Журнал лабораторных работ



Понедельник (10/17/11)

Видео      Загрузки     Музыка         Рабочий стол
Документы  Изображения  Общедоступные  Шаблоны
$less .bash_profile
$less .bash
$less .bashrc
прошло 70 минут
bash: route: команда не найдена
$su -
su: Сбой при проверке подлинности
$su -
l3-agent is already running: pid=2002; pidfile=/root/.lilalo/l3-agent.pid
#ssh user@
RSA key fingerprint is f0:05:a6:a6:88:29:cd:4d:7a:23:9b:50:fa:00:de:0c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
Linux linux9 2.6.39-bpo.2-686-pae #1 SMP Thu Aug 4 11:02:22 UTC 2011 i686
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
l3-agent is already running: pid=7776; pidfile=/root/.lilalo/l3-agent.pid
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         UG    0      0        0 eth0
localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth0
$cat /etc/resolv
cat: /etc/resolv: Нет такого файла или каталога
$cat /etc/resolv.conf
search unix.nt
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         switch.unix.nt         UG    0      0        0 eth0
localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         switch.unix.nt         UG    0      0        0 eth0
localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         switch.unix.nt         UG    0      0        0 eth0
localnet        *        U     0      0        0 eth0
$apt-cache search asteriks

Видео      Загрузки     Музыка         Рабочий стол
Документы  Изображения  Общедоступные  Шаблоны
$apt-cache search asterisk
asterisk-mobile - bluetooth mobile devices support for Asterisk
asterisk-mp3 - MP3 format support (format_mp3) for the Asterisk PBX
asterisk-mysql - MySQL support for the Asterisk PBX (cdr mainly)
asterisk-ooh323c - H.323 protocol support for Asterisk (ooh323c stack)
asterisk-chan-capi - Common ISDN API 2.0 implementation for Asterisk
asterisk-core-sounds-en-g722 - asterisk PBX sound files - English/g722
asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm - asterisk PBX sound files - English/gsm
asterisk-core-sounds-en-wav - asterisk PBX sound files - English/wav
asterisk-core-sounds-es-g722 - asterisk PBX sound files - Spanish/g722
asterisk-core-sounds-es-gsm - asterisk PBX sound files - Spanish/gsm
dahdi-linux - DAHDI telephony interface - Linux userspace parts
dahdi-source - DAHDI telephony interface - source code for kernel driver
dahdi - utilities for using the DAHDI kernel modules
iaxmodem - software modem with IAX2 connectivity
libasterisk-agi-perl - Collections of Perl modules to be used with Asterisk PBX AGI
libnetsds-perl - Service Delivery Suite framework
op-panel - switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX
libopenr2-3 - MFC/R2 (telephony) call setup library
asterisk - телефонная станция для учреждений (PBX)
python-asterisk - управление Asterisk из сценариев Python
$su -
l3-agent is already running: pid=2002; pidfile=/root/.lilalo/l3-agent.pid
#apt-get install asterisk asterisk-config asterisk-sounds-main
Чтение списков пакетов... Готово
Построение дерева зависимостей
Чтение информации о состоянии... Готово
Будут установлены следующие дополнительные пакеты:
  autopoint dahdi dahdi-linux debhelper fancontrol freetds-common fxload
  gettext git html2text intltool-debian libc-client2007e libcorosync4 libcurl3
  liberror-perl libgmime-2.0-2a libiksemel3 libmail-sendmail-perl libopenais3
  libopenr2-3 libpq5 libpri1.4 libradiusclient-ng2 libresample1 libsensors4
  libsnmp-base libsnmp15 libsox-fmt-alsa libsox-fmt-base libsox1b libspandsp2
  libsqlite0 libss7-1 libssh2-1 libsybdb5 libsys-hostname-long-perl
Настраивается пакет unixodbc (2.2.14p2-1) ...
Настраивается пакет asterisk (1: ...
Adding system user for Asterisk
Добавляется пользователь «asterisk» в группу «dialout» ...
Добавление пользователя asterisk в группу dialout
Добавляется пользователь «asterisk» в группу «audio» ...
Добавление пользователя asterisk в группу audio
Starting Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
#cd /etc/asterisk/

adsi.conf                enum.conf               muted.conf
adtranvofr.conf          extconfig.conf          osp.conf
agents.conf              extensions.ael          oss.conf
ais.conf                 extensions.conf         phone.conf
alarmreceiver.conf       extensions.lua          phoneprov.conf
alsa.conf                extensions_minivm.conf  queuerules.conf
amd.conf                 features.conf           queues.conf
asterisk.adsi            festival.conf           res_config_sqlite.conf
asterisk.conf            followme.conf           res_ldap.conf
cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf   func_odbc.conf          res_odbc.conf
chan_dahdi.conf          jingle.conf             skinny.conf
cli_aliases.conf         logger.conf             sla.conf
cli.conf                 manager.conf            smdi.conf
cli_permissions.conf     manager.d               telcordia-1.adsi
codecs.conf              meetme.conf             udptl.conf
console.conf             mgcp.conf               unistim.conf
dbsep.conf               minivm.conf             usbradio.conf
dnsmgr.conf              misdn.conf              users.conf
dsp.conf                 modules.conf            voicemail.conf
dundi.conf               musiconhold.conf        vpb.conf
прошло 13 минут
#/etc/init.d/asterisk start
Asterisk PBX is already running. Use restart.
#/etc/init.d/asterisk restart
Stopping Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
Starting Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
#dpkg-query -L | grep aster
dpkg-query: --listfiles требует указания хотя бы одного имени пакета
Используйте параметр --help для вывода справки по запросам пакетов.
#dpkg-query -L
dpkg-query: --listfiles требует указания хотя бы одного имени пакета
Используйте параметр --help для вывода справки по запросам пакетов.
dpkg-query: укажите требуемое действие
Используйте параметр --help для вывода справки по запросам пакетов.
adsi.conf                enum.conf                muted.conf
adtranvofr.conf          extconfig.conf           osp.conf
agents.conf              extensions.ael           oss.conf
ais.conf                 extensions.conf          phone.conf
alarmreceiver.conf       extensions.lua           phoneprov.conf
alsa.conf                extensions_minivm.conf   queuerules.conf
amd.conf                 features.conf            queues.conf
asterisk.adsi            festival.conf            res_config_sqlite.conf
asterisk.conf            followme.conf            res_ldap.conf
cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf   func_odbc.conf           res_odbc.conf
cdr_odbc.conf            iax.conf                 rtp.conf
cdr_pgsql.conf           iaxprov.conf             say.conf
cdr_sqlite3_custom.conf  indications.conf         sip.conf
cdr_tds.conf             jabber.conf              sip_notify.conf
chan_dahdi.conf          jingle.conf              skinny.conf
cli_aliases.conf         logger.conf              sla.conf
cli.conf                 manager.conf             smdi.conf
cli_permissions.conf     manager.d/               telcordia-1.adsi
codecs.conf              meetme.conf              udptl.conf
console.conf             mgcp.conf                unistim.conf
#dpkg-query -l
| Состояние=не[n]/установлен[i]/настроен[c]/распакован[U]/частично настроен[F]/
            частично установлен[H]/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Ошибка?=(нет)/требуется переустановка[R] (верхний регистр
в полях состояния и ошибки указывает на ненормальную ситуацию)
||/ Имя         Версия   Описание
ii  abiword        2.8.2-2.1      efficient, featureful word processor with co
ii  abiword-common 2.8.2-2.1      efficient, featureful word processor with co
ii  abiword-plugin 2.8.2-2.1      grammar checking plugin for AbiWord
ii  xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.3-2+sque X.Org X server -- Tseng display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-v 1:2.3.0-3      X.Org X server -- VESA display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-v 1:11.0.1-2     X.Org X server -- VMware display driver
ii  xserver-xorg-v 1:1.2.3-2      X.Org X server -- Voodoo display driver
ii  xsltproc       1.1.26-6       XSLT 1.0 command line processor
ii  xulrunner-1.9.    XUL + XPCOM application runner
ii  xz-utils       5.0.0-2        XZ-format compression utilities
ii  yelp           2.30.1+webkit- Help browser for GNOME
ii  zenity         2.30.0-1       Display graphical dialog boxes from shell sc
ii  zlib1g         1: compression library - runtime
#dpkg-query -l | grwp aster
bash: grwp: команда не найдена
#dpkg-query -l | gewp aster
bash: gewp: команда не найдена
#dpkg-query -l | gre aster
bash: gre: команда не найдена
#dpkg-query -l | grep aster
ii  asterisk                             1:              Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
ii  asterisk-config                      1:              Configuration files for Asterisk
ii  asterisk-sounds-extra                1.4.9-1                           Additional sound files for the Asterisk PBX
ii  asterisk-sounds-main                 1:              Core Sound files for Asterisk (English)
ii  base-passwd                          3.5.22                            Debian base system master password and group files
ii  libcupsimage2                        1.4.4-7                           Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Raster image library
ii  libt1-5                              5.1.2-3                           Type 1 font rasterizer library - runtime
ii  libxfont1                            1:1.4.1-3                         X11 font rasterisation library
#ps xa | grep ast
 6558 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asterisk
 6559 ?        S      0:00 astcanary /var/run/asterisk/alt.asterisk.canary.tweet.tweet.tweet 6558
 6715 pts/8    S+     0:00 grep ast
#less /etc/def
#less /etc/default/asterisk
#less /etc/default/asterisk
#ps xa | grep aster
 6558 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asterisk
 6559 ?        S      0:00 astcanary /var/run/asterisk/alt.asterisk.canary.tweet.tweet.tweet 6558
 6760 pts/8    S+     0:00 grep aster
astcanary              astman                 astribank_is_starting
asterisk               astribank_allow        astribank_tool
astgenkey              astribank_hexload
#asterisk -rvv
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf':   == Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf':   == Found
Connected to Asterisk currently running on linux1 (pid = 6558)
registry       sched          settings       subscriptions  tcp
users          user
linux1*CLI> sip show pe
peers  peer
linux1*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
0 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]
linux1*CLI> exit
Executing last minute cleanups
#cd /etc/network/i
if-down.d/      if-pre-up.d/    interfaces
if-post-down.d/ if-up.d/
прошло 13 минут
networking       network-manager
networking       network-manager
adsi.conf                enum.conf                muted.conf
adtranvofr.conf          extconfig.conf           osp.conf
agents.conf              extensions.ael           oss.conf
ais.conf                 extensions.conf          phone.conf
alarmreceiver.conf       extensions.lua           phoneprov.conf
alsa.conf                extensions_minivm.conf   queuerules.conf
amd.conf                 features.conf            queues.conf
asterisk.adsi            festival.conf            res_config_sqlite.conf
asterisk.conf            followme.conf            res_ldap.conf
cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf   func_odbc.conf           res_odbc.conf
cdr_pgsql.conf           iaxprov.conf             say.conf
cdr_sqlite3_custom.conf  indications.conf         sip.conf
cdr_tds.conf             jabber.conf              sip_notify.conf
chan_dahdi.conf          jingle.conf              skinny.conf
cli_aliases.conf         logger.conf              sla.conf
cli.conf                 manager.conf             smdi.conf
cli_permissions.conf     manager.d/               telcordia-1.adsi
codecs.conf              meetme.conf              udptl.conf
console.conf             mgcp.conf                unistim.conf
dbsep.conf               minivm.conf              usbradio.conf
#/etc/init.d/networking restart
Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces ... (warning).
Reconfiguring network interfaces...SIOCDELRT: No such process
#/etc/init.d/networking stop
Deconfiguring network interfaces...done.
#/etc/init.d/networking stop
Deconfiguring network interfaces...done.
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 2c:27:d7:46:19:8f
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:51246 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:19260 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:38753665 (36.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1962462 (1.8 MiB)
          Interrupt:20 Memory:fe400000-fe420000
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:879 (879.0 B)  TX bytes:879 (879.0 B)
#/etc/init.d/networking start
Configuring network interfaces...done.
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 2c:27:d7:46:19:8f
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:51273 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:19267 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:38756179 (36.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1965779 (1.8 MiB)
          Interrupt:20 Memory:fe400000-fe420000
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:879 (879.0 B)  TX bytes:879 (879.0 B)

