XRRP в ProCurve

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[править] Настройка XRRP

Настройка маршрутизатора 1:

Configures the IP address of the router interface in VLAN 5:

ProCurve (vlan-5)# ip address

Sets the identity of the Protection Domain:

ProCurve (config)# xrrp domain 2

Sets the XRRP router number:

ProCurve (config)# xrrp router 1

Creates the XRRP virtual router interface:

ProCurve (config)# xrrp instance 1 5

Identifies the virtual router interface on Router-2 for which Router-1 is providing fail-over protection:

ProCurve (config)# xrrp instance 2 5 ip

Enables XRRP operation on Router-1:

ProCurve (config)# xrrp

Saves this configuration to startup memory:

ProCurve (config)# write memory

Настройка маршрутизатора 2:

ProCurve (vlan-5)# ip address
ProCurve (config)# xrrp domain 2
ProCurve (config)# xrrp router 2
ProCurve (config)# xrrp instance 2 5
ProCurve (config)# xrrp instance 1 5 ip
ProCurve (config)# xrrp
ProCurve (config)# write memory

[править] Просмотр информации

show xrrp config [global | instance [< owner-router-num > < vlan-id >]]
show xrrp statistics [global | instance [< owner-router-num > < vlan-id >] | router < router-num >]