Понедельник (05/17/10)

$whatis 5 sswd
a.out(5)                 - format of executable binary files
acct(5)                  - execution accounting file
adduser.conf(5)          - adduser(8) configuration file
aliases(5)               - aliases file for sendmail
amd.conf(5)              - amd configuration file
audit.log(5), audit(5)   - Basic Security Module (BSM) file format
audit_class(5)           - audit event class descriptions
audit_control(5)         - audit system parameters
audit_event(5)           - audit event descriptions
audit_user(5)            - events to be audited for given users
audit_warn(5)            - alert when audit daemon issues warnings
auth.conf(5)             - authentication capability database
big5(5)                  - Big Five encoding for Traditional Chinese text
bluetooth.device.conf(5) - Bluetooth device configuration file
bluetooth.hosts(5)       - Bluetooth host name database
bluetooth.protocols(5)   - Bluetooth Protocol Service Multiplexor database
boot.config(5)           - Configuration file for the boot blocks
bootparams(5)            - boot parameter database
bootptab(5)              - Internet Bootstrap Protocol server database
config(5)                - kernel configuration file format
core(5)                  - memory image file format
crontab(5)               - tables for driving cron
ctm(5)                   - source code mirror system