if-down.d/      if-pre-up.d/    run/
if-post-down.d/ if-up.d/
if        ifconfig  ifdown    ifup
#ifdown eth0
ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 2c:27:d7:46:19:8f
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:51396 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:19304 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:38767463 (36.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1983309 (1.8 MiB)
          Interrupt:20 Memory:fe400000-fe420000
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:13 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:879 (879.0 B)  TX bytes:879 (879.0 B)
#ifup eth0

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 2c:27:d7:46:19:8f
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:51446 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:19339 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:38773157 (36.9 MiB)  TX bytes:1995270 (1.9 MiB)
          Interrupt:20 Memory:fe400000-fe420000
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:15 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:1037 (1.0 KiB)  TX bytes:1037 (1.0 KiB)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=8 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=10 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=11 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=14 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=15 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=105 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=106 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=107 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=108 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=109 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=110 Destination Host Unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
112 packets transmitted, 0 received, +75 errors, 100% packet loss, time 111592ms
pipe 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=7 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=8 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=9 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=10 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=11 Destination Host Unreachable
64 bytes from icmp_req=156 ttl=64 time=0.573 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=157 ttl=64 time=0.610 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=158 ttl=64 time=0.560 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=159 ttl=64 time=0.556 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=160 ttl=64 time=545 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=161 ttl=64 time=0.604 ms
--- ping statistics ---
161 packets transmitted, 44 received, +92 errors, 72% packet loss, time 160642ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.551/34.220/545.284/94.095 ms, pipe 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
19 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 18144ms
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
#netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface         UG        0 0          0 eth0   U         0 0          0 eth0
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
^E64 bytes from icmp_req=48 ttl=63 time=2.52 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=49 ttl=63 time=0.253 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=50 ttl=63 time=0.248 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=51 ttl=63 time=0.280 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=52 ttl=63 time=0.235 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=53 ttl=63 time=0.256 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=54 ttl=63 time=0.210 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=55 ttl=63 time=0.253 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=56 ttl=63 time=0.239 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=57 ttl=63 time=0.239 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=58 ttl=63 time=0.232 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=59 ttl=63 time=0.224 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=60 ttl=63 time=0.233 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=61 ttl=63 time=0.257 ms
--- ping statistics ---
61 packets transmitted, 14 received, 77% packet loss, time 60376ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.210/0.405/2.520/0.587 ms
#apt-get install dhcp-server
Чтение списков пакетов... Готово
Построение дерева зависимостей
Чтение информации о состоянии... Готово
E: Не удалось найти пакет dhcp-server
#apt-get install dhcp3-server
Чтение списков пакетов... Готово
Построение дерева зависимостей
Чтение информации о состоянии... Готово
Будут установлены следующие дополнительные пакеты:
Предлагаемые пакеты:
НОВЫЕ пакеты, которые будут установлены:
  dhcp3-server isc-dhcp-server
обновлено 0, установлено 2 новых пакетов, для удаления отмечено 0 пакетов, и 0 пакетов не обновлено.
Распаковывается пакет isc-dhcp-server (из файла .../isc-dhcp-server_4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze3_i386.deb)...
Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета dhcp3-server.
Распаковывается пакет dhcp3-server (из файла .../dhcp3-server_4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze3_all.deb)...
Обрабатываются триггеры для man-db ...
Настраивается пакет isc-dhcp-server (4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze3) ...
Generating /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server...
Starting ISC DHCP server: dhcpdcheck syslog for diagnostics. ... failed!
invoke-rc.d: initscript isc-dhcp-server, action "start" failed.
Настраивается пакет dhcp3-server (4.1.1-P1-15+squeeze3) ...
#cd /etc/dhcp/

dhclient.conf  dhclient-enter-hooks.d  dhclient-exit-hooks.d  dhcpd.conf
#cp dhcpd.conf dhcpd.conf0

#vi dhcpd.conf
#/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart
Stopping ISC DHCP server: dhcpd failed!
Starting ISC DHCP server: dhcpd.
#tail -f /var/log/messages
Oct 17 15:20:09 linux1 dhcpd: For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.1.1-P1
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2010 Internet Systems Consortium.
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: All rights reserved.
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.1.1-P1
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: Copyright 2004-2010 Internet Systems Consortium.
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: All rights reserved.
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Oct 17 15:20:11 linux1 dhcpd: Wrote 0 leases to leases file.
Oct 17 15:20:46 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from f0:4d:a2:cc:4f:9b (sm-nb014) via eth0
Oct 17 15:20:46 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to f0:4d:a2:cc:4f:9b (sm-nb014) via eth0
Oct 17 15:24:24 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:04:13:24:e5:7e via eth0
Oct 17 15:24:25 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:04:13:24:e5:7e via eth0
Oct 17 15:24:25 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for ( from 00:04:13:24:e5:7e via eth0
Oct 17 15:24:25 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:04:13:24:e5:7e via eth0
Oct 17 15:24:41 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPREQUEST for from f0:4d:a2:cc:4f:9b (sm-nb014) via eth0
Oct 17 15:24:41 linux1 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to f0:4d:a2:cc:4f:9b (sm-nb014) via eth0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         gw1.unix.nt         UG    0      0        0 eth0    *        U     0      0        0 eth0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
default         gw1.unix.nt         UG    0      0        0 eth0    *        U     0      0        0 eth0
прошло 36 минут
#vi dhcpd.conf
#/etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart
Stopping ISC DHCP server: dhcpd.
Starting ISC DHCP server: dhcpd.
прошла 41 минута
#apt-get install tcpdump
Чтение списков пакетов... Готово
Построение дерева зависимостей
Чтение информации о состоянии... Готово
НОВЫЕ пакеты, которые будут установлены:
обновлено 0, установлено 1 новых пакетов, для удаления отмечено 0 пакетов, и 0 пакетов не обновлено.
Необходимо скачать 376 kБ архивов.
После данной операции, объём занятого дискового пространства возрастёт на 901 kB.
Получено:1 squeeze/main tcpdump i386 4.1.1-1 [376 kB]
Получено 376 kБ за 0с (4 854 kБ/c)
Выбор ранее не выбранного пакета tcpdump.
(Чтение базы данных ... на данный момент установлен 115391 файл и каталог.)
Распаковывается пакет tcpdump (из файла .../tcpdump_4.1.1-1_i386.deb)...
Обрабатываются триггеры для man-db ...
Настраивается пакет tcpdump (4.1.1-1) ...
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
16:43:31.785341 IP linux1.unix.nt.34454 > Flags [S], seq 1374056296, win 14600, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 3495960 ecr 0,nop,wscale 6], length 0
16:43:31.785661 IP linux1.unix.nt.46698 > 63898+ PTR? (45)
16:43:31.785849 IP > linux1.unix.nt.34454: Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 1374056297, win 0, length 0
16:43:31.786065 IP > linux1.unix.nt.46698: 63898 NXDomain* 0/1/0 (95)
16:43:31.886451 IP6 fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f.mdns > ff02::fb.mdns: 0 PTR (QM)? (45)
16:43:31.886479 IP linux1.unix.nt.mdns > 0 PTR (QM)? (45)
16:43:31.964255 IP > UDP, length 4
16:43:32.887697 IP6 fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f.mdns > ff02::fb.mdns: 0 PTR (QM)? (45)
16:57:10.534949 IP > UDP, length 4
16:57:15.135788 IP linux1.unix.nt.33027 > note.unix.nt.ssh: Flags [P.], seq 2066:2130, ack 4937, win 402, options [nop,nop,TS val 3701798 ecr 26240734], length 64
16:57:15.138947 IP note.unix.nt.ssh > linux1.unix.nt.33027: Flags [P.], seq 4937:5641, ack 2130, win 223, options [nop,nop,TS val 26241975 ecr 3701798], length 704
16:57:15.138958 IP linux1.unix.nt.33027 > note.unix.nt.ssh: Flags [.], ack 5641, win 446, options [nop,nop,TS val 3701798 ecr 26241975], length 0
16:57:16.773849 IP > UDP, length 4
^C16:57:17.703415 LLDP, name ProCurve Switch 3400cl-24G, length 166
3040 packets captured
3266 packets received by filter
226 packets dropped by kernel
прошло 11 минут
#ssh user@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is f0:05:a6:a6:88:29:cd:4d:7a:23:9b:50:fa:00:de:0c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
user@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
user@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
user@'s password:
Permission denied (publickey,password).
#ssh user@
user@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
user@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.
user@'s password:
Permission denied (publickey,password).
#ssh user@
[root@linux9:~]# mv /etc/asterisk/sip.conf /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.SAVED
[root@linux9:~]# cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.SAVED | sed 's/;.*//' | expand |  gr
[root@linux9:~]# cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf.SAVED | sed 's/;.*//' | expand |  gr
[root@linux9:~]# cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
[root@linux9:~]# cat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
#cd /etc/asterisk/

adsi.conf                enum.conf               muted.conf
adtranvofr.conf          extconfig.conf          osp.conf
agents.conf              extensions.ael          oss.conf
ais.conf                 extensions.conf         phone.conf
alarmreceiver.conf       extensions.lua          phoneprov.conf
alsa.conf                extensions_minivm.conf  queuerules.conf
amd.conf                 features.conf           queues.conf
asterisk.adsi            festival.conf           res_config_sqlite.conf
asterisk.conf            followme.conf           res_ldap.conf
cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf   func_odbc.conf          res_odbc.conf
chan_dahdi.conf          jingle.conf             skinny.conf
cli_aliases.conf         logger.conf             sla.conf
cli.conf                 manager.conf            smdi.conf
cli_permissions.conf     manager.d               telcordia-1.adsi
codecs.conf              meetme.conf             udptl.conf
console.conf             mgcp.conf               unistim.conf
dbsep.conf               minivm.conf             usbradio.conf
dnsmgr.conf              misdn.conf              users.conf
dsp.conf                 modules.conf            voicemail.conf
dundi.conf               musiconhold.conf        vpb.conf
#cp sip.conf sip.conf0

