Say($exten)
exten => _31xx,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
"/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf" 801L, 27724C записано
; User context is where entries from users.conf are registered. The
; default value is 'default'