#cat sip.conf
; SIP Configuration example for Asterisk
; SIP dial strings
; In the dialplan (extensions.conf) you can use several
; syntaxes for dialing SIP devices.
;        SIP/devicename
;        SIP/username@domain   (SIP uri)
;        SIP/username[:password[:md5secret[:authname[:transport]]]]@host[:port]
;rfc2833compensate=yes          ; Compensate for pre-1.4 DTMF transmission from another Asterisk machine.
                                ; You must have this turned on or DTMF reception will work improperly.
;t38pt_usertpsource=yes         ; Use the source IP address of RTP as the destination IP address for UDPTL packets
                                ; if the nat option is enabled. If a single RTP packet is received Asterisk will know the
                                ; external IP address of the remote device. If port forwarding is done at the client side
                                ; then UDPTL will flow to the remote device.
#cat sip.conf | sed 's/;.*//'
#cat sip.conf | sed 's/;.*//' | expand
#cat sip.conf | sed 's/;.*//' | expand
#vi sip.conf
#vi sip.conf
#vi sip.conf
прошло 15 минут
#asterisk -rv
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
Connected to Asterisk currently running on linux1 (pid = 6558)
Verbosity is at least 2
linux1*CLI> sip reload
1101                           5060     Unmonitored
1102                           5060     Unmonitored
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
linux1*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
1101                           5060     Unmonitored
1102                           5060     Unmonitored
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
linux1*CLI> exit
Executing last minute cleanups
#asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf':   == Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf':   == Found
Connected to Asterisk currently running on linux1 (pid = 6558)
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
linux1*CLI> sip set debug peer 1101
SIP Debugging Enabled for IP:
linux1*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
1101                           5060     Unmonitored
1102                           5060     Unmonitored
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
linux1*CLI> exit
Executing last minute cleanups
#vi sip.conf
#asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf':   == Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf':   == Found
Connected to Asterisk currently running on linux1 (pid = 6558)
linux1*CLI> exit
Executing last minute cleanups
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 2c:27:d7:46:19:8f
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::2e27:d7ff:fe46:198f/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:58969 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:26344 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:45243393 (43.1 MiB)  TX bytes:4612827 (4.3 MiB)
          Interrupt:20 Memory:fe400000-fe420000
lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:255 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:255 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:26237 (25.6 KiB)  TX bytes:26237 (25.6 KiB)
#asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2010 Digium, Inc. and others.
Created by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Asterisk comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; type 'core show warranty' for details.
This is free software, with components licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 and other licenses; you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions. Type 'core show license' for details.
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf':   == Found
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf':   == Found
Connected to Asterisk currently running on linux1 (pid = 6558)
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
linux1*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
1101                       (Unspecified)    D          5060     Unmonitored
1102/1102           D          13826    Unmonitored
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
linux1*CLI> exit
Executing last minute cleanups
прошло 13 минут
#vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
#cp extensions.conf extensions.conf0

#vi extensions.conf


  • /etc/resolv.conf
  • sip.conf
  • /etc/resolv.conf
    search unix.nt
    ; SIP Configuration example for Asterisk
    ; SIP dial strings
    ; In the dialplan (extensions.conf) you can use several
    ; syntaxes for dialing SIP devices.
    ;        SIP/devicename
    ;        SIP/username@domain   (SIP uri)
    ;        SIP/username[:password[:md5secret[:authname[:transport]]]]@host[:port]
    ;        SIP/devicename/extension
    ; Devicename
    ;        devicename is defined as a peer in a section below.
    ; username@domain
    ;        Call any SIP user on the Internet
    ;        (Don't forget to enable DNS SRV records if you want to use this)
    ; devicename/extension
    ;        If you define a SIP proxy as a peer below, you may call
    ;        SIP/proxyhostname/user or SIP/user@proxyhostname
    ;        where the proxyhostname is defined in a section below
    ;        This syntax also works with ATA's with FXO ports
    ; SIP/username[:password[:md5secret[:authname]]]@host[:port]
    ;        This form allows you to specify password or md5secret and authname
    ;        without altering any authentication data in config.
    ;        Examples:
    ;        SIP/*98@mysipproxy
    ;        SIP/sales:topsecret::account02@domain.com:5062
    ;        SIP/12345678::bc53f0ba8ceb1ded2b70e05c3f91de4f:myname@
    ; All of these dial strings specify the SIP request URI.
    ; In addition, you can specify a specific To: header by adding an
    ; exclamation mark after the dial string, like
    ;         SIP/sales@mysipproxy!sales@edvina.net
    ; CLI Commands
    ; -------------------------------------------------------------
    ; Useful CLI commands to check peers/users:
    ;   sip show peers               Show all SIP peers (including friends)
    ;   sip show registry            Show status of hosts we register with
    ;   sip set debug on             Show all SIP messages
    ;   module reload chan_sip.so    Reload configuration file
    ;------- Naming devices ------------------------------------------------------
    ; When naming devices, make sure you understand how Asterisk matches calls
    ; that come in.
    ;       1. Asterisk checks the SIP From: address username and matches against
    ;          names of devices with type=user
    ;          The name is the text between square brackets [name]
    ;       2. Asterisk checks the From: addres and matches the list of devices
    ;          with a type=peer
    ;       3. Asterisk checks the IP address (and port number) that the INVITE
    ;          was sent from and matches against any devices with type=peer
    ; Don't mix extensions with the names of the devices. Devices need a unique
    ; name. The device name is *not* used as phone numbers. Phone numbers are
    ; anything you declare as an extension in the dialplan (extensions.conf).
    ; When setting up trunks, make sure there's no risk that any From: username
    ; (caller ID) will match any of your device names, because then Asterisk
    ; might match the wrong device.
    ; Note: The parameter "username" is not the username and in most cases is
    ;       not needed at all. Check below. In later releases, it's renamed
    ;       to "defaultuser" which is a better name, since it is used in
    ;       combination with the "defaultip" setting.
    ; ** Deprecated configuration options **
    ; The "call-limit" configuation option is deprecated. It still works in
    ; this version of Asterisk, but will disappear in the next version.
    ; You are encouraged to use the dialplan groupcount functionality
    ; to enforce call limits instead of using this channel-specific method.
    ; You can still set limits per device in sip.conf or in a database by using
    ; "setvar" to set variables that can be used in the dialplan for various limits.
    context=default                 ; Default context for incoming calls
    ;allowguest=no                  ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
    ;match_auth_username=yes        ; if available, match user entry using the
                                    ; 'username' field from the authentication line
                                    ; instead of the From: field.
    allowoverlap=no                 ; Disable overlap dialing support. (Default is yes)
    ;allowtransfer=no               ; Disable all transfers (unless enabled in peers or users)
                                    ; Default is enabled. The Dial() options 't' and 'T' are not
                                    ; related as to whether SIP transfers are allowed or not.
    ;realm=mydomain.tld             ; Realm for digest authentication
                                    ; defaults to "asterisk". If you set a system name in
                                    ; asterisk.conf, it defaults to that system name
                                    ; Realms MUST be globally unique according to RFC 3261
                                    ; Set this to your host name or domain name
    udpbindaddr=             ; IP address to bind UDP listen socket to ( binds to all)
                                    ; Optionally add a port number, (default is port 5060)
    ; Note that the TCP and TLS support for chan_sip is currently considered
    ; experimental.  Since it is new, all of the related configuration options are
    ; subject to change in any release.  If they are changed, the changes will
    ; be reflected in this sample configuration file, as well as in the UPGRADE.txt file.
    tcpenable=no                    ; Enable server for incoming TCP connections (default is no)
    tcpbindaddr=             ; IP address for TCP server to bind to ( binds to all interfaces)
                                    ; Optionally add a port number, (default is port 5060)
    ;tlsenable=no                   ; Enable server for incoming TLS (secure) connections (default is no)
    ;tlsbindaddr=            ; IP address for TLS server to bind to ( binds to all interfaces)
                                    ; Optionally add a port number, (default is port 5061)
                                    ; Remember that the IP address must match the common name (hostname) in the
                                    ; certificate, so you don't want to bind a TLS socket to multiple IP addresses.
                                    ; For details how to construct a certificate for SIP see
                                    ; http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-sip-domain-certs
    ;tlscertfile=asterisk.pem       ; Certificate file (*.pem only) to use for TLS connections
                                    ; default is to look for "asterisk.pem" in current directory
    ;        If the server your connecting to uses a self signed certificate
    ;        you should have their certificate installed here so the code can
    ;        verify the authenticity of their certificate.
    ;        A directory full of CA certificates.  The files must be named with
    ;        the CA subject name hash value.
    ;        (see man SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations for more info)
    ;        If set to yes, don't verify the servers certificate when acting as
    ;        a client.  If you don't have the server's CA certificate you can
    ;        set this and it will connect without requiring tlscafile to be set.
    ;        Default is no.
    ;tlscipher=<SSL cipher string>
    ;        A string specifying which SSL ciphers to use or not use
    ;        A list of valid SSL cipher strings can be found at:
    ;                http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html#CIPHER_STRINGS
    ;tcpauthtimeout = 30            ; tcpauthtimeout specifies the maximum number
                                    ; of seconds a client has to authenticate.  If
                                    ; the client does not authenticate beofre this
                                    ; timeout expires, the client will be
                                    ; disconnected. (default: 30 seconds)
    ;tcpauthlimit = 100             ; tcpauthlimit specifies the maximum number of
                                    ; unauthenticated sessions that will be allowed
                                    ; to connect at any given time. (default: 100)
    srvlookup=yes                   ; Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls
                                    ; Note: Asterisk only uses the first host
                                    ; in SRV records
                                    ; Disabling DNS SRV lookups disables the
                                    ; ability to place SIP calls based on domain
                                    ; names to some other SIP users on the Internet
                                    ; Specifying a port in a SIP peer definition or
                                    ; when dialing outbound calls will supress SRV
                                    ; lookups for that peer or call.
    ;pedantic=yes                   ; Enable checking of tags in headers,
                                    ; international character conversions in URIs
                                    ; and multiline formatted headers for strict
                                    ; SIP compatibility (defaults to "no")
    ; See qos.tex or Quality of Service section of asterisk.pdf for a description of these parameters.
    ;tos_sip=cs3                    ; Sets TOS for SIP packets.
    ;tos_audio=ef                   ; Sets TOS for RTP audio packets.
    ;tos_video=af41                 ; Sets TOS for RTP video packets.
    ;tos_text=af41                  ; Sets TOS for RTP text packets.
    ;cos_sip=3                      ; Sets 802.1p priority for SIP packets.
    ;cos_audio=5                    ; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP audio packets.
    ;cos_video=4                    ; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP video packets.
    ;cos_text=3                     ; Sets 802.1p priority for RTP text packets.
    ;maxexpiry=3600                 ; Maximum allowed time of incoming registrations
                                    ; and subscriptions (seconds)
    ;minexpiry=60                   ; Minimum length of registrations/subscriptions (default 60)
    ;defaultexpiry=120              ; Default length of incoming/outgoing registration
    ;mwiexpiry=3600                 ; Expiry time for outgoing MWI subscriptions
    ;qualifyfreq=60                 ; Qualification: How often to check for the
                                    ; host to be up in seconds
                                    ; Set to low value if you use low timeout for
                                    ; NAT of UDP sessions
    ;qualifygap=100                 ; Number of milliseconds between each group of peers being qualified
    ;qualifypeers=1                 ; Number of peers in a group to be qualified at the same time
    ;notifymimetype=text/plain      ; Allow overriding of mime type in MWI NOTIFY
    ;buggymwi=no                    ; Cisco SIP firmware doesn't support the MWI RFC
                                    ; fully. Enable this option to not get error messages
                                    ; when sending MWI to phones with this bug.
    ;vmexten=voicemail              ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox sets the
                                    ; Message-Account in the MWI notify message
                                    ; defaults to "asterisk"
    ;disallow=all                   ; First disallow all codecs
    ;allow=ulaw                     ; Allow codecs in order of preference
    ;allow=ilbc                     ; see doc/rtp-packetization for framing options
    ; This option specifies a preference for which music on hold class this channel
    ; should listen to when put on hold if the music class has not been set on the
    ; channel with Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan, and the peer
    ; channel putting this one on hold did not suggest a music class.
    ; This option may be specified globally, or on a per-user or per-peer basis.
    ; This option specifies which music on hold class to suggest to the peer channel
    ; when this channel places the peer on hold. It may be specified globally or on
    ; a per-user or per-peer basis.
    ;parkinglot=plaza               ; Sets the default parking lot for call parking
                                    ; This may also be set for individual users/peers
                                    ; Parkinglots are configured in features.conf
    ;language=en                    ; Default language setting for all users/peers
                                    ; This may also be set for individual users/peers
    ;relaxdtmf=yes                  ; Relax dtmf handling
    ;trustrpid = no                 ; If Remote-Party-ID should be trusted
    ;sendrpid = yes                 ; If Remote-Party-ID should be sent
    ;prematuremedia=no              ; Some ISDN links send empty media frames before
                                    ; the call is in ringing or progress state. The SIP
                                    ; channel will then send 183 indicating early media
                                    ; which will be empty - thus users get no ring signal.
                                    ; Setting this to "no" will stop any media before we have
                                    ; call progress. Default is "yes".
    ;progressinband=never           ; If we should generate in-band ringing always
                                    ; use 'never' to never use in-band signalling, even in cases
                                    ; where some buggy devices might not render it
                                    ; Valid values: yes, no, never Default: never
    ;useragent=Asterisk PBX         ; Allows you to change the user agent string
                                    ; The default user agent string also contains the Asterisk
                                    ; version. If you don't want to expose this, change the
                                    ; useragent string.
    ;sdpsession=Asterisk PBX        ; Allows you to change the SDP session name string, (s=)
                                    ; Like the useragent parameter, the default user agent string
                                    ; also contains the Asterisk version.
    ;sdpowner=root                  ; Allows you to change the username field in the SDP owner string, (o=)
                                    ; This field MUST NOT contain spaces
    ;promiscredir = no              ; If yes, allows 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address
                                    ; Note that promiscredir when redirects are made to the
                                    ; local system will cause loops since Asterisk is incapable
                                    ; of performing a "hairpin" call.
    ;usereqphone = no               ; If yes, ";user=phone" is added to uri that contains
                                    ; a valid phone number
    ;dtmfmode = rfc2833             ; Set default dtmfmode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833
                                    ; Other options:
                                    ; info : SIP INFO messages (application/dtmf-relay)
                                    ; shortinfo : SIP INFO messages (application/dtmf)
                                    ; inband : Inband audio (requires 64 kbit codec -alaw, ulaw)
                                    ; auto : Use rfc2833 if offered, inband otherwise
    ;compactheaders = yes           ; send compact sip headers.
    ;videosupport=yes               ; Turn on support for SIP video. You need to turn this
                                    ; on in this section to get any video support at all.
                                    ; You can turn it off on a per peer basis if the general
                                    ; video support is enabled, but you can't enable it for
                                    ; one peer only without enabling in the general section.
                                    ; If you set videosupport to "always", then RTP ports will
                                    ; always be set up for video, even on clients that don't
                                    ; support it.  This assists callfile-derived calls and
                                    ; certain transferred calls to use always use video when
                                    ; available. [yes|NO|always]
    ;maxcallbitrate=384             ; Maximum bitrate for video calls (default 384 kb/s)
                                    ; Videosupport and maxcallbitrate is settable
                                    ; for peers and users as well
    ;callevents=no                  ; generate manager events when sip ua
                                    ; performs events (e.g. hold)
    ;authfailureevents=no           ; generate manager "peerstatus" events when peer can't
                                    ; authenticate with Asterisk. Peerstatus will be "rejected".
    ;alwaysauthreject = yes         ; When an incoming INVITE or REGISTER is to be rejected,
                                    ; for any reason, always reject with an identical response
                                    ; equivalent to valid username and invalid password/hash
                                    ; instead of letting the requester know whether there was
                                    ; a matching user or peer for their request.  This reduces
                                    ; the ability of an attacker to scan for valid SIP usernames.
    ;g726nonstandard = yes          ; If the peer negotiates G726-32 audio, use AAL2 packing
                                    ; order instead of RFC3551 packing order (this is required
                                    ; for Sipura and Grandstream ATAs, among others). This is
                                    ; contrary to the RFC3551 specification, the peer _should_
                                    ; be negotiating AAL2-G726-32 instead :-(
    ;outboundproxy=proxy.provider.domain            ; send outbound signaling to this proxy, not directly to the devices
    ;outboundproxy=proxy.provider.domain:8080       ; send outbound signaling to this proxy, not directly to the devices
    ;outboundproxy=proxy.provider.domain,force      ; Send ALL outbound signalling to proxy, ignoring route: headers
    ;outboundproxy=tls://proxy.provider.domain      ; same as '=proxy.provider.domain' except we try to connect with tls
    ;                                               ; (could also be tcp,udp) - defining transports on the proxy line only
    ;                                               ; applies for the global proxy, otherwise use the transport= option
    ;matchexterniplocally = yes     ; Only substitute the externip or externhost setting if it matches
                                    ; your localnet setting. Unless you have some sort of strange network
                                    ; setup you will not need to enable this.
    ;dynamic_exclude_static = yes   ; Disallow all dynamic hosts from registering
                                    ; as any IP address used for staticly defined
                                    ; hosts.  This helps avoid the configuration
                                    ; error of allowing your users to register at
                                    ; the same address as a SIP provider.
    ;contactdeny=           ; Use contactpermit and contactdeny to
    ;contactpermit=  ; restrict at what IPs your users may
                                           ; register their phones.
    ; The shrinkcallerid function removes '(', ' ', ')', non-trailing '.', and '-' not
    ; in square brackets.  For example, the caller id value 555.5555 becomes 5555555
    ; when this option is enabled.  Disabling this option results in no modification
    ; of the caller id value, which is necessary when the caller id represents something
    ; that must be preserved.  This option can only be used in the [general] section.
    ; By default this option is on.
    ;shrinkcallerid=yes     ; on by default
    ; If regcontext is specified, Asterisk will dynamically create and destroy a
    ; NoOp priority 1 extension for a given peer who registers or unregisters with
    ; us and have a "regexten=" configuration item.
    ; Multiple contexts may be specified by separating them with '&'. The
    ; actual extension is the 'regexten' parameter of the registering peer or its
    ; name if 'regexten' is not provided.  If more than one context is provided,
    ; the context must be specified within regexten by appending the desired
    ; context after '@'.  More than one regexten may be supplied if they are
    ; separated by '&'.  Patterns may be used in regexten.
    ;regextenonqualify=yes          ; Default "no"
                                    ; If you have qualify on and the peer becomes unreachable
                                    ; this setting will enforce inactivation of the regexten
                                    ; extension for the peer
    ;--------------------------- SIP timers ----------------------------------------------------
    ; These timers are used primarily in INVITE transactions.
    ; The default for Timer T1 is 500 ms or the measured run-trip time between
    ; Asterisk and the device if you have qualify=yes for the device.
    ;t1min=100                      ; Minimum roundtrip time for messages to monitored hosts
                                    ; Defaults to 100 ms
    ;timert1=500                    ; Default T1 timer
                                    ; Defaults to 500 ms or the measured round-trip
                                    ; time to a peer (qualify=yes).
    ;timerb=32000                   ; Call setup timer. If a provisional response is not received
                                    ; in this amount of time, the call will autocongest
                                    ; Defaults to 64*timert1
    ;--------------------------- RTP timers ----------------------------------------------------
    ; These timers are currently used for both audio and video streams. The RTP timeouts
    ; are only applied to the audio channel.
    ; The settings are settable in the global section as well as per device
    ;rtptimeout=60                  ; Terminate call if 60 seconds of no RTP or RTCP activity
                                    ; on the audio channel
                                    ; when we're not on hold. This is to be able to hangup
                                    ; a call in the case of a phone disappearing from the net,
                                    ; like a powerloss or grandma tripping over a cable.
    ;rtpholdtimeout=300             ; Terminate call if 300 seconds of no RTP or RTCP activity
                                    ; on the audio channel
                                    ; when we're on hold (must be > rtptimeout)
    ;rtpkeepalive=<secs>            ; Send keepalives in the RTP stream to keep NAT open
                                    ; (default is off - zero)
    ;--------------------------- SIP Session-Timers (RFC 4028)------------------------------------
    ; SIP Session-Timers provide an end-to-end keep-alive mechanism for active SIP sessions.
    ; This mechanism can detect and reclaim SIP channels that do not terminate through normal
    ; signaling procedures. Session-Timers can be configured globally or at a user/peer level.
    ; The operation of Session-Timers is driven by the following configuration parameters:
    ; * session-timers    - Session-Timers feature operates in the following three modes:
    ;                            originate : Request and run session-timers always
    ;                            accept    : Run session-timers only when requested by other UA
    ;                            refuse    : Do not run session timers in any case
    ;                       The default mode of operation is 'accept'.
    ; * session-expires   - Maximum session refresh interval in seconds. Defaults to 1800 secs.
    ; * session-minse     - Minimum session refresh interval in seconds. Defualts to 90 secs.
    ; * session-refresher - The session refresher (uac|uas). Defaults to 'uas'.
    ;--------------------------- HASH TABLE SIZES ------------------------------------------------
    ; For maximum efficiency, adjust the following
    ; values to be slightly larger than the maximum number of in-memory objects (devices).
    ; Too large, and space is wasted. Too small, and things will run slower.
    ; 563 is probably way too big for small (home) applications, but it
    ; should cover most small/medium sites.
    ; It is recommended to make the sizes be a prime number!
    ; This was internally set to 17 for small-memory applications...
    ; All tables default to 563, except when compiled in LOW_MEMORY mode,
    ; in which case, they default to 17. You can override this by uncommenting
    ; the following, and changing the values.
    ;--------------------------- SIP DEBUGGING ---------------------------------------------------
    ;sipdebug = yes                 ; Turn on SIP debugging by default, from
                                    ; the moment the channel loads this configuration
    ;recordhistory=yes              ; Record SIP history by default
                                    ; (see sip history / sip no history)
    ;dumphistory=yes                ; Dump SIP history at end of SIP dialogue
                                    ; SIP history is output to the DEBUG logging channel
    ;--------------------------- STATUS NOTIFICATIONS (SUBSCRIPTIONS) ----------------------------
    ; You can subscribe to the status of extensions with a "hint" priority
    ; (See extensions.conf.sample for examples)
    ; chan_sip support two major formats for notifications: dialog-info and SIMPLE
    ; You will get more detailed reports (busy etc) if you have a call counter enabled
    ; for a device.
    ; If you set the busylevel, we will indicate busy when we have a number of calls that
    ; matches the busylevel treshold.
    ; For queues, you will need this level of detail in status reporting, regardless
    ; if you use SIP subscriptions. Queues and manager use the same internal interface
    ; for reading status information.
    ; Note: Subscriptions does not work if you have a realtime dialplan and use the
    ; realtime switch.
    ;allowsubscribe=no              ; Disable support for subscriptions. (Default is yes)
    ;subscribecontext = default     ; Set a specific context for SUBSCRIBE requests
                                    ; Useful to limit subscriptions to local extensions
                                    ; Settable per peer/user also
    ;notifyringing = no             ; Control whether subscriptions already INUSE get sent
                                    ; RINGING when another call is sent (default: yes)
    ;notifyhold = yes               ; Notify subscriptions on HOLD state (default: no)
                                    ; Turning on notifyringing and notifyhold will add a lot
                                    ; more database transactions if you are using realtime.
    ;notifycid = yes                ; Control whether caller ID information is sent along with
                                    ; dialog-info+xml notifications (supported by snom phones).
                                    ; Note that this feature will only work properly when the
                                    ; incoming call is using the same extension and context that
                                    ; is being used as the hint for the called extension.  This means
                                    ; that it won't work when using subscribecontext for your sip
                                    ; user or peer (if subscribecontext is different than context).
                                    ; This is also limited to a single caller, meaning that if an
                                    ; extension is ringing because multiple calls are incoming,
                                    ; only one will be used as the source of caller ID.  Specify
                                    ; 'ignore-context' to ignore the called context when looking
                                    ; for the caller's channel.  The default value is 'no.' Setting
                                    ; notifycid to 'ignore-context' also causes call-pickups attempted
                                    ; via SNOM's NOTIFY mechanism to set the context for the call pickup
                                    ; to PICKUPMARK.
    ;callcounter = yes              ; Enable call counters on devices. This can be set per
                                    ; device too.
    ;----------------------------------------- T.38 FAX SUPPORT ----------------------------------
    ; This setting is available in the [general] section as well as in device configurations.
    ; Setting this to yes enables T.38 FAX (UDPTL) on SIP calls; it defaults to off.
    ; t38pt_udptl = yes            ; Enables T.38 with FEC error correction.
    ; t38pt_udptl = yes,fec        ; Enables T.38 with FEC error correction.
    ; t38pt_udptl = yes,redundancy ; Enables T.38 with redundancy error correction.
    ; t38pt_udptl = yes,none       ; Enables T.38 with no error correction.
    ; In some cases, T.38 endpoints will provide a T38FaxMaxDatagram value (during T.38 setup) that
    ; is based on an incorrect interpretation of the T.38 recommendation, and results in failures
    ; because Asterisk does not believe it can send T.38 packets of a reasonable size to that
    ; endpoint (Cisco media gateways are one example of this situation). In these cases, during a
    ; T.38 call you will see warning messages on the console/in the logs from the Asterisk UDPTL
    ; stack complaining about lack of buffer space to send T.38 FAX packets. If this occurs, you
    ; can set an override (globally, or on a per-device basis) to make Asterisk ignore the
    ; T38FaxMaxDatagram value specified by the other endpoint, and use a configured value instead.
    ; This can be done by appending 'maxdatagram=<value>' to the t38pt_udptl configuration option,
    ; like this:
    ; t38pt_udptl = yes,fec,maxdatagram=400 ; Enables T.38 with FEC error correction and overrides
    ;                                       ; the other endpoint's provided value to assume we can
    ;                                       ; send 400 byte T.38 FAX packets to it.
    ; FAX detection will cause the SIP channel to jump to the 'fax' extension (if it exists)
    ; based one or more events being detected. The events that can be detected are an incoming
    ; CNG tone or an incoming T.38 re-INVITE request.
    ; faxdetect = yes               ; Default 'no', 'yes' enables both CNG and T.38 detection
    ; faxdetect = cng               ; Enables only CNG detection
    ; faxdetect = t38               ; Enables only T.38 detection
    ; faxdetect = both              ; Enables both CNG and T.38 detection (same as 'yes')
    ;----------------------------------------- OUTBOUND SIP REGISTRATIONS  ------------------------
    ; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider)
    ; Format for the register statement is:
    ;       register => [peer?][transport://]user[@domain][:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension][~expiry]
    ; domain is either
    ;       - domain in DNS
    ;       - host name in DNS
    ;       - the name of a peer defined below or in realtime
    ; The domain is where you register your username, so your SIP uri you are registering to
    ; is username@domain
    ; If no extension is given, the 's' extension is used. The extension needs to
    ; be defined in extensions.conf to be able to accept calls from this SIP proxy
    ; (provider).
    ; A similar effect can be achieved by adding a "callbackextension" option in a peer section.
    ; this is equivalent to having the following line in the general section:
    ;        register => username:secret@host/callbackextension
    ; and more readable because you don't have to write the parameters in two places
    ; (note that the "port" is ignored - this is a bug that should be fixed).
    ; Note that a register= line doesn't mean that we will match the incoming call in any
    ; other way than described above. If you want to control where the call enters your
    ; dialplan, which context, you want to define a peer with the hostname of the provider's
    ; server. If the provider has multiple servers to place calls to your system, you need
    ; a peer for each server.
    ; Beginning with Asterisk version 1.6.2, the "user" portion of the register line may
    ; contain a port number. Since the logical separator between a host and port number is a
    ; ':' character, and this character is already used to separate between the optional "secret"
    ; and "authuser" portions of the line, there is a bit of a hoop to jump through if you wish
    ; to use a port here. That is, you must explicitly provide a "secret" and "authuser" even if
    ; they are blank. See the third example below for an illustration.
    ; Examples:
    ;register => 1234:password@mysipprovider.com
    ;     This will pass incoming calls to the 's' extension
    ;register => 2345:password@sip_proxy/1234
    ;    Register 2345 at sip provider 'sip_proxy'.  Calls from this provider
    ;    connect to local extension 1234 in extensions.conf, default context,
    ;    unless you configure a [sip_proxy] section below, and configure a
    ;    context.
    ;    Tip 1: Avoid assigning hostname to a sip.conf section like [provider.com]
    ;    Tip 2: Use separate inbound and outbound sections for SIP providers
    ;           (instead of type=friend) if you have calls in both directions
    ;register => 3456@mydomain:5082::@mysipprovider.com
    ;    Note that in this example, the optional authuser and secret portions have
    ;    been left blank because we have specified a port in the user section
    ;register => tls://username:xxxxxx@sip-tls-proxy.example.org
    ;    The 'transport' part defaults to 'udp' but may also be 'tcp' or 'tls'.
    ;    Using 'udp://' explicitly is also useful in case the username part
    ;    contains a '/' ('user/name').
    ;registertimeout=20             ; retry registration calls every 20 seconds (default)
    ;registerattempts=10            ; Number of registration attempts before we give up
                                    ; 0 = continue forever, hammering the other server
                                    ; until it accepts the registration
                                    ; Default is 0 tries, continue forever
    ;----------------------------------------- OUTBOUND MWI SUBSCRIPTIONS -------------------------
    ; Asterisk can subscribe to receive the MWI from another SIP server and store it locally for retrieval
    ; by other phones.
    ; Format for the mwi register statement is:
    ;       mwi => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/mailbox]
    ; Examples:
    ;mwi => 1234:password@mysipprovider.com/1234
    ; MWI received will be stored in the 1234 mailbox of the SIP_Remote context. It can be used by other phones by following the below:
    ; mailbox=1234@SIP_Remote
    ;----------------------------------------- NAT SUPPORT ------------------------
    ; WARNING: SIP operation behind a NAT is tricky and you really need
    ; to read and understand well the following section.
    ; When Asterisk is behind a NAT device, the "local" address (and port) that
    ; a socket is bound to has different values when seen from the inside or
    ; from the outside of the NATted network. Unfortunately this address must
    ; be communicated to the outside (e.g. in SIP and SDP messages), and in
    ; order to determine the correct value Asterisk needs to know:
    ; + whether it is talking to someone "inside" or "outside" of the NATted network.
    ;   This is configured by assigning the "localnet" parameter with a list
    ;   of network addresses that are considered "inside" of the NATted network.
    ;   Multiple entries are allowed, e.g. a reasonable set is the following:
    ;      localnet= ; RFC 1918 addresses
    ;      localnet=      ; Also RFC1918
    ;      localnet=           ; Another RFC1918 with CIDR notation
    ;      localnet= ; Zero conf local network
    ; + the "externally visible" address and port number to be used when talking
    ;   to a host outside the NAT. This information is derived by one of the
    ;   following (mutually exclusive) config file parameters:
    ;   a. "externip = hostname[:port]" specifies a static address[:port] to
    ;      be used in SIP and SDP messages.
    ;      The hostname is looked up only once, when [re]loading sip.conf .
    ;      If a port number is not present, use the "bindport" value (which is
    ;      not guaranteed to work correctly, because a NAT box might remap the
    ;      port number as well as the address).
    ;      This approach can be useful if you have a NAT device where you can
    ;      configure the mapping statically. Examples:
    ;        externip =          ; use this address.
    ;        externip =     ; use this address and port.
    ;        externip = mynat.my.org:12600   ; Public address of my nat box.
    ;   b. "externhost = hostname[:port]" is similar to "externip" except
    ;      that the hostname is looked up every "externrefresh" seconds
    ;      (default 10s). This can be useful when your NAT device lets you choose
    ;      the port mapping, but the IP address is dynamic.
    ;      Beware, you might suffer from service disruption when the name server
    ;      resolution fails. Examples:
    ;        externhost=foo.dyndns.net       ; refreshed periodically
    ;        externrefresh=180               ; change the refresh interval
    ;   c. "stunaddr = stun.server[:port]" queries the STUN server specified
    ;      as an argument to obtain the external address/port.
    ;      Queries are also sent periodically every "externrefresh" seconds
    ;      (as a side effect, sending the query also acts as a keepalive for
    ;      the state entry on the nat box):
    ;        stunaddr = foo.stun.com:3478
    ;        externrefresh = 15
    ;   Note that at the moment all these mechanism work only for the SIP socket.
    ;   The IP address discovered with externip/externhost/STUN is reused for
    ;   media sessions as well, but the port numbers are not remapped so you
    ;   may still experience problems.
    ; NOTE 1: in some cases, NAT boxes will use different port numbers in
    ; the internal<->external mapping. In these cases, the "externip" and
    ; "externhost" might not help you configure addresses properly, and you
    ; really need to use STUN.
    ; NOTE 2: when using "externip" or "externhost", the address part is
    ; also used as the external address for media sessions.
    ; If you use "stunaddr", STUN queries will be sent to the same server
    ; also from media sockets, and this should permit a correct mapping of
    ; the port numbers as well.
    ; In addition to the above, Asterisk has an additional "nat" parameter to
    ; address NAT-related issues in incoming SIP or media sessions.
    ; In particular, depending on the 'nat= ' settings described below, Asterisk
    ; may override the address/port information specified in the SIP/SDP messages,
    ; and use the information (sender address) supplied by the network stack instead.
    ; However, this is only useful if the external traffic can reach us.
    ; The following settings are allowed (both globally and in individual sections):
    ;        nat = no                ; default. Use NAT mode only according to RFC3581 (;rport)
    ;        nat = yes               ; Always ignore info and assume NAT
    ;        nat = never             ; Never attempt NAT mode or RFC3581 support
    ;        nat = route             ; route = Assume NAT, don't send rport
    ;                                ; (work around more UNIDEN bugs)
    ;----------------------------------- MEDIA HANDLING --------------------------------
    ; By default, Asterisk tries to re-invite media streams to an optimal path. If there's
    ; no reason for Asterisk to stay in the media path, the media will be redirected.
    ; This does not really work well in the case where Asterisk is outside and the
    ; clients are on the inside of a NAT. In that case, you want to set directmedia=nonat.
    ;directmedia=yes                ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the
                                    ; RTP media stream to go directly from
                                    ; the caller to the callee.  Some devices do not
                                    ; support this (especially if one of them is behind a NAT).
                                    ; The default setting is YES. If you have all clients
                                    ; behind a NAT, or for some other reason want Asterisk to
                                    ; stay in the audio path, you may want to turn this off.
                                    ; This setting also affect direct RTP
                                    ; at call setup (a new feature in 1.4 - setting up the
                                    ; call directly between the endpoints instead of sending
                                    ; a re-INVITE).
    ;directrtpsetup=yes             ; Enable the new experimental direct RTP setup. This sets up
                                    ; the call directly with media peer-2-peer without re-invites.
                                    ; Will not work for video and cases where the callee sends
                                    ; RTP payloads and fmtp headers in the 200 OK that does not match the
                                    ; callers INVITE. This will also fail if directmedia is enabled when
                                    ; the device is actually behind NAT.
                                    ; Additionally this option does not disable all reINVITE operations.
                                    ; It only controls Asterisk generating reINVITEs for the specific
                                    ; purpose of setting up a direct media path. If a reINVITE is
                                    ; needed to switch a media stream to inactive (when placed on
                                    ; hold) or to T.38, it will still be done, regardless of this
                                    ; setting. Note that direct T.38 is not supported.
    ;directmedia=nonat              ; An additional option is to allow media path redirection
                                    ; (reinvite) but only when the peer where the media is being
                                    ; sent is known to not be behind a NAT (as the RTP core can
                                    ; determine it based on the apparent IP address the media
                                    ; arrives from).
    ;directmedia=update             ; Yet a third option... use UPDATE for media path redirection,
                                    ; instead of INVITE. This can be combined with 'nonat', as
                                    ; 'directmedia=update,nonat'. It implies 'yes'.
    ;ignoresdpversion=yes           ; By default, Asterisk will honor the session version
                                    ; number in SDP packets and will only modify the SDP
                                    ; session if the version number changes. This option will
                                    ; force asterisk to ignore the SDP session version number
                                    ; and treat all SDP data as new data.  This is required
                                    ; for devices that send us non standard SDP packets
                                    ; (observed with Microsoft OCS). By default this option is
                                    ; off.
    ;----------------------------------------- REALTIME SUPPORT ------------------------
    ; For additional information on ARA, the Asterisk Realtime Architecture,
    ; please read realtime.txt and extconfig.txt in the /doc directory of the
    ; source code.
    ;rtcachefriends=yes             ; Cache realtime friends by adding them to the internal list
                                    ; just like friends added from the config file only on a
                                    ; as-needed basis? (yes|no)
    ;rtsavesysname=yes              ; Save systemname in realtime database at registration
                                    ; Default= no
    ;rtupdate=yes                   ; Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no)
                                    ; If set to yes, when a SIP UA registers successfully, the ip address,
                                    ; the origination port, the registration period, and the username of
                                    ; the UA will be set to database via realtime.
                                    ; If not present, defaults to 'yes'. Note: realtime peers will
                                    ; probably not function across reloads in the way that you expect, if
                                    ; you turn this option off.
    ;rtautoclear=yes                ; Auto-Expire friends created on the fly on the same schedule
                                    ; as if it had just registered? (yes|no|<seconds>)
                                    ; If set to yes, when the registration expires, the friend will
                                    ; vanish from the configuration until requested again. If set
                                    ; to an integer, friends expire within this number of seconds
                                    ; instead of the registration interval.
    ;ignoreregexpire=yes            ; Enabling this setting has two functions:
                                    ; For non-realtime peers, when their registration expires, the
                                    ; information will _not_ be removed from memory or the Asterisk database
                                    ; if you attempt to place a call to the peer, the existing information
                                    ; will be used in spite of it having expired
                                    ; For realtime peers, when the peer is retrieved from realtime storage,
                                    ; the registration information will be used regardless of whether
                                    ; it has expired or not; if it expires while the realtime peer
                                    ; is still in memory (due to caching or other reasons), the
                                    ; information will not be removed from realtime storage
    ;----------------------------------------- SIP DOMAIN SUPPORT ------------------------
    ; Incoming INVITE and REFER messages can be matched against a list of 'allowed'
    ; domains, each of which can direct the call to a specific context if desired.
    ; By default, all domains are accepted and sent to the default context or the
    ; context associated with the user/peer placing the call.
    ; REGISTER to non-local domains will be automatically denied if a domain
    ; list is configured.
    ; Domains can be specified using:
    ; domain=<domain>[,<context>]
    ; Examples:
    ; domain=myasterisk.dom
    ; domain=customer.com,customer-context
    ; In addition, all the 'default' domains associated with a server should be
    ; added if incoming request filtering is desired.
    ; autodomain=yes
    ; To disallow requests for domains not serviced by this server:
    ; allowexternaldomains=no
                                    ; Add domain and configure incoming context
                                    ; for external calls to this domain
    ;domain=                 ; Add IP address as local domain
                                    ; You can have several "domain" settings
    ;allowexternaldomains=no        ; Disable INVITE and REFER to non-local domains
                                    ; Default is yes
    ;autodomain=yes                 ; Turn this on to have Asterisk add local host
                                    ; name and local IP to domain list.
    ; fromdomain=mydomain.tld       ; When making outbound SIP INVITEs to
                                    ; non-peers, use your primary domain "identity"
                                    ; for From: headers instead of just your IP
                                    ; address. This is to be polite and
                                    ; it may be a mandatory requirement for some
                                    ; destinations which do not have a prior
                                    ; account relationship with your server.
    ;------------------------------ JITTER BUFFER CONFIGURATION --------------------------
    ; jbenable = yes              ; Enables the use of a jitterbuffer on the receiving side of a
                                  ; SIP channel. Defaults to "no". An enabled jitterbuffer will
                                  ; be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving
                                  ; side can not accept jitter. The SIP channel can accept jitter,
                                  ; thus a jitterbuffer on the receive SIP side will be used only
                                  ; if it is forced and enabled.
    ; jbforce = no                ; Forces the use of a jitterbuffer on the receive side of a SIP
                                  ; channel. Defaults to "no".
    ; jbmaxsize = 200             ; Max length of the jitterbuffer in milliseconds.
    ; jbresyncthreshold = 1000    ; Jump in the frame timestamps over which the jitterbuffer is
                                  ; resynchronized. Useful to improve the quality of the voice, with
                                  ; big jumps in/broken timestamps, usually sent from exotic devices
                                  ; and programs. Defaults to 1000.
    ; jbimpl = fixed              ; Jitterbuffer implementation, used on the receiving side of a SIP
                                  ; channel. Two implementations are currently available - "fixed"
                                  ; (with size always equals to jbmaxsize) and "adaptive" (with
                                  ; variable size, actually the new jb of IAX2). Defaults to fixed.
    ; jbtargetextra = 40          ; This option only affects the jb when 'jbimpl = adaptive' is set.
                                  ; The option represents the number of milliseconds by which the new jitter buffer
                                  ; will pad its size. the default is 40, so without modification, the new
                                  ; jitter buffer will set its size to the jitter value plus 40 milliseconds.
                                  ; increasing this value may help if your network normally has low jitter,
                                  ; but occasionally has spikes.
    ; jblog = no                  ; Enables jitterbuffer frame logging. Defaults to "no".
    ; Global credentials for outbound calls, i.e. when a proxy challenges your
    ; Asterisk server for authentication. These credentials override
    ; any credentials in peer/register definition if realm is matched.
    ; This way, Asterisk can authenticate for outbound calls to other
    ; realms. We match realm on the proxy challenge and pick an set of
    ; credentials from this list
    ; Syntax:
    ;        auth = <user>:<secret>@<realm>
    ;        auth = <user>#<md5secret>@<realm>
    ; Example:
    ; You may also add auth= statements to [peer] definitions
    ; Peer auth= override all other authentication settings if we match on realm
    ; The SIP channel has two types of devices, the friend and the peer.
    ; * The type=friend is a device type that accepts both incoming and outbound calls,
    ;   where Asterisk match on the From: username on incoming calls.
    ;   (A synonym for friend is "user"). This is a type you use for your local
    ;   SIP phones.
    ; * The type=peer also handles both incoming and outbound calls. On inbound calls,
    ;   Asterisk only matches on IP/port, not on names. This is mostly used for SIP
    ;   trunks.
    ; For device names, we recommend using only a-z, numerics (0-9) and underscore
    ; For local phones, type=friend works most of the time
    ; If you have one-way audio, you probably have NAT problems.
    ; If Asterisk is on a public IP, and the phone is inside of a NAT device
    ; you will need to configure nat option for those phones.
    ; Also, turn on qualify=yes to keep the nat session open
    ; Configuration options available
    ; --------------------
    ; context
    ; callingpres
    ; permit
    ; deny
    ; secret
    ; md5secret
    ; remotesecret
    ; transport
    ; dtmfmode
    ; directmedia
    ; nat
    ; callgroup
    ; pickupgroup
    ; language
    ; allow
    ; disallow
    ; insecure
    ; trustrpid
    ; progressinband
    ; promiscredir
    ; useclientcode
    ; accountcode
    ; setvar
    ; callerid
    ; amaflags
    ; callcounter
    ; busylevel
    ; allowoverlap
    ; allowsubscribe
    ; allowtransfer
    ; ignoresdpversion
    ; subscribecontext
    ; template
    ; videosupport
    ; maxcallbitrate
    ; rfc2833compensate
    ; mailbox
    ; session-timers
    ; session-expires
    ; session-minse
    ; session-refresher
    ; t38pt_usertpsource
    ; regexten
    ; fromdomain
    ; fromuser
    ; host
    ; port
    ; qualify
    ; defaultip
    ; defaultuser
    ; rtptimeout
    ; rtpholdtimeout
    ; sendrpid
    ; outboundproxy
    ; rfc2833compensate
    ; callbackextension
    ; registertrying
    ; timert1
    ; timerb
    ; qualifyfreq
    ; t38pt_usertpsource
    ; contactpermit         ; Limit what a host may register as (a neat trick
    ; contactdeny           ; is to register at the same IP as a SIP provider,
    ;                       ; then call oneself, and get redirected to that
    ;                       ; same location).
    ; For incoming calls only. Example: FWD (Free World Dialup)
    ; We match on IP address of the proxy for incoming calls
    ; since we can not match on username (caller id)
    ;type=peer                        ; we only want to call out, not be called
    ;remotesecret=guessit             ; Our password to their service
    ;defaultuser=yourusername         ; Authentication user for outbound proxies
    ;fromuser=yourusername            ; Many SIP providers require this!
    ;transport=udp,tcp                ; This sets the default transport type to udp for outgoing, and will
    ;                                 ; accept both tcp and udp. The default transport type is only used for
    ;                                 ; outbound messages until a Registration takes place.  During the
    ;                                 ; peer Registration the transport type may change to another supported
    ;                                 ; type if the peer requests so.
    ;usereqphone=yes                  ; This provider requires ";user=phone" on URI
    ;callcounter=yes                  ; Enable call counter
    ;busylevel=2                      ; Signal busy at 2 or more calls
    ;outboundproxy=proxy.provider.domain  ; send outbound signaling to this proxy, not directly to the peer
    ;port=80                          ; The port number we want to connect to on the remote side
                                      ; Also used as "defaultport" in combination with "defaultip" settings
    ;--- sample definition for a provider
    ;fromuser=4015552299              ; how your provider knows you
    ;remotesecret=youwillneverguessit ; The password we use to authenticate to them
    ;secret=gissadetdu                ; The password they use to contact us
    ;callbackextension=123            ; Register with this server and require calls coming back to this extension
    ;transport=udp,tcp                ; This sets the transport type to udp for outgoing, and will
    ;                                 ;   accept both tcp and udp. Default is udp. The first transport
    ;                                 ;   listed will always be used for outgoing connections.
    ; Because you might have a large number of similar sections, it is generally
    ; convenient to use templates for the common parameters, and add them
    ; the the various sections. Examples are below, and we can even leave
    ; the templates uncommented as they will not harm:
    [basic-options](!)                ; a template
    [natted-phone](!,basic-options)   ; another template inheriting basic-options
    [public-phone](!,basic-options)   ; another template inheriting basic-options
    [my-codecs](!)                    ; a template for my preferred codecs
    [ulaw-phone](!)                   ; and another one for ulaw-only
    ; and finally instantiate a few phones
    ; [2133](natted-phone,my-codecs)
    ;        secret = peekaboo
    ; [2134](natted-phone,ulaw-phone)
    ;        secret = not_very_secret
    ; [2136](public-phone,ulaw-phone)
    ;        secret = not_very_secret_either
    ; ...
    ; Standard configurations not using templates look like this:
    ;context=from-sip                ; Where to start in the dialplan when this phone calls
    ;callerid=John Doe <1234>        ; Full caller ID, to override the phones config
                                     ; on incoming calls to Asterisk
    ;host=               ; we have a static but private IP address
                                     ; No registration allowed
    ;nat=no                          ; there is not NAT between phone and Asterisk
    ;directmedia=yes                 ; allow RTP voice traffic to bypass Asterisk
    ;dtmfmode=info                   ; either RFC2833 or INFO for the BudgeTone
    ;call-limit=1                    ; permit only 1 outgoing call and 1 incoming call at a time
                                     ; from the phone to asterisk (deprecated)
                                     ; 1 for the explicit peer, 1 for the explicit user,
                                     ; remember that a friend equals 1 peer and 1 user in
                                     ; memory
                                     ; There is no combined call counter for a "friend"
                                     ; so there's currently no way in sip.conf to limit
                                     ; to one inbound or outbound call per phone. Use
                                     ; the group counters in the dial plan for that.
    ;mailbox=1234@default            ; mailbox 1234 in voicemail context "default"
    ;disallow=all                    ; need to disallow=all before we can use allow=
    ;allow=ulaw                      ; Note: In user sections the order of codecs
                                     ; listed with allow= does NOT matter!
    ;allow=g723.1                    ; Asterisk only supports g723.1 pass-thru!
    ;allow=g729                      ; Pass-thru only unless g729 license obtained
    ;callingpres=allowed_passed_screen ; Set caller ID presentation
                                     ; See README.callingpres for more information
    ; Turn off silence suppression in X-Lite ("Transmit Silence"=YES)!
    ; Note that Xlite sends NAT keep-alive packets, so qualify=yes is not needed
    ;regexten=1234                   ; When they register, create extension 1234
    ;callerid="Jane Smith" <5678>
    ;host=dynamic                    ; This device needs to register
    ;nat=yes                         ; X-Lite is behind a NAT router
    ;directmedia=no                  ; Typically set to NO if behind NAT
    ;allow=gsm                       ; GSM consumes far less bandwidth than ulaw
    ;mailbox=1234@default,1233@default ; Subscribe to status of multiple mailboxes
    ;registertrying=yes              ; Send a 100 Trying when the device registers.
    ;type=friend                     ; Friends place calls and receive calls
    ;context=from-sip                ; Context for incoming calls from this user
    ;subscribecontext=localextensions ; Only allow SUBSCRIBE for local extensions
    ;language=de                     ; Use German prompts for this user
    ;host=dynamic                    ; This peer register with us
    ;dtmfmode=inband                 ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info
    ;defaultip=          ; IP used until peer registers
    ;mailbox=1234@context,2345       ; Mailbox(-es) for message waiting indicator
    ;subscribemwi=yes                ; Only send notifications if this phone
                                     ; subscribes for mailbox notification
    ;vmexten=voicemail               ; dialplan extension to reach mailbox
                                     ; sets the Message-Account in the MWI notify message
                                     ; defaults to global vmexten which defaults to "asterisk"
    ;allow=ulaw                      ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw!
    ;type=friend                     ; Friends place calls and receive calls
    ;context=from-sip                ; Context for incoming calls from this user
    ;host=dynamic                    ; This peer register with us
    ;dtmfmode=rfc2833                ; Choices are inband, rfc2833, or info
    ;defaultuser=polly               ; Username to use in INVITE until peer registers
                                     ; Normally you do NOT need to set this parameter
    ;allow=ulaw                      ; dtmfmode=inband only works with ulaw or alaw!
    ;progressinband=no               ; Polycom phones don't work properly with "never"
    ;insecure=port                   ; Allow matching of peer by IP address without
                                     ; matching port number
    ;insecure=invite                 ; Do not require authentication of incoming INVITEs
    ;insecure=port,invite            ; (both)
    ;qualify=1000                    ; Consider it down if it's 1 second to reply
                                     ; Helps with NAT session
                                     ; qualify=yes uses default value
    ;qualifyfreq=60                  ; Qualification: How often to check for the
                                     ; host to be up in seconds
                                     ; Set to low value if you use low timeout for
                                     ; NAT of UDP sessions
    ; Call group and Pickup group should be in the range from 0 to 63
    ;callgroup=1,3-4                 ; We are in caller groups 1,3,4
    ;pickupgroup=1,3-5               ; We can do call pick-p for call group 1,3,4,5
    ;defaultip=          ; IP address to use if peer has not registered
    ;deny=            ; ACL: Control access to this account based on IP address
    ;permit=          ; we can also use CIDR notation for subnet masks
    ;qualify=200                     ; Qualify peer is no more than 200ms away
    ;nat=yes                         ; This phone may be natted
                                     ; Send SIP and RTP to the IP address that packet is
                                     ; received from instead of trusting SIP headers
    ;host=dynamic                    ; This device registers with us
    ;directmedia=no                  ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the
                                     ; RTP media stream (audio) to go directly from
                                     ; the caller to the callee.  Some devices do not
                                     ; support this (especially if one of them is
                                     ; behind a NAT).
    ;defaultip=           ; IP address to use until registration
    ;defaultuser=goran               ; Username to use when calling this device before registration
                                     ; Normally you do NOT need to set this parameter
    ;setvar=CUSTID=5678              ; Channel variable to be set for all calls from or to this device
    ;setvar=ATTENDED_TRANSFER_COMPLETE_SOUND=beep   ; This channel variable will
                                                    ; cause the given audio file to
                                                    ; be played upon completion of
                                                    ; an attended transfer.
    ;rfc2833compensate=yes          ; Compensate for pre-1.4 DTMF transmission from another Asterisk machine.
                                    ; You must have this turned on or DTMF reception will work improperly.
    ;t38pt_usertpsource=yes         ; Use the source IP address of RTP as the destination IP address for UDPTL packets
                                    ; if the nat option is enabled. If a single RTP packet is received Asterisk will know the
                                    ; external IP address of the remote device. If port forwarding is done at the client side
                                    ; then UDPTL will flow to the remote device.


    Время первой команды журнала11:52:22 2011-10-17
    Время последней команды журнала16:41:56 2011-10-17
    Количество командных строк в журнале100
    Процент команд с ненулевым кодом завершения, %12.00
    Процент синтаксически неверно набранных команд, % 4.00
    Суммарное время работы с терминалом *, час 2.36
    Количество командных строк в единицу времени, команда/мин 0.71
    Частота использования команд
    dpkg-query9|=======| 7.83%
    route8|======| 6.96%
    vi8|======| 6.96%
    cat6|=====| 5.22%
    less6|=====| 5.22%
    ifconfig5|====| 4.35%
    asterisk5|====| 4.35%
    ls5|====| 4.35%
    /etc/init.d/networking5|====| 4.35%
    ping5|====| 4.35%
    cd4|===| 3.48%
    apt-get4|===| 3.48%
    grep4|===| 3.48%
    ssh4|===| 3.48%
    '3|==| 2.61%
    cp3|==| 2.61%
    sed3|==| 2.61%
    su3|==| 2.61%
    /etc/init.d/network2|=| 1.74%
    expand2|=| 1.74%
    /etc/init.d/asterisk2|=| 1.74%
    ps2|=| 1.74%
    /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server2|=| 1.74%
    apt-cache2|=| 1.74%
    netstat1|| 0.87%
    ~1|| 0.87%
    grwp1|| 0.87%
    tcpdump1|| 0.87%
    ifup1|| 0.87%
    gewp1|| 0.87%
    tail1|| 0.87%
    ifdown1|| 0.87%
    gre1|| 0.87%
    ./1|| 0.87%
    if1|| 0.87%
    ast1|| 0.87%
    mc1|| 0.87%
    *) Интервалы неактивности длительностью 30 минут и более не учитываются


    Для того чтобы использовать LiLaLo, не нужно знать ничего особенного: всё происходит само собой. Однако, чтобы ведение и последующее использование журналов было как можно более эффективным, желательно иметь в виду следующее:
    1. В журнал автоматически попадают все команды, данные в любом терминале системы.

    2. Для того чтобы убедиться, что журнал на текущем терминале ведётся, и команды записываются, дайте команду w. В поле WHAT, соответствующем текущему терминалу, должна быть указана программа script.

    3. Команды, при наборе которых были допущены синтаксические ошибки, выводятся перечёркнутым текстом:
      $ l s-l
      bash: l: command not found

    4. Если код завершения команды равен нулю, команда была выполнена без ошибок. Команды, код завершения которых отличен от нуля, выделяются цветом.
      $ test 5 -lt 4
      Обратите внимание на то, что код завершения команды может быть отличен от нуля не только в тех случаях, когда команда была выполнена с ошибкой. Многие команды используют код завершения, например, для того чтобы показать результаты проверки

    5. Команды, ход выполнения которых был прерван пользователем, выделяются цветом.
      $ find / -name abc
      find: /home/devi-orig/.gnome2: Keine Berechtigung
      find: /home/devi-orig/.gnome2_private: Keine Berechtigung
      find: /home/devi-orig/.nautilus/metafiles: Keine Berechtigung
      find: /home/devi-orig/.metacity: Keine Berechtigung
      find: /home/devi-orig/.inkscape: Keine Berechtigung

    6. Команды, выполненные с привилегиями суперпользователя, выделяются слева красной чертой.
      # id
      uid=0(root) gid=0(root) Gruppen=0(root)

    7. Изменения, внесённые в текстовый файл с помощью редактора, запоминаются и показываются в журнале в формате ed. Строки, начинающиеся символом "<", удалены, а строки, начинающиеся символом ">" -- добавлены.
      $ vi ~/.bashrc
      >    if [ -f /usr/local/etc/bash_completion ]; then
      >         . /usr/local/etc/bash_completion
      >        fi

    8. Для того чтобы изменить файл в соответствии с показанными в диффшоте изменениями, можно воспользоваться командой patch. Нужно скопировать изменения, запустить программу patch, указав в качестве её аргумента файл, к которому применяются изменения, и всавить скопированный текст:
      $ patch ~/.bashrc
      В данном случае изменения применяются к файлу ~/.bashrc

    9. Для того чтобы получить краткую справочную информацию о команде, нужно подвести к ней мышь. Во всплывающей подсказке появится краткое описание команды.

      Если справочная информация о команде есть, команда выделяется голубым фоном, например: vi. Если справочная информация отсутствует, команда выделяется розовым фоном, например: notepad.exe. Справочная информация может отсутствовать в том случае, если (1) команда введена неверно; (2) если распознавание команды LiLaLo выполнено неверно; (3) если информация о команде неизвестна LiLaLo. Последнее возможно для редких команд.

    10. Большие, в особенности многострочные, всплывающие подсказки лучше всего показываются браузерами KDE Konqueror, Apple Safari и Microsoft Internet Explorer. В браузерах Mozilla и Firefox они отображаются не полностью, а вместо перевода строки выводится специальный символ.

    11. Время ввода команды, показанное в журнале, соответствует времени начала ввода командной строки, которое равно тому моменту, когда на терминале появилось приглашение интерпретатора

    12. Имя терминала, на котором была введена команда, показано в специальном блоке. Этот блок показывается только в том случае, если терминал текущей команды отличается от терминала предыдущей.

    13. Вывод не интересующих вас в настоящий момент элементов журнала, таких как время, имя терминала и других, можно отключить. Для этого нужно воспользоваться формой управления журналом вверху страницы.

    14. Небольшие комментарии к командам можно вставлять прямо из командной строки. Комментарий вводится прямо в командную строку, после символов #^ или #v. Символы ^ и v показывают направление выбора команды, к которой относится комментарий: ^ - к предыдущей, v - к следующей. Например, если в командной строке было введено:

      $ whoami
      $ #^ Интересно, кто я?
      в журнале это будет выглядеть так:
      $ whoami
      Интересно, кто я?

    15. Если комментарий содержит несколько строк, его можно вставить в журнал следующим образом:

      $ whoami
      $ cat > /dev/null #^ Интересно, кто я?
      Программа whoami выводит имя пользователя, под которым 
      мы зарегистрировались в системе.
      Она не может ответить на вопрос о нашем назначении 
      в этом мире.
      В журнале это будет выглядеть так:
      $ whoami
      Интересно, кто я?
      Программа whoami выводит имя пользователя, под которым
      мы зарегистрировались в системе.

      Она не может ответить на вопрос о нашем назначении
      в этом мире.
      Для разделения нескольких абзацев между собой используйте символ "-", один в строке.

    16. Комментарии, не относящиеся непосредственно ни к какой из команд, добавляются точно таким же способом, только вместо симолов #^ или #v нужно использовать символы #=

    17. Содержимое файла может быть показано в журнале. Для этого его нужно вывести с помощью программы cat. Если вывод команды отметить симоволами #!, содержимое файла будет показано в журнале в специально отведённой для этого секции.
    18. Для того чтобы вставить скриншот интересующего вас окна в журнал, нужно воспользоваться командой l3shot. После того как команда вызвана, нужно с помощью мыши выбрать окно, которое должно быть в журнале.
    19. Команды в журнале расположены в хронологическом порядке. Если две команды давались одна за другой, но на разных терминалах, в журнале они будут рядом, даже если они не имеют друг к другу никакого отношения.
      Группы команд, выполненных на разных терминалах, разделяются специальной линией. Под этой линией в правом углу показано имя терминала, на котором выполнялись команды. Для того чтобы посмотреть команды только одного сенса, нужно щёкнуть по этому названию.

    О программе

    LiLaLo (L3) расшифровывается как Live Lab Log.
    Программа разработана для повышения эффективности обучения Unix/Linux-системам.
    (c) Игорь Чубин, 2004-2